
◆Unit 5

accommodate [ ə'kɒmədeɪt ]

常考1 v. 提供;供应 :to provide for; supply with

近义 berth, bestow

举例 The bank will accommodate you with a loan.


常考2 v. 容纳,提供空间 :to hold comfortably without crowding

近义 contain, hold

举例 Students are accommodated in homes nearby.


acquiesce [ ˌækwɪ'es ]

常考 v. 默许,默认 :to consent or comply passively or without protest

近义 accede, accept, agree, assent, consent, nod, subscribe

举例 Steve seemed to acquiesce in the decision.


派生 acquiescent[ ˌækwɪ'esnt ] adj. 默认的,默许的

acquiescence [ ˌækwɪ'esns ]

常考 n. 同意;默许 :passive assent or agreement without protest

近义 acceptance, agreement, assent, consent, nod

举例 Deirdre smiled her acquiescence.


注意 quiescence沉寂;静态;不活动

acquisitive [ ə'kwɪzətɪv ]

常考 adj. 贪婪的,物欲强的 strongly desirous of acquiring and possessing

近义 avaricious, avid, covetous, grasping, greedy, hungry

举例 He is acquisitive of wealth.


派生 acquisitiveness[ ə'kwɪzətɪvnəs ] n. 贪婪

acquittal [ ə'kwɪtl ]

常考 n. 宣告无罪;无罪的判决 :judgment, as by a jury or judge, that a defendant is not guilty of a crime as charged

近义 exculpation, exoneration, vindication

举例 The widespread public shock at the news of the guilty verdict was caused partly by biased news stories that had predicted acquittal.


acrid [ 'ækrɪd ]

常考1 adj. 刻薄的,讽刺的 :deeply or violently bitter , acrimonious

近义 acerbic, acid, acidic, astringent, biting, caustic, corrosive, cutting, mordacious, mordant, pungent, scathing, sharp, slashing, stinging, trenchant, truculent, vitriolic

举例 an acrid denunciation 强烈谴责

常考2 adj. 辛辣的 :sharp and harsh or unpleasantly pungent in taste or odor

近义 acerbic, bitter, harsh, sour

举例 The acrid smell carried across the table.


acrimonious [ ˌækrɪ'məʊnɪəs ]

常考 adj. 刻薄的 :caustic, biting , or rancorous especially in feeling, language, or manner

近义 bitter, embittered, hard, rancorous, resentful, virulent

举例 His tendency to utter acrimonious remarks alienated his audience.

acrimony [ 'ækrɪmənɪ ]

常考 n. 刻薄,尖刻 bitter , sharp , ill-natured animosity, especially as it is exhibited in speech or behavior

近义 bitterness, embitterment, gall, rancor, rancorousness, resentfulness, resentment, virulence

举例 It was his acrimony that had caused the debacle.

acumen [ 'ækjəmən ]

常考 n. 敏锐,精明 keenness and depth of perception , discernment, or discrimination especially in practical matters

近义 astuteness, clear-sightedness, discernment, discrimination, keenness, penetration, perceptiveness, percipience, percipiency, perspicacity, sagacity, shrewdness, wit

举例 His sharp business acumen meant he quickly rose to the top.

acute [ ə'kju:t ]

常考1 adj. 急性的(发作快且持续时间短但程度剧烈的) :having a rapid onset and following a short but severe course

举例 acute disease 急性疾病

常考2 adj. 敏锐的 :keenly perceptive or discerning; penetrating

近义 keen, penetrating, perceptive, probing, sensitive, trenchant

举例 A raw, chilling and psychologically acute novel of human passions reduced to their deadliest essence.

常考3 adj. 紧急的 :seriously demanding urgent attention

近义 climacteric, critical, crucial, desperate, dire

举例 an acute emergency 紧急状况 6A4RoV7iIzcqbahFwA9ZKxMlIxkT68pNCqAmLwcNAyvPIYqCaPqDB+/6yeiSBf34

