
◆Unit 3

avert [ ə'vɜ:t ]

常考1 v. 预防,阻止 :to ward off (something about to happen); prevent

近义 forestall, obviate, preclude, prevent, rule out, stave off, ward (off)

举例 averted an accident by turning sharply 迅速转身以预防事故的发生

常考2 v. 避开,移开 :to turn away or aside (as the eyes) in avoidance

近义 deflect, deviate, divert, pivot, shift, swing, turn, veer

举例 avert one’s eyes 移开某人的眼神

avid [ 'ævɪd ]

常考1 adj. 热衷的,酷爱的 :marked by keen interest and enthusiasm

近义 agog, ardent, athirst, bursting, eager, impatient, keen, solicitous, thirsting, thirsty

举例 an avid sports fan 殷切的体育爱好者

常考2 adj. 渴望的,渴求的 :having an ardent desire or unbounded craving; greedy

近义 acquisitive, avaricious, covetous, grasping, greedy, hungry

举例 avid for publicity 渴求出名

avoid [ ə'vɔɪd ]

常考1 v. 防止发生 :to keep from happening

近义 avert, deflect, divert, obviate, prevent, ward (off); debar, exclude, preclude; forbid, prohibit

举例 avoid illness with rest and a balanced diet 以休息和平衡的饮食防止疾病

常考2 v. 远离;避开 :to stay clear of; shun

近义 burke, bypass, circumvent, dodge, duck, elude, escape, eschew, evade, get around, shun

举例 She has been avoiding me.


awe - inspiring [ ɔ:ɪn'spaɪərɪŋ ]

常考 adj. 使人惊叹的,令人敬畏的 extremely impressive in a way that makes you feel great respect

近义 amazing, awesome, awful, awing

举例 a museum with an awe-inspiring display of jewelry

axiom [ 'æksɪəm ]

常考 n. 公理,自明之理 an established rule or principle or a self-evident truth

近义 fundamental, law, principle, theorem, universal

举例 Archimedean axiom 阿基米德公理

axiomatic [ ˌæksɪə'mætɪk ]

常考 adj. 不证自明的,公理的 :if something is axiomatic, it seems to be obviously true ; taken for granted

近义 aphoristic, self-evident

举例 It is almost axiomatic that many philosophers use scientific concepts as the foundations for their speculations.

backfire [ ˌbæk'faɪə(r) ]

常考 v. 事与愿违,适得其反 :to have the reverse of the desired or expected effect; to have the opposite result to the one that was intended

举例 The President’s tactics could backfire.


backhanded [ ˌbæk'hædɪd ]

常考1 adj. 隐含讥讽的;有言外之意的 :a backhanded remark or compliment seems to express praise or admiration but in fact is insulting

近义 artificial, insincere, counterfeit , double-faced, fake, feigned, hypocritical, phony two-faced, unctuous

举例 “Even my good reviews have tended to be backhanded compliments,” he says.“They’ll say I was good and almost unbearably grotesque.”

常考2 adj. 拐弯抹角的;间接的 :if you say that someone is doing something in a backhanded way , they are doing it indirectly

近义 oblique , roundabout, indirect, devious

举例 In a backhanded way, I think a lot of my energy and strength comes from my campaigning.


backslide [ 'bækslaɪd ]

常考 v. 故态复萌,倒退 :to revert to a worse condition; retrogress

近义 lapse, regress, relapse, retrogress, revert

举例 My diet was going well but I’m afraid I’ve been backsliding a bit recently.

badger [ 'bædʒə(r) ]

常考 v. 纠缠;对……软磨硬泡 :to harry or pester persistently

近义 bedevil, beleaguer, beset, besiege, harass, harry, hound, importune, pester, plague, solicit

举例 They kept phoning and writing, badgering me to go back. 81HTBgm8XaNstmW8tmOul0Iac6e3L9XRIZ7GSKqkArDwXF0R1zAWxBv8ONLkSocu
