adj. 在地上的
situated or taking place on or above the surface of the ground
n. 土砖建筑物
a structure built with this type of brick
n. 拱结构形
a structure , supporting the weight above it, as in a bridge or doorway
adj. 艰巨的,费力的
demanding great effort or labor; difficult
【近】 demanding , formidable , hard , hea vy , laborious , onerous
n. 渴望
an object of such desire; an ambition
【近】 dream , ideal
adj. 有用的
present and ready for use; at hand; accessible
【近】 acquirable , attainable , o btainable , procurable
n. 梁
a squared-off log or a large, oblong piece of timber, metal, or stone
n. 砖
a molded rectangular block of clay baked by the sun or in a kiln until hard
v. 传递,传达
to convey knowledge of or information about; to make known
adj. 可比较的,相当的
similar or equivalent
【近】 alike , analogous , corre sponding , equivalent
v. 补助,补足
to supply what is lacking
【近】 complete , supplement
n. 压缩
the act or process of compressing
【近】 constriction , squeeze
n. 建筑
the art, trade, or work of building
adj. 当前的,现代的
current; modern
【近】 current , existent , exis ting , now , presen t- day
adj. 弯曲的,曲线形的
deviating from a straight line
v. 设计
to form, plan, or arrange in the mind; to design or contrive; create
【近】 contrive , fabricate , formulate , inv ent
n. 门口
the entranceway to a room, building, or passage
n. 排水
the act or process of draining
v. 使用
to make use of
【近】 apply , utilize , use
v. 围住
to surround on all sides; close in
adj. 适宜的,可行的
capable of being accomplished or brought about; possible; achievable
【近】 possible , practicable , viab le , workable
n. 体格,结构
the physical makeup of an animal and esp. a human body
n. 地心引力,重力
the natural force of attraction exerted by a celestial body
n. 协调
a pleasing combination of elements in a whole
【近】 balance , proportion , symmetry
adj. 水平的
parallel to or in the plane of the horizon
n. 圆顶建筑
an Eskimo dwelling , especially a dome-shaped winter dwelling built of blocks of packed snow
n. 例证
material used to clarify or explain
【近】 case , example , instance , representative , samp le , specimen
v. 使充气,使膨胀
to swell or distend with air or gas
n. 革新,创新
the act of introducing something new
adj. 本能的
of, relating to, or prompted by instinct
【近】 instinctual , intuitive , visceral
adj. 整体的
possessing everything essential ; entire
【近】 basic , essential , fundamen tal , vital
adj. 内的,内部的
located inside or farther in
【近】 inlying , inner , inside , internal
adj. 平凡的,中等的
moderate to inferior in quality; ordinary
【近】 common , inferior , low -g rade , lo w-q uality
n. 地中海
the region surrounding the Mediterranean
n. 永久,持久
the quality or condition of being permanent ; permanency
v. 堆积
to place or lay in or as if in a pile or heap
n. 管道工程,卫生设备
the pipes , fixtures, and other apparatus of a water, gas, or sewage system in a building
v. 相似,像
to be like or similar to
n. 部分,断片
one of the parts into which something is divided
adj. 半圆的
a half of a circle as divided by a diameter
v. 保护,庇护
to provide cover or protection for
【近】 harbor , haven , house
n. 位置,地点
the place where a structure or group of structures was, is, or is to be located
n. 骨骼
a usu. rigid supportive or protective structure or framework of an organism
adj. 结构的,建筑的
of, relating to, having, or characterized by structure
adj. 象征的,象征性的
serving as a symbol
n. 张力
a force tending to stretch or elongate something
【近】 pressure , strain , stress
n. 质地,纹理
the basic structure or composition , especially of something complex or fine
adj. 三维的
of, relating to, having, or existing in three dimensions
prep. 自始至终
in, to, through, or during every part of; all through
【近】 around , over , round , through
v. 代表,象征
to serve as an example , image, or symbol of
【近】 epitomize , exemplif y , represent , stan d fo r , symbolize
v. 统一,使成一体
to make into or become a unit; consolidate
v. 利用
to put to use , especially to find a profitable or practical use for
【近】 apply , employ , use
adj. 垂直的,直立的
being or situated at right angles to the horizon ; upright
【近】 perpendicular , plumb , upright
n. 线路,架线
a system of electric wires
v. 抵抗,经得起
to be successful in resisting
【近】 bear , endure , suffer , susta in , tolerate
v. 积聚,累积
to gather or pile up
n. 英亩数
area of land measured in acres
n. 含水土层,地下蓄水层
an underground bed or layer of earth, gravel, or porous stone that yields water
n. 繁荣
a time of economic prosperity
n. 运河,河渠,水道
an artificial waterway or artificially-improved river used for travel, shipping, or irrigation
adj. 毛细管的
relating to or resembling a hair; fine and slender
v. 保存
to maintain (a quantity) constant during a process of chemical, physical, or evolutionary change
【近】 preserve , save
n. 耕作
the act of cultivating
n. 消耗,用尽
the state of being depleted; exhaustion
adv. 大大地,彻底地
acting rapidly or violently
v. 跟着发生
to take place subsequently
v. 养肥
to make plump or fat
adj. 有限的
having bounds; limited
adj. 几何学的
of or relating to geometry and its methods and principles
adj. 宏伟的,宏大的
characterized by greatness of scope or intent; grand
n. 动机
something that induces action or motivates effort
【近】 impetus , impulse , motivat ion , prod , push , spur
adj. 不可避免的,必然的
impossible to avoid or prevent
【近】 inescapable , unavoidable
v. 居住于
to live or reside in
【近】 occupy , populate
n. 强度
the magnitude of a quantity (as force or energy) per unit
v. 灌溉
to supply (dry land) with water by means of ditches, pipes, or streams; water artificially
v. 使成为必需,迫使
to make necessary or unavoidable
【近】 cal l f or , d emand , entail , involve , require
【记】源于:necessary( n. 必需品; adj. 必要的)
adj. 可以忽略的
not significant or important enough to be worth considering; trifling
adv. 向前
in a direction or toward a position that is ahead in space or time; forward
adj. 周期的,定期的
occurring or recurring at regular intervals
【近】 cyclic , cyclical , periodical
n. 原理
a basic theory ; a viewpoint
n. 管道
a conduit of pipe , especially one used for the conveyance of water, gas, or petroleum products
adj. 许多的,丰富的
existing in great quantity or ample supply
【近】 abundant , ample , copious , substantial , v oluminous
adj. 有利润的,有利可图的
yielding profit ; advantageous or lucrative
【近】 advantage ous , beneficent , benef icial , helpful , useful
adj. 有希望的
likely to develop in a desirable manner
【近】 cheering , encouraging , hop eful , likely
n. 抽水机,泵
a machine or device for raising , compressing, or transferring fluids
v. 用泵抽
to raise or move a fluid with a pump
v. 经营牧场,在牧场工作
to manage or work on a ranch , a large farm for raising horses, beef cattle, or sheep
n. 大农场经营者
one that owns or manages a ranch
v. 再装载
to charge again , especially to reenergize a storage battery
v. 把……装满,补充
to fill or make complete again ; to add a new stock or supply to
n. 方案,计划
a systematic plan of action
n. 高粱
an old world grass , several varieties of which are widely cultivated as grain and forage or as a source of syrup
v. 喷洒
to hurl or scatter liquid upon
n. 品种
a group of common ancestry with clear-cut physiology
adj. 后来的
following in time or order ; succeeding
【近】 coming , future , later
v. 转换
to shift , transfer, or divert
【近】 change , commute , exchange
adv. 10倍地
being 10 times as great or as many
v. 增至3倍
to make three times as great in number or amount
adj. 无竞争力的
not competitive ; not liking or inclined to compete
v. 位于……之下
to be located under or below
adv. 在下面
in or to a place beneath; below
【近】 bottom , underside , undersurface
adj. 空前的
never having happened or existed in the past
adj. 即将来临的
occurring soon ; forthcoming
【近】 approaching , coming , forthcoming
adv. 事实上
almost entirely; nearly