
◆Unit 9

artifice [ 'ɑ:tɪfɪs ]

常考1 n. 诡计,圈套 :an artful stratagem

近义 art, artfulness, craft, craftiness, cunning, foxiness, guile, slyness, wiliness

举例 She is incapable of elaborate artifice.


常考2 n. 聪明,机智,技巧 clever or artful skill

举例 Tom’s photographs are full of artifice.


artless [ 'ɑ:tləs ]

常考1 adj. 单纯的,不诡诈的 sincerely simple ;having or displaying no guile, cunning, or deceit

近义 guileless, ingenuous, innocent, naive, natural, simple, unaffected, unsophisticated, unstudied, unworldly

举例 an artless young woman 一个单纯的女生

常考2 adj. 不矫揉造作的;自然的 free of artificiality ; natural

近义 unpretentious, unassuming, unaffected, natural, simple, naïve, unsophisticated, plain

举例 Hemingway’s artless air and charming smile 海明威的纯朴气质和迷人微笑

派生 artlessness[ 'ɑ:tlɪsnɪs ] n. 朴实单纯;自然

注意 artlessness 一词的考查频率非常高。

ascendancy [ ə'sendənsɪ ]

常考 n. 统治地位,优势 governing or controlling influence, domination

近义 ascendance, dominance, domination, predominance, preeminence, preponderance, preponderancy, prepotency, supremacy

举例 awaits trade revival to gain an immense mercantile ascendancy

注意 ascent n. 上升

ascertain [ ˌæsə'teɪn ]

常考 v. 确定;弄清 :to discover with certainty, as through examination or experimentation

近义 determine, discover, find (out), hear, learn

举例 Through doing this, the teacher will be able to ascertain the extent to which the child understands what he is reading.

ascetic [ ə'setɪk ]

常考1 n. 禁欲者,苦修者 :a person who renounces material comforts and leads a life of austere self-discipline , especially as an act of religious devotion

常考2 adj. 自我克制的,简朴的 :practicing strict self-denial as a measure of personal and especially spiritual discipline

近义 abstainer, ascetical, austere, spartan

举例 The hermit followed an ascetic life-style.


派生 asceticism[ ə'setɪsɪzəm ] n. 简朴;禁欲主义

asperity [ æ'sperətɪ ]

常考1 n. 态度粗暴,易怒 :harshness of manner; ill temper or irritability

近义 harshness, roughness, sharpness, irritability, tartness, waspishness

举例 reply with asperity 粗鲁地回答

常考2 n. 严酷;严厉 :severity; rigor; roughness or harshness, as of surface, sound, or climate

近义 difficulty, hardship, rigor, vicissitude

举例 the asperity of northern winters 北方的严冬

aspersion [ ə'spɜ:ʒən ]

常考 n. 诽谤,中伤 :a false or misleading charge meant to harm someone’s reputation

近义 slander, calumny, libel

举例 Don’t cast aspersions on my honesty.


assail [ ə'seɪl ]

常考1 v. 攻击 :to attack with or as if with violent blows

近义 aggress, assault, attack, beset, sail into, storm, strike

举例 The victim had been assailed with repeated blows to the head and body.

常考2 v. 猛烈抨击;强烈指责 criticize strongly ; to attack verbally , as with ridicule or censure

近义 abuse, rail against, revile, vituperate

举例 The labor movement has been assailed by accusations of sexism and demands for change from feminists.

assault [ ə'sɔ:lt ]

常考 n. 攻击;强烈批评 :a strong criticism ; a violent physical or verbal attack

近义 aggression, assailment, attack, attempt, offense, offensive, onrush, onset, onslaught, strike

举例 He leveled a verbal assault against his Democratic opponents.

assertive [ ə'sɜ:tɪv ]

常考 adj. 自信的;观点明确的 :inclined to bold or confident assertion ; aggressively self-assured

近义 opinionated, self-assured, confident, presumptuous, self-confident

举例 an assertive leader j9UsFaCBUL1pKk1ZwqIZsZdB4QZ6OICk/+arwng2UxhlynsO9flQR5LviOHla96i
