
◆Unit 2

boast [ bəʊst ]

常考1 v. 吹嘘;炫耀 :to glorify oneself in speech; talk in a self-admiring way

近义 brag, crow, gasconade, rodomontade, vaunt

举例 Witnesses said Furci boasted that he took part in killing them.


常考2 v. 有,拥有(值得骄傲的成就或财产) :to possess and often call attention to (something that is a source of pride)

近义 command, enjoy, have, hold, possess

举例 The houses will boast the latest energy-saving technology.


bogus [ 'bəʊgəs ]

常考 adj. 假的;伪造的 :counterfeit or fake , not genuine; sham

近义 counterfeit, fake, false, fraudulent, phony, sham, spurious, suppositious, supposititious

举例 He said these figures were bogus and totally inaccurate.

boisterous [ 'bɔɪstərəs ]

常考 adj. 吵闹的,精力充沛的 :marked by or expressive of exuberance and high spirits

近义 vociferous, obstreperous, tumultuous, deafening

举例 Most of the children were boisterous.


派生 boisterousness[ 'bɔɪstərəsnɪs ] n. 喧闹

bold [ bəʊld ]

常考1 adj. 冒失的,莽撞的 :impudent, presumptuous, unduly forward and brazen in manner

近义 bold, presumptuous, impudent, insolence

举例 a bold, impudent child 鲁莽、放肆的小孩

常考2 adj. 勇敢的,无畏的 fearless and daring ; courageous

近义 audacious, brave, dauntless, intrepid, mettlesome, plucky, stout, stouthearted, undaunted, valiant, valorous

举例 In 1960 this was a bold move.


常考3 adj. (印刷字体)粗体字,黑体字 :bold is print which is thicker and looks blacker than ordinary printed letters

举例 Use bold type for headings and bullet points for noteworthy achievements.

派生 boldness[ 'bəʊldnɪs ] n. 勇敢;冒失;大胆;放肆

bolster [ 'bəʊlstə(r) ]

常考1 v. 增强(信心);鼓舞(士气) :to give a boost to

近义 buoy (up), prop, support, sustain, uphold

举例 Hopes of an early cut in interest rates bolstered confidence.

常考2 v. 巩固(地位);支持 :to support with or as if with a bolster; reinforce

近义 support, prop (up), brace, shore up, buttress, uphold, back (up), reinforce, aid, help, assist, further, advance

举例 Britain is free to adopt policies to bolster its economy.

bombastic [ bɒm'bæstɪk ]

常考 adj. 夸夸其谈的;辞藻华丽空洞的 :marked by or given to bombast; pompous, overblown

近义 declamatory, flowery, grandiloquent, high-flown, high-sounding, magniloquent, overblown, rhetorical

举例 the bombastic style adopted by his predecessor 他的前任夸夸其谈的作风

bonhomie [ 'bɒnəmɪ ]

常考 n. 和蔼,友善 :a pleasant and affable disposition; geniality

近义 affability, amiability, geniality

举例 He was full of bonhomie.


boo [ bu: ]

常考 v./n. 喝倒彩 :to express contempt , scorn, or disapproval of by booing; a sound uttered to show contempt, scorn, or disapproval

近义 catcall, hiss, hoot

举例 booed the singer off the stage 把那个歌唱者嘘下舞台

boom [ bu:m ]

常考1 v. 迅速发展 :to grow or develop rapidly; flourish

近义 flourish, go, prosper, thrive

举例 Business is booming.


常考2 n. (经济的)繁荣,景气 :a time of economic prosperity

举例 An economic boom followed, especially in housing and construction.

常考3 n. (数量的)增长;(频率的)加快;成功 :a sudden increase , as in popularity;a boom in something is an increase in its amount, frequency, or success

举例 Public transport has not been able to cope adequately with the travel boom.

boon [ bu:n ]

常考1 n. 恩惠;给生活带来方便的事物 a benefit bestowed, especially one bestowed in response to a request

近义 advantage, avail, benefit, blessing, favor, gain, profit

举例 This battery booster is a boon for photographers.

常考2 n. 及时的恩赐 :a timely blessing or benefit

举例 A spanking breeze is a boon to sailors.

一阵狂风是对水手们的及时恩赐。 iq1NEg5clKNRVnx/JyKZt1E3Dq3ZGWkHNf0FMpUv3HXctW48Vn1Ml4oHF5Tundug
