
◆Unit 5

brevity [ 'brevətɪ ]

常考1 n. 简明扼要 shortness or conciseness of expression

近义 briefness, compression, conciseness, curtness, economy, incisiveness, pithiness, shortness, succinctness, terseness

举例 Brevity is an asset.


常考2 n. 短促,短暂 shortness of duration

举例 the brevity of his life 他短暂的生命

bridle [ 'braɪdl ]

常考1 n. 约束或限制 :a curb or check

举例 put a bridle on spending 控制开销

常考2 v. 限制,控制 :to control or restrain with or as if with a bridle

近义 bit, brake, check, constrain, curb, hold, hold back, hold down, hold in, inhibit, keep, keep back, pull in, rein

举例 bridle your tongue 谨慎说话

brim [ brɪm ]

常考1 n. 边界,边缘 :a border or an edge

近义 border, borderline, brink, edge, edging, fringe, margin, periphery, rim, verge

举例 Rain dripped from the brim of his baseball cap.

常考2 v. 充满;充溢 :if someone or something is brimming with a particular quality , they are full of that quality

举例 England are brimming with confidence after two straight wins in the tournament.


broach [ brəʊtʃ ]

常考1 v. 引入;提出 :to bring up (a subject) for discussion or debate

近义 bring up, introduce, moot, put forth, raise

举例 Eventually I broached the subject of her early life.

常考2 v. 宣告 :to announce

举例 We broached our plans for the new year.


bromide [ 'brəʊmaɪd ]

常考 n. 陈词滥调 :a commonplace remark or notion; a platitude, hackneyed

近义 banality, cliché, commonplace, platitude, stereotype, truism

举例 The meeting produced the usual bromides about macroeconomic policy, third-world debt and the environment.

brook [ brʊk ]

常考1 v. 忍受;容忍 :to put up with ; tolerate

近义 abide, accept, bear, endure, go, stand (for), stomach, suffer, support, sustain, swallow, take, tolerate, withstand

举例 We will brook no further argument.


常考2 n. 小溪;小河 :a small stream

近义 creek, branch, run

举例 In our room we could hear the murmur of a distant brook.

browbeat [ 'braʊbi:t ]

常考 v. 威胁,恐吓 :to intimidate or subjugate by an overbearing manner or domineering speech; bully

近义 bludgeon, bulldoze, bully, bullyrag, cow, hector, intimidate, menace, threaten

举例 attempts to deceive, con, or browbeat the voters

派生 browbeaten[ 'braʊbi:tn ] adj. 受到威逼的,受到恐吓的

brutal [ 'bru:tl ]

常考1 adj. 残忍的,野蛮的 :extremely ruthless or cruel

近义 bitter, hard, harsh, rough, severe

举例 the brutal suppression of anti-government protests

常考2 adj. 严酷的;无情的 harsh ; unrelenting

近义 bitter, burdensome, cruel, excruciating, grievous, hardhanded, heavy, inhuman, murderous, onerous, severe, stiff, tough

举例 a brutal winter in the Arctic 北极的严冬

派生 brutality[ bru:'tælətɪ ] n. 残酷,残忍;暴行,兽行

buck [ bʌk ]

常考 v. 竭力反对;反抗 :to oppose directly and stubbornly; go against

近义 challenge, contest, dispute, oppose, resist, traverse

举例 It’s no use trying to buck the system.


注意 短语:buck up振作……的精神;使受到鼓舞。如:The aim, it seemed, was to buck up their spirits in the face of the recession.其目的好像是给面临经济衰退的他们鼓劲儿打气。

bucolic [ bju:'kɒlɪk ]

常考 adj. 乡村的,田园的 :relating to or typical of rural life

近义 arcadian, campestral, country, pastoral, provincial, rural, rustic

举例 the bucolic surroundings of Chantilly 尚蒂伊的田园景致 CgERyodisQ6x85rMy+usgBdb2ItA0AtWLYjJ/6sU5J0zQPXYpz2+kwzJ4p6tSDyw
