
The Origins of Cetaceans

adaptation[ ˌædæp'teɪʃn ]

n. 适应

adjustment to environmental conditions

【近】 acclimation , acclimatization

affinity[ ə'fɪnətɪ ]

n. 类同(同一个祖先的关系)

a relationship or resemblance in structure between species that suggests a common origin

afloat[ ə'floʊt ]

adj. 飘浮着的

in a floating position or condition

backbone[ 'bækboʊn ]

n. 脊椎

the vertebrate spine or spinal column

blowhole[ 'bloʊhoʊl ]

n. 呼吸孔

an opening or one of a pair of openings for breathing

breed[ bri:d ]

v. 产,孵,使繁殖

to produce (offspring); give birth to or hatch

【近】 procreate , proliferate , propagate , reproduce

bridge[ brɪdʒ ]

v. 把……联结起来

to cross by or as if by a bridge

cetacean[ sɪ'teɪʃn ]

n. 鲸类动物,鲸

any of various aquatic, chiefly marine mammals of the order Cetacea, including the whales, dolphins, and porpoises

conceal[ kən'si:l ]

v. 隐蔽,隐藏,隐瞒

to keep from being seen, found, observed, or discovered; hide

constitute[ 'kɑ:nstətu:t ]

v. 组成

to be the elements or parts of; compose

【近】 compose , form


disguise[ dɪs'gaɪz ]

v. 假装,隐瞒

to obscure the existence or true state or character of; conceal

【近】 camouflage , dissemble , mask , ma squerade

【记】guise( n. 外观;姿态;装束;伪装 v. 伪装)

dolphin[ 'dɑ:lfɪn ]

n. 海豚

any of various marine cetacean mammals

dwell[ dwel ]

v. 居住

to live as a resident; reside

【近】 abide , domicile , house , reside

embed[ ɪm'bed ]

v. 使插入,使嵌入

to fix firmly in a surrounding mass

evolution[ ˌevə'lu:ʃn ]

n. 进化

the historical development of a biological group

fluke[ flu:k ]

n. 倒钩

a barb or barbed head, as on an arrow or a harpoon

gill[ gɪl ]


an organ (as of a fish) for obtaining oxygen from water

hind[ haɪnd ]

adj. 后面的,后部的

located at or forming the back or rear; posterior

【近】 back , hindmost , posterior , pos tern , rear

identify[ aɪ'dentɪfaɪ ]

v. 识别,鉴定

to ascertain the origin, nature, or definitive characteristics of

【近】 pinpoint , place , recognize

initial[ ɪ'nɪʃl ]

adj. 开始的,最初的

of, relating to, or occurring at the beginning; first

【近】 earlies t , first , original , pio neer , primary , prime

intermediate[ ˌɪntər'mi:dɪət ]

adj. 中间的

being or occurring at the middle place, stage, or degree or between extremes

【近】 i n b etween , middle

jawbone[ 'dʒɔ:boʊn ]

n. 颚骨,下颚骨

a bone of the jaw , especially the bone of the lower jaw

limb[ lɪm ]

n. 肢,脚,翼

one of the jointed appendages of an animal

locomotion[ ˌloʊkə'moʊʃn ]

n. 运动,移动

an act or the power of moving from place to place

mammal[ 'mæml ]

n. 哺乳动物

any of the higher vertebrate animals comprising the class mammalia

marine[ mə'ri:n ]

adj. 海的,海产的

native to, inhabiting, or formed by the sea

【近】 maritime , ocean ic , pelagic , thalassic

official[ ə'fɪʃl ]

adj. 正式的,官方的

prescribed or recognized as authorized

【近】 authoritative , sanction ed , standard

otter[ 'ɑ:tər ]

n. 水獭

any of various aquatic, carnivorous mammals of the genus lutra

Pakistan[ ˌpɑ:kɪs'tɑ:n ]

n. 巴基斯坦

a country of Southern Asia

pinniped[ 'pɪnəped ]

n. 鳍脚亚目哺乳动物

a mammal of the suborder pinnipedia

porpoise[ 'pɔ:rpəs ]

n. 海豚,小鲸

any of a family of small gregarious toothed whales

precious[ 'preʃəs ]

adj. 宝贵的

of great value; valuable

【近】 costly , inv aluable , valuable , wor thy

propulsion[ prə'pʌlʃn ]

n. 推进

the process of driving or propelling


rear[ rɪr ]

adj. 背后的,后部的

located in the rear, the back

【近】 back , hind , hindm ost , posterior , poster n

reconstruct[ ˌri:kən'strʌkt ]

v. 重现,重建

to bring back to a previous normal condition

scarce[ skers ]

adj. 稀有的,缺乏的

hard to find; absent or rare

【近】 infrequent , rare , spora dic , uncommon , unusual

skeleton[ 'skelɪtn ]

n. 骨骼

the internal structure composed of bone and cartilage

skull[ skʌl ]

n. 头盖骨,脑壳

the skeleton of the head forming a bony case

streamline[ 'stri:mlaɪn ]

v. 使成流线型

to construct or design in a form that offers the least resistance to fluid flow

Tethys Sea


hypothetical sea

transitional[ træn'sɪʃənl ]

adj. 变迁的,过渡期的

of, relating to, or characterized by transition

vestigial[ ve'stɪdʒɪəl ]

adj. 退化的

of, relating to, or being a vestige

walrus[ 'wɔ:lrəs ]

n. 海象

a large marine mammal of arctic regions, also called sea horse

yield[ ji:ld ]

v. 生产

to bring forth (a product)

【近】 bear , give , produce ICAqBbjwei9WE0WJYwgfsSzVFJmH0CvWdqNp6fqbjkN1COz+bksbOmo62SGtlfAK
