
◆Unit 10

bitterly [ 'bɪtəlɪ ]

常考 adv. 强烈地,极为(痛苦、憎恶等) :describing an attitude which involves strong, unpleasant emotions such as anger or dislike

举例 They were bitterly disappointed at the result of the game.

bizarre [ bɪ'zɑ:(r) ]

常考 adj. 奇异的,古怪的 :strikingly unconventional and far-fetched in style or appearance; odd

近义 cranky, curious, eccentric, erratic, freakish, idiosyncratic, odd, outlandish, queer, peculiar, quaint, quirky, singular, strange, unnatural, unusual, weird

举例 The game was also notable for the bizarre behavior of the team’s manager.


blackmail [ 'blækmeɪl ]

常考1 n. (情感或道德上的)迫使,胁迫 :if you describe an action as emotional or moral blackmail , you disapprove of it because someone is using a person’s emotions or moral values to persuade them to do something against their will

举例 The tactics employed can range from overt bullying to subtle emotional blackmail.

常考2 n. 勒索;敲诈 extortion or coercion by threats especially of public exposure or criminal prosecution

举例 Opponents accused him of blackmail and extortion.

bland [ blænd ]

常考1 adj. 乏味的,平淡无奇的 dull and insipid

近义 tedious, humdrum, insipid, vapid, monotonous, prosaic, dreary

举例 a bland little drama 一个乏味的小剧

常考2 adj. 无动于衷的 :exhibiting no personal worry , embarrassment, or concern

举例 told a series of bland lies 泰然自若地说了一大串谎话

blandishment [ 'blændɪʃmənt ]

常考 n. (甜言蜜语、讨好的)哄骗,劝诱 :something that tends to coax or cajole ; allurement , often used in plural

近义 adulation, flattery

举例 They would not in the end abandon their vital interests by succumbing to Soviet blandishment.

blasé [ 'blɑ:zeɪ ]

常考1 adj. (因为司空见惯而)厌倦的,玩腻的 uninterested because of frequent exposure or indulgence

近义 bored, jaded, weary, unimpressed, ennuyé

举例 She’s very blasé about parties.


常考2 adj. 漠不关心的;无动于衷的 unconcerned ; nonchalant

近义 indifferent, cool, superior, supercilious, sophisticated, unmoved, nonchalant, emotionless, phlegmatic, apathetic, pococurante, carefree, light-hearted, insouciant

举例 had a blasé attitude about housecleaning

blast [ blɑ:st ]

常考1 v. 严厉批评;抨击 :to criticize or attack vigorously

近义 assail, belabor, castigate, lambaste, vituperate

举例 The Department of Health and a top immunologist have blasted a report in last week’s Sunday Times .

常考2 v. 爆炸;炸出 :to make or open by or as if by explosion

举例 There is a risk that toxic chemicals might be blasted into the atmosphere.

blatant [ 'bleɪtnt ]

常考1 adj. 吵闹的 :unpleasantly loud and noisy

近义 boisterous, clamorous, obstreperous, strident, vociferous

举例 There are those who find the trombones blatant and the triangle silly, but both add effective color.

常考2 adj. 公然的;明目张胆的 :completely obvious, conspicuous, or obtrusive especially in a crass or offensive manner: brazen

近义 bald-faced, barefaced, brazen, brazenfaced, shameless, unabashed, unblushing

举例 a blatant lie 明目张胆的谎言

blemish [ 'blemɪʃ ]

常考1 n. 污点;缺陷 :an imperfection that mars or impairs; a flaw or defect

近义 bug, defect, fault, flaw, imperfection, shortcoming

举例 This is the one blemish on an otherwise resounding success.

常考2 v. (因瑕疵而)玷污,损坏 to mar or impair by a flaw

近义 damage, detract from, disserve, flaw, harm, hurt, impair, injure, mar, prejudice, tarnish, vitiate

举例 He wasn’t about to blemish that pristine record.

派生 unblemished[ ʌn'blemɪʃt ] adj. 完美的,无瑕疵的

blend [ blend ]

常考 v. 混合,结合 :to combine or mix so that the constituent parts are indistinguishable from one another

近义 admix, amalgamate, commingle, commix, fuse, intermingle, intermix, merge, mingle, mix, stir

举例 He has no difficulty blending his two writing careers: novels and films. oTZfuX3vznraheiHTqu3Acbqw19pUT3ENWJ+yPEJvTBVjdOLk0ckgEOczHveL5Vz
