常考 v. 挑剔;吹毛求疵 :to find fault unnecessarily; raise trivial objections
近义 carp, niggle, nitpick, pettifog, quibble
举例 I don’t think this is the time to cavil at the wording of the report.
注意 cavil同时也可以作名词,例如:These cavils aside, most of the essays are very good indeed.这些吹毛求疵的批评暂且不论,多数论文的确是很不错的。
常考1 v. 使……停止;终止 :to put an end to; discontinue
近义 arrest, belay, check, discontinue, halt, leave off, quit, stall, stop, surcease
举例 The factory ceased production.
常考2 v. 停止做;不再…… :if you cease to do something, you stop doing it .
举例 The secrecy about the President’s condition had ceased to matter.
常考1 v. 屈服;让与 :to yield ; grant
举例 The debater refused to cede the point to her opponent.
常考2 v. 割让 :to surrender possession of, especially by treaty
近义 deed, grant, make over, sign over
举例 Only a short campaign took place in Puerto Rico, but after the war Spain ceded the island to America.
常考 adj. 著名的;受人敬仰的 : known and praised widely; noted
近义 distinguished, eminent, famed, famous, great, illustrious, notable, noted, preeminent, prestigious, prominent, redoubtable, renowned
举例 He was soon one of the most celebrated young painters in England.
常考1 n. 名人 :a famous person
近义 hero, lion, luminary, name, notable, personage, personality
举例 In 1944, at the age of 30, Hersey suddenly became a celebrity.
常考2 n. 声望;名声 :renown; fame
近义 fame, famousness, notoriety, popularity, renown, reputation, repute
举例 Joanna has finally made it to the first rank of celebrity after 25 years as an actress.
常考 v. 审查,检查 :to examine in order to suppress or delete anything considered objectionable
近义 bowdlerize, expurgate, screen
举例 ITV companies tend to censor bad language in feature films.
派生 censorship[ ] n. 审查制度
常考 adj. 吹毛求疵的;挑剔的 :tending to censure; highly critical
近义 captious, carping, critical, faultfinding, hypercritical, overcritical
举例 Despite strong principles he was never censorious.
常考1 n. 谴责,严厉批评 :an expression of strong disapproval or harsh criticism
近义 blame, condemnation, criticism, denunciation, reprehension, reprobation
举例 During the 1960’s assessments of the family shifted remarkably, from general endorsement of it as a worthwhile, stable institution to widespread censure of it as an oppressive and bankrupt one whose dissolution was both imminent and welcome.
常考2 v. 公开谴责;严厉批评 :to express official disapproval of; to criticize severely; blame
近义 condemn, denounce, deplore, reprehend, reprobate
举例 whether the Senate will censure one of its members for conflict of interest
常考 adj. 礼节性的;讲究礼仪的 :done in a formal serious way , as if you were in a ceremony
近义 ceremonial, formal, liturgical, ritual, ritualistic
举例 Putting on a hat can be a ceremonious act, an elegant gesture in the ritual of dressing.
常考 n. 确定;确信 :the state of being certain ; complete assurance; confidence
近义 assurance, assuredness, certainty, confidence, conviction, positiveness, sureness, surety
举例 We have this definite certitude that Cicippio will be freed.