
◆Unit 3

absolve [ əb'zɒlv ]

常考 v. 免除责任;赦免 :to set free from an obligation or the consequences of guilt

近义 discharge, dispense, excuse, exempt, let off, relieve, spare

举例 Though he refused any responsibility for the failure of the negotiations, Stevenson had no right to absolve himself.


注意 常用搭配: absolve someone from blame or responsibility

abstain [ əb'steɪn ]

常考 v. 自我克制,有意回避 :to refrain from something by one’s own choice

近义 forbear, hold off, keep, refrain, withhold

举例 abstain from traditional political rhetoric 避开传统的政治修辞

abstemious [ əb'sti:mɪəs ]

常考 adj. 节制的,适度饮食的 :marked by restraint especially in the consumption of food or alcohol

近义 moderate, temperate, abstinent

举例 He is abstemious in eating and drinking.


abstinence [ 'æbstɪnəns ]

常考 n. 节制,禁绝(食物或酒精): abstinence is the practice of abstaining from something such as alcoholic drink

近义 dryness, soberness, sobriety, teetotalism, temperance, moderation

举例 total abstinence from alcohol 彻底戒酒

abstruse [ əb'stru:s ]

常考 adj. 难懂的,深奥的 difficult to comprehend ; recondite

近义 deep, esoteric, profound, recondite , heavy, hermetic, occult

举例 fruitless discussions about abstruse resolutions

absurd [ əb'sɜ:d ]

常考 adj. 荒谬的,不合理的 :ridiculously incongruous or unreasonable

近义 foolish, harebrained, idiotic, imbecilic, insane, lunatic, mad, moronic, nonsensical, preposterous, silly, softheaded, tomfool

举例 Scientists who are on the cutting edge of research must often violate common sense and make seemingly absurd assumptions.

派生 absurdity[ əb'sɜ:dətɪ ] n. 荒谬

abundance [ ə'bʌndəns ]

常考 n. 大量;充足 :a great or plentiful amount

近义 mass, mountain, much, plenty, profusion, wealth, world

举例 The area has an abundance of wildlife.


派生 abundant[ ə'bʌndənt ] adj. 大量的,丰富的:plentiful

abysmal [ ə'bɪzməl ]

常考1 adj. 极坏的;糟透的 :immeasurably low or wretched; very bad

近义 wretched

举例 an abysmal performance 糟糕的演出

常考2 adj. 深重的;无边的 :very profound; limitless

近义 profound

举例 abysmal misery/abysmal ignorance 无边的苦难/极端的无知

accede [ ək'si:d ]

常考1 v. 答应,同意 :to give one’s consent , often at the insistence of another; concede

近义 accept, acquiesce, agree, assent, consent, nod, subscribe

举例 Britain would not accede to France’s request.


常考2 v. 就任;就职 :to arrive at or come into an office or dignity

举例 accede to the throne 就任国王

accelerate [ ək'seləreɪt ]

常考1 v. 增速 :to increase the speed of

近义 expedite, hasten, hurry, hustle, quicken, speed (up), step up

举例 suddenly the car accelerated 突然车加速

常考2 v. 促进;加快 :to cause to develop or progress more quickly

举例 This cool, humidified air accelerates plant growth; little water evaporates from leaves. YGIAaGQD5nxoGGGplYb3qCMCLSEHCPumzWLH3LglRve5p7ThqFWkiXe3MheJZGq8
