

aboveground[ ə'bʌvˌgraʊnd ]

adj. 在地上的

situated or taking place on or above the surface of the ground

adobe[ ə'doʊbɪ ]

n. 土砖建筑物

a structure built with this type of brick

arch[ ɑ:rtʃ ]

n. 拱结构形

a structure , supporting the weight above it, as in a bridge or doorway

arduous[ 'ɑ:rdʒʊəs ]

adj. 艰巨的,费力的

demanding great effort or labor; difficult

【近】 demanding , formidable , hard , hea vy , laborious , onerous

aspiration[ ˌæspə'reɪʃn ]

n. 渴望

an object of such desire; an ambition

【近】 dream , ideal

available[ ə'veɪləbl ]

adj. 有用的

present and ready for use; at hand; accessible

【近】 acquirable , attainable , o btainable , procurable

beam[ bi:m ]


a squared-off log or a large, oblong piece of timber, metal, or stone

brick[ brɪk ]


a molded rectangular block of clay baked by the sun or in a kiln until hard

communicate[ kə'mju:nɪkeɪt ]

v. 传递,传达

to convey knowledge of or information about; to make known

comparable[ 'kɑ:mpərəbl ]

adj. 可比较的,相当的

similar or equivalent

【近】 alike , analogous , corre sponding , equivalent

complement[ 'kɑ:mplɪment ]

v. 补助,补足

to supply what is lacking

【近】 complete , supplement

compression[ kəm'preʃn ]

n. 压缩

the act or process of compressing

【近】 constriction , squeeze

construction[ kən'strʌkʃn ]

n. 建筑

the art, trade, or work of building

contemporary[ kən'tempərerɪ ]

adj. 当前的,现代的

current; modern

【近】 current , existent , exis ting , now , presen t- day

curved[ kɜ:rvd ]

adj. 弯曲的,曲线形的

deviating from a straight line

devise[ dɪ'vaɪz ]

v. 设计

to form, plan, or arrange in the mind; to design or contrive; create

【近】 contrive , fabricate , formulate , inv ent

doorway[ 'dɔ:rweɪ ]

n. 门口

the entranceway to a room, building, or passage

drain[ dreɪn ]

n. 排水

the act or process of draining

employ[ ɪm'plɔɪ ]

v. 使用

to make use of

【近】 apply , utilize , use

enclose[ ɪn'kloʊz ]

v. 围住

to surround on all sides; close in

feasible[ 'fi:zəbl ]

adj. 适宜的,可行的

capable of being accomplished or brought about; possible; achievable

【近】 possible , practicable , viab le , workable

frame[ freɪm ]

n. 体格,结构

the physical makeup of an animal and esp. a human body

gravity[ 'grævətɪ ]

n. 地心引力,重力

the natural force of attraction exerted by a celestial body

harmony[ 'hɑ:rmənɪ ]

n. 协调

a pleasing combination of elements in a whole

【近】 balance , proportion , symmetry

horizontal[ ˌhɔ:rə'zɑ:ntl ]

adj. 水平的

parallel to or in the plane of the horizon

igloo[ 'ɪglu: ]

n. 圆顶建筑

an Eskimo dwelling , especially a dome-shaped winter dwelling built of blocks of packed snow

illustration[ ˌɪlə'streɪʃn ]

n. 例证

material used to clarify or explain

【近】 case , example , instance , representative , samp le , specimen

inflate[ ɪn'fleɪt ]

v. 使充气,使膨胀

to swell or distend with air or gas

innovation[ ˌɪnə'veɪʃn ]

n. 革新,创新

the act of introducing something new

instinctive[ ɪn'stɪŋktɪv ]

adj. 本能的

of, relating to, or prompted by instinct

【近】 instinctual , intuitive , visceral

integral[ 'ɪntɪgrəl ]

adj. 整体的

possessing everything essential ; entire

【近】 basic , essential , fundamen tal , vital

interior[ ɪn'tɪrɪər ]

adj. 内的,内部的

located inside or farther in

【近】 inlying , inner , inside , internal

mediocre[ ˌmi:dɪ'oʊkər ]

adj. 平凡的,中等的

moderate to inferior in quality; ordinary

【近】 common , inferior , low -g rade , lo w-q uality

mediterranean[ ˌmedɪtə'reɪnɪən ]

n. 地中海

the region surrounding the Mediterranean

permanence[ 'pɜ:rmənəns ]

n. 永久,持久

the quality or condition of being permanent ; permanency

pile[ paɪl ]

v. 堆积

to place or lay in or as if in a pile or heap

plumbing[ 'plʌmɪŋ ]

n. 管道工程,卫生设备

the pipes , fixtures, and other apparatus of a water, gas, or sewage system in a building

resemble[ rɪ'zembl ]

v. 相似,像

to be like or similar to

segment[ 'segmənt ]

n. 部分,断片

one of the parts into which something is divided

semicircular[ ˌsemɪ'sɜ:kjələ(r) ]

adj. 半圆的

a half of a circle as divided by a diameter

shelter[ 'ʃeltər ]

v. 保护,庇护

to provide cover or protection for

【近】 harbor , haven , house

site[ saɪt ]

n. 位置,地点

the place where a structure or group of structures was, is, or is to be located

skeleton[ 'skelɪtn ]

n. 骨骼

a usu. rigid supportive or protective structure or framework of an organism

structural[ 'strʌktʃərəl ]

adj. 结构的,建筑的

of, relating to, having, or characterized by structure

symbolic[ sɪm'bɒlɪk ]

adj. 象征的,象征性的

serving as a symbol

tension[ 'tenʃn ]

n. 张力

a force tending to stretch or elongate something

【近】 pressure , strain , stress

texture[ 'tekstʃər ]

n. 质地,纹理

the basic structure or composition , especially of something complex or fine

three-dimensional[ θri:dɪ'menʃənəl ]

adj. 三维的

of, relating to, having, or existing in three dimensions

throughout[ θru:'aʊt ]

prep. 自始至终

in, to, through, or during every part of; all through

【近】 around , over , round , through

typify[ 'tɪpɪfaɪ ]

v. 代表,象征

to serve as an example , image, or symbol of

【近】 epitomize , exemplif y , represent , stan d fo r , symbolize

unify[ 'ju:nɪfaɪ ]

v. 统一,使成一体

to make into or become a unit; consolidate

utilize[ 'ju:təlaɪz ]

v. 利用

to put to use , especially to find a profitable or practical use for

【近】 apply , employ , use

vertical[ 'vɜ:rtɪkl ]

adj. 垂直的,直立的

being or situated at right angles to the horizon ; upright

【近】 perpendicular , plumb , upright

wiring[ 'waɪərɪŋ ]

n. 线路,架线

a system of electric wires

withstand[ wɪð'stænd ]

v. 抵抗,经得起

to be successful in resisting

【近】 bear , endure , suffer , susta in , tolerate VTFJAEmPvd9EtGELuwYB5bBnqp0ApuXGyz2B7lR2ZLgtG1V9qlC+w05nAKhtn8Cv
