常考1 n. 方法 : a method of doing something or dealing with a problem
近义 attack, course, line, modus operandi, plan, procedure, tack, technique
举例 We will be exploring different approaches to gathering information.
常考2 v./n. 接近 :to come close to , as in appearance, quality, or condition; approximate
近义 approximate, border on, challenge, rival, verge on
举例 The performance approaches perfection.
常考3 v. 着手,开始处理 :to begin to deal with or work on
近义 begin, commence, embark, enter, get off, inaugurate, initiate, institute, launch, lead off, open, set about, set out, set to, start, take on, take up, undertake
举例 approached the task with dread 惶恐地开始着手这项任务
常考 n. 赞扬;认同 :an expression of warm approval ; praise
近义 allowance, approval, authorization, consent, endorsement, leave, license, permission, permit, sanction
举例 The result has not met universal approbation.
常考1 adj. 合适的;恰当的 : suitable for a particular person, condition, occasion, or place; fitting
近义 apt, becoming, befitting, correct, felicitous, fit, fitting, happy, meet, proper, right, tailor-made
举例 Dress neatly and attractively in an outfit appropriate to the job.
常考2 v. 盗用;挪用 :to take possession of or make use of exclusively for oneself, often without permission
近义 arrogate, commandeer, preempt, usurp
举例 He was accused of appropriating club funds.
常考1 adj. 大约的,估计的 : nearly correct or exact
举例 the approximate time of the accident 事故的大致时间
常考2 vt. 接近,近似 :to come near to or be close to in position, value, or characteristics
近义 approach, border on, rival, verge on
举例 This meat substitute approximates the real thing.
派生 approximation[ ] n. 接近;近似值检验
常考1 adj. 恰当的 :being at once opportune and to the point
近义 applicable, apposite, germane, material, pertinent, relevant
举例 You’ll find the last paragraph extremely apropos.
常考2 prep. 关于;有关 :with regard to; concerning
举例 All my suggestions apropos the script were accepted.
常考1 adj. 易于……的,有……倾向的 :having a natural tendency; inclined
近义 disposed, given, inclined, liable, likely, prone
举例 She is apt to take offense easily.
常考2 adj. 适当的 :unusually fitted or qualified
近义 appropriate, becoming, befitting, correct, felicitous, fit, fitting, happy, meet, proper, right, tailor-made
举例 an apt answer 一个恰当的回答
常考3 adj. 聪明的 : quick to learn or understand
举例 an apt student 一个聪颖的学生
派生 aptly[ ] adv. 适当地
常考 n. 天资,才能 :a natural ability; talent ; capacity for learning
近义 aptness, bent, genius, gift, instinct, knack, talent
举例 Some students have more aptitude for academic work than others.
常考 adj. 可耕的,适合种植的 :fit for or used for the growing of crops
近义 cultivable, cultivatable, tillable
举例 arable land 可耕种的土地
常考1 adj. 专制的,专横的 :not restrained or limited in the exercise of power; ruling by absolute authority
近义 absolute, absolutistic, autarchic, autocratic, despotic, dictatorial, totalitarian, tyrannical, tyrannous
举例 arbitrary government 专制的政府
常考2 adj. 任意的,武断的 : determined by chance, whim , or impulse, and not by necessity, reason, or principle
近义 capricious, whimsical
举例 His choice was quite arbitrary.
常考 adj. 晦涩难懂的;神秘的 :known or understood by only a few ; mysterious
近义 cabalistic, cryptic, enigmatic, esoteric, mysterious, mystic, mystical, mystifying, occult, puzzling
举例 arcane economic theories 晦涩的经济理论