
◆Unit 4

accentuate [ ək'sentʃʊeɪt ]

常考 v. 强调,使更明显 :to stress or emphasize ; intensify, to make something more noticeable

近义 accent, emphasize, feature, highlight, point up, stress, underline, underscore

举例 His shaven head accentuates his large round face.


accessible [ ək'sesəbl ]

常考 adj. 易理解的;易取得的;易受影响的 :capable of being reached, influenced , understood or used

近义 convenient, handy, nearby

举例 accessible information 可获得的信息

accession [ ək'seʃ(ə)n ]

常考 n. 赞同,同意 agreement or assent

举例 your accession to their requests appear as the granting of concession

accidental [ ˌæksɪ'dentl ]

常考 adj. 意外的,偶然的 :occurring unexpectedly or by chance,arising from extrinsic causes

近义 casual, chance, contingent, fluky, fortuitous, inadvertent

举例 His hand brushed against hers; it could have been either accidental or deliberate.

acclaim [ ə'kleɪm ]

常考 v. 欢呼;称赞 :to praise enthusiastically and often publicly; applaud

近义 applaud, commend, compliment, laud, praise

举例 He was acclaimed as England’s greatest modern painter...

accolade [ 'ækəleɪd ]

常考1 v. 赞扬,赞誉 :to praise or honor

近义 commend, compliment, congratulate

举例 His works are invariably accoladed as definitive even as they sparkle and spark.


常考2 n. 赞扬;荣誉 :a mark of acknowledgment; award ; an expression of praise

近义 award, guerdon, honorarium, plum, premium, reward

举例 The Nobel prize has become the ultimate accolade in the sciences...

accord [ ə'kɔ:d ]

常考1 v. 给予;授予 :to grant or give especially as appropriate, due, or earned

近义 award, concede, give, grant, vouchsafe

举例 The leader of the Muslim clergy have been accorded power and privileges.

常考2 v. (与……)一致,符合 :to be in agreement , unity, or harmony

近义 comport with, conform, correspond, fit, match

举例 An evaluation that accords high status to her work.


accumulate [ ə'kju:mjəleɪt ]

常考 v. 积聚,累积 :to gather or pile up; amass

近义 accrue, agglomerate, aggregate, amass, collect, cumulate, garner, gather, hive, pile up, roll up

举例 accumulate enough physical power 积累足够的力量

accuse [ ə'kju:z ]

常考 v. 指责 :if you accuse someone of doing something wrong or dishonest, you say or tell them that you believe that they did it

近义 arraign, charge, denounce, incriminate, indict, tax

举例 The old man could not have been accused of stinting his affection; his conduct toward the child betrayed his adoration of her.


acerbic [ ə'sɜ:bɪk ]

常考 adj. 尖酸刻薄的 :sour or bitter , as in taste, character, or tone

近义 acid, acidic, acrid, astringent, biting, caustic, corrosive, cutting, mordacious, mordant, pungent, scathing, sharp, slashing, stinging, trenchant, truculent, vitriolic

举例 an acerbic reviewer 尖酸刻薄的评论 JFoBEW/IqjGcy54ZP3hzFtq4XhoBk9q/+XVxZsK9elZXnfU2jOF9PnCuMgzCel8Z
