
Early Cinema

admission[ əd'mɪʃn ]

n. 入场券

the price required or paid for entering; an entrance fee

advent[ 'ædvent ]

n. 出现,到来

the coming or arrival , especially of something extremely important

【近】 appearance , arrival , coming

arcade[ ɑ:r'keɪd ]

n. 长廊商场

a roofed passageway or lane, especially one with shops on either side

assemble[ ə'sembl ]

v. 集合,聚集

to bring together

assistance[ ə'sɪstəns ]

n. 协助

the act or an instance of helping

【近】 aid , assi st , help , succor , suppo rt

assistant[ ə'sɪstənt ]

n. 助手,助理

one that assists; a helper

celluloid[ 'seljʊlɔɪd ]

n. 电影影片

motion-picture film

commonplace[ 'kɑ:mənpleɪs ]

adj. 平凡的

having no remarkable features, characteristics, or traits; ordinary

【近】 common , general , ordinary , typ ical , usual

component[ kəm'poʊnənt ]

n. 构成要素,成分

a constituent part

【近】 element , factor , ingredient , integrant

dimension[ ˌdɪ'menʃən ]

n. 尺寸

a measure of spatial extent , especially width, height, or length

【近】 extent , magnitude , measure , pr oportion

【记】measure( n. 尺寸,测量; vt. 测量)

dozen[ 'dʌzn ]

n. 打,12个

a set of 12

entertainer[ ˌentər'teɪnər ]

n. 表演者

someone whose job is to tell jokes, sing etc . in order to entertain people

exhibitor[ ɪg'zɪbɪtər ]

n. 展示者,参展者

a person or company who is showing their work or products to the public

fairground[ 'fergraʊnd ]

n. 集市场所

open land where fairs or exhibitions are held

format[ 'fɔ:rmæt ]

n. 格式,结构

the shape, size , and general makeup (as of something printed)

frequently[ 'fri:kwəntlɪ ]

adv. 频繁地,屡次地

at frequent intervals; often

inspire[ ɪn'spaɪər ]

v. 激发

to be the cause or source of; bring about

【近】 encourage , inspirit , motivate

kinetoscope[ kɪ'ni:təˌskoʊp ]

n. 活动电影放映机

a device for viewing through a magnifying lens a sequence of pictures

leadership[ 'li:dərʃɪp ]

n. 领导能力

the capacity to lead others

【近】 command , lead

lifelike[ 'laɪflaɪk ]

adj. 栩栩如生的,逼真的

accurately representing real life

makeshift[ 'meɪkʃɪft ]

adj. 临时代用的

suitable as a temporary or expedient substitute

【近】 expediency , expedient , shi ft

manipulation[ məˌnɪpjʊ'leɪʃn ]

n. 处理,操作

the act, process, or an instance of manipulating

marvel[ 'mɑ:rvl ]

n. 奇异的例子,奇迹

one that evokes surprise , admiration, or wonder

mass[ mæs ]

n. 大众

the body of common people or people of low socioeconomic status

minstrel[ 'mɪnstrəl ]

n. 滑稽说唱表演

a performance of such a show

minuscule[ 'mɪnəskju:l ]

adj. 非常小的

extremely small

【近】 tiny

motion[ 'moʊʃn ]

n. 动作

the act or process of changing position or place

【近】 move , movement

parlor[ 'pɑ:lə ]

n. 小店

a room equipped and furnished for a special function or business

participation[ pɑ:rˌtɪsɪ'peɪʃn ]

n. 参与

the act of taking part or sharing in something

【近】 involvement , sharing

peepshow[ 'pi:pʃəʊ ]

n. 透过小洞观看的小图片或展览

an exhibition of pictures or objects viewed through a small hole or magnifying glass

phonograph[ 'foʊnəgræf ]

n. 留声机,电唱机

a machine that reproduces sound by means of a stylus in contact with a grooved rotating disk

prerecord[ ˌpri:rɪ'kɔ:d ]

v. 预先录制

to record (a television program, for example) at an earlier time for later presentation or use

prizefight[ 'praɪzfaɪt ]

n. 职业性拳击赛

a match fought between professional boxers for money

projector[ prə'dʒektər ]

n. 放映机

a machine for projecting an image onto a screen

prototype[ 'proʊtətaɪp ]

n. 原型

an original type , form, or instance that serves as a model on which later stages are based or judged

【近】 archetype , father , master , original

readily[ 'redɪlɪ ]

adv. 容易地

in a manner indicating or connoting ease; easily

score[ skɔ: ]

n. 20个

a group of 20 items

showman[ 'ʃoʊmən ]

n. 戏剧制作人

a theatrical producer

simultaneously[ ˌsaɪməl'teɪnjəslɪ ]

adv. 同时地

existing or occurring at the same time ; exactly coincident

【近】 concurrently , synchronous ly , together

sophisticated[ sə'fɪstɪkeɪtɪd ]

adj. 精细的

very complex or complicated

spectacle[ 'spektəkl ]

n. 场面,公开展示

a public performance or display, especially one on a large or lavish scale

【近】 array , display , sho w

spectator[ 'spekteɪtər ]

n. 观众

one who looks on or watches

【近】 beholder , bystander , obser ver , onlooker

storefront[ 'stɔ:rfrʌnt ]

adj. 临街的

of, relating to, or being that side of a store facing a street

strip[ strɪp ]


a long narrow piece , usually of uniform width

ultimate[ 'ʌltɪmət ]

adj. 最终的

being last in a series, process, or progression

【近】 final , latter , terminal

unfocused[ ʌn'foʊkəst ]

adj. 未聚焦的

not brought into focus

vaudeville[ 'vɔ:dəvɪl ]

n. 杂耍

stage entertainment offering a variety of short acts such as song-and-dance routines, and juggling performances HzGsco60fWGhvgTErtF+UIG5XoTwFAeeKTDVb5RIprdBtDLdv4V92tL0auEZwwmN
