
◆Unit 9

beseech [ bɪ'si:tʃ ]

常考 v. 恳求;哀求 :to address an earnest or urgent request to; implore

近义 appeal, beg, crave, entreat, implore, plead, pray, sue, supplicate

举例 beseech them for help 请求他们帮助

beset [ bɪ'set ]

常考1 v. 困扰;不断打扰 :to trouble persistently ; harass

近义 badger, bedevil, beleaguer, besiege, harass, harry, hound, importune, pester, plague, solicit

举例 The country is beset by severe economic problems.

常考2 v. 围攻 :to hem in; surround

近义 beleaguer, besiege, blockade, invest, siege

举例 the mountains which beset it round 群山环抱

besiege [ bɪ'si:dʒ ]

常考1 v. 烦扰;纠缠 :to harass or importune , as with requests

近义 badger, bedevil, beleaguer, beset, harass, harry, hound, importune, pester, plague, solicit

举例 She was besieged by the press and the public.

常考2 v. 使感到丧气或焦虑 :to cause to feel distressed or worried

举例 She was besieged by problems.


常考3 v. 包围;围攻 :to surround with hostile forces

近义 beleaguer, beset, blockade, invest, siege

举例 The main part of the army moved to Sevastopol to besiege the town.

besmirch [ bɪ'smɜ:tʃ ]

常考1 v. 诋毁;诬蔑 :to stain; sully;to contaminate the reputation of

近义 befoul, besmear, bespatter, blacken, cloud, denigrate, dirty, smear, smudge, smut, soil, spatter, stain, sully, taint, tarnish

举例 a reputation that was besmirched by slander 名誉被诽谤所玷污

常考2 v. 弄脏;弄污 :to make dirty ; soil

近义 befoul, begrime, black, blacken, defile, dirty, smudge, smutch, soil, sully

举例 inconsiderately besmirched the white bed sheets with their dirty feet

bespeak [ bɪ'spi:k ]

常考1 v. 显示;流露 :to be or give a sign of; indicate, signify

近义 argue, attest, betoken, indicate, mark, point to, testify, witness

举例 The tone of his text bespeaks a certain tiredness.


常考2 v. 预言;预示 :to foretell ; portend

举例 fearful weapons that bespeak great loss of life

bestow [ bɪ'stəʊ ]

常考1 v. 赠与;授予 :to bestow something on someone means to give or present it to them

近义 accord, award, confer, grant, present

举例 The Queen has bestowed a knighthood on him.

常考2 v. 应用;使用 :to apply ; use

举例 On Hester Prynne’s story, I bestowed much thought.

betray [ bɪ'treɪ ]

常考1 v. 流露出;暴露出 :to reveal unintentionally

近义 bespeak, communicate, declare, demonstrate, display, evince, expose, give away, manifest, reveal

举例 betray one’s true feelings 暴露真实的感情

常考2 v. 背叛,出卖 :to give aid or information to an enemy of; commit treason against

举例 betray one’s country 背叛祖国

常考3 v. 违背,背弃(理想或原则) :if you betray an ideal or your principles , you say or do something which goes against those beliefs

举例 We betray the ideals of our country when we support capital punishment.


bewail [ bɪ'weɪl ]

常考1 v. 为……痛哭;为……悲伤 :to cry over ; lament

近义 bemoan, deplore, grieve (for), mourn, wail (for)

举例 bewail the dead 为死者痛哭

常考2 v. 表示悲伤或不幸 :to express sorrow or unhappiness over

举例 bewailing the possible effects of double-digit unemployment

bewilder [ bɪ'wɪldə(r) ]

常考1 v. 使困惑;使不知所措 :to confuse or befuddle , especially with numerous conflicting situations, objects, or statements

近义 addle, befuddle, confound, confuse, discombobulate, dizzy, fuddle, jumble, mix up, muddle, mystify, perplex, puzzle

举例 The silence from Alex had hurt and bewildered her.

常考2 v. 使迷失;使迷失方向 :to cause to lose one’s bearings; disorient

举例 The twists and turns in the cave soon bewildered us.

派生 bewildering[ bɪ'wɪldərɪŋ ] adj. 迷惑的

bewitching [ bɪ'wɪtʃɪŋ ]

常考 adj. 迷人的 :enchanting as if with a magic spell; fascinating

近义 attractive, enchanting, engaging, enticing, fascinating, fetching, glamorous, lovely, prepossessing, pretty, sweet, taking, tempting, winning, winsome

举例 Frank was a quiet young man with bewitching brown eyes. cJfqrqSoTmXQlaiAm3uZ9+eLhvGI4XLKlK6k2OXIPA7Jt16ZnosrdhRZx2RZd5r6

