
The Long-term Stability of Ecosystems

adjacent[ ə'dʒeɪsnt ]

adj. 毗连的,邻近的

close to ; lying near

【近】 adjoining , near , neighboring

assemble[ ə'sembl ]

v. 集合,聚集

to bring or call together into a group or whole

climax[ 'klaɪmæks ]

n. 顶极群落

a stage in ecological development in which a community of organisms

complicated[ 'kɑ:mplɪkeɪtɪd ]

adj. 复杂的

containing intricately combined or involved parts

【近】 intricate

contradict[ ˌkɒntrə'dɪkt ]

v. 违背,与……矛盾

to be contrary to ; be inconsistent with

【近】 clash , conflict , disa ccord , discord


cumulative[ 'kju:mjəleɪtɪv ]

adj. 累积的

increasing in effect by successive doses

【近】 accumulative , additive

destruction[ dɪ'strʌkʃn ]

n. 破坏,毁灭

the act of destroying

disturbance[ dɪ'stɜ:rbəns ]

n. 扰乱

the condition of being disturbed

ecosystem[ 'i:koʊsɪstəm ]

n. 生态系统

an ecological community together with its environment, functioning as a unit

flexibly[ 'fleksəblɪ ]

adv. 灵活地

characterized by a ready capability to adapt to new, different , or changing requirements

intact[ ɪn'tækt ]

adj. 尚未被人碰过的,完整的

untouched especially by anything that harms or diminishes; entire; uninjured

invasion[ ɪn'veɪʒn ]

n. 侵入

the act of invading

【近】 foray , incur sion , inroad , raid

likewise[ 'laɪkwaɪz ]

adv. 同样地,也

in like manner, similarly

niche[ ni:ʃ ]

n. 生物居所

the particular area within a habitat occupied by an organism

organism[ 'ɔ:rgənɪzəm ]

n. 生物

an individual form of life , such as a plant, an animal, a bacterium, a protist, or a fungus

pale[ peɪl ]

v. 重要性相对降低

to lose significance ; to decrease in relative importance

particular[ pər'tɪkjələr ]

adj. 特别的

of, belonging to, or associated with a specific person, group, thing, or category; not general or universal

【近】 special , specific

patchiness[ 'pætʃɪnəs ]

n. 不规则

irregular in appearance , makeup, or quality

patchy[ 'pætʃɪ ]

adj. 不调和的,凑合的

made up of or marked by patches

pioneer[ ˌpaɪə'nɪr ]

n. 先驱生物

an animal or plant species that establishes itself in a previously barren environment

property[ 'prɑ:pərtɪ ]

n. 性质

a characteristic attribute possessed by all members of a class

【近】 characteristic , feature , peculi arity , quality , trait

proportional[ prə'pɔ:rʃənl ]

adj. 成比例的

forming a relationship with other parts or quantities; being in proportion

【近】 commensurable , commen surate , proportionate

redwood[ 'redwʊd ]

n. 红杉,红树

a very tall, evergreen, coniferous tree

resilience[ rɪ'zɪlɪəns ]

n. 恢复力,弹性

an ability to recover from or adjust easily to misfortune or change

【近】 bounce , buoyancy , elasticity , resiliency

resilient[ rɪ'zɪlɪənt ]

adj. 迅速恢复精力的,有弹力的

marked by the ability to recover readily , as from misfortune

resistant[ rɪ'zɪstənt ]

adj. 抵抗的,抗……的

making or having powers of resistance

【近】 renitent , resisting , resistive

succession[ sək'seʃn ]

n. 自然演替

the gradual and orderly process of ecosystem development brought about by changes in community composition

temperate[ 'tempərət ]

adj. 温带的

characterized by moderate temperatures , weather, or climate; neither hot nor cold

tolerate[ 'tɑ:ləreɪt ]

v. 忍受,容许

to have tolerance for

【近】 bear , endure , sustain , withstand

tricycle[ 'traɪsɪkl ]

n. 三轮车

a vehicle , used especially by small children , that has three wheels

uniform[ 'ju:nɪfɔ:rm ]

adj. 统一的,始终如一的

always the same , as in character or degree; unvarying

vacate[ veɪ'keɪt ]

v. 腾出,空出

to cease to occupy or hold; give up 6KDWH86SzT8D0WSSGvaHbvnYPe9vFdD1U30AOFVZEpVRooBchOlvvWw0ho8xFSsN
