
◆Unit 6

apostle [ ə'pɒsl ]

常考 n. (政策或思想等的)信奉者,倡导者 :an apostle of a particular philosophy, policy, or cause is someone who strongly believes in it and works hard to promote it

举例 an apostle of conservation 资源保护的倡导者

appall [ ə'pɔ:l ]

常考 v. 使惊恐 :to fill with consternation or dismay

近义 consternate, daunt, dismay, horrify, shake, shock

举例 The way we kill animals appalls a lot of people.

派生 appalled[ ə'pɔ:ld ] adj.

震惊的;惊恐的 appalling[ ə'pɔ:lɪŋ ] adj. 可怕的,惊恐的

注意 派生词的同义词为:aghast, confounded, dismayed, dumbfounded, horrified, shocked, thunderstruck

apparition [ ˌæpə'rɪʃn ]

常考 n. 幽灵,神奇的现象 :an unusual or unexpected sight or ghostly figure

近义 ghost, phantasm, phantom, revenant, shade, shadow, visitant, wraith

举例 He saw the apparition of his dead wife.


appease [ ə'pi:z ]

常考 v. 使平静,安抚 :to bring to a state of peace or quiet

近义 console, solace, comfort, placate, conciliate, pacify, mollify, assuage, soothe

举例 I appeased him by saying sorry.


applaud [ ə'plɔ:d ]

常考1 v. 赞赏,鼓掌 :to express approval of (someone or something) especially by such clapping

近义 cheer, clap, root

举例 The audience applauded loudly.


常考2 v. 称赞;赞许 :to express approval of; praise

近义 acclaim, commend, compliment, laud, praise

举例 applaud her efforts to lose weight 为她减肥的努力点赞

apportionment [ ə'pɔ:ʃnmənt ]

常考 n. 分配,分摊 :the act of distributing by allotting or apportioning

近义 allocation, assignment, dispensation, distribution, division

举例 The result of the apportionment of property and debts must be equitable.

appraise [ ə'preɪz ]

常考1 v. 估量 :to set a value on; estimate the amount of

举例 appraise the damage 估量损失

常考2 v. 评估鉴定,评价 :to evaluate the worth, significance, or status of, especially to give an expert judgment of the value or merit of

近义 assay, assess, calculate, estimate, evaluate, gauge, judge, rate, size up, valuate, value

举例 appraise an actor’s career 评估一个演员的职业生涯

apprehensive [ ˌæprɪ'hensɪv ]

常考1 adj. (对未来)担心的,忧虑的 :viewing the future with anxiety or alarm

近义 afraid, aghast, fearful, fearsome, funky, panicky

举例 I am apprehensive that he may fall ill.


常考2 adj. 能快速领悟的 :capable of apprehending or quick to do so

近义 alive, awake, cognizant, conscious, knowing, sensible, sentient, ware, witting

举例 He is apprehensive to understand a new language.


派生 apprehension[ ˌæprɪ'henʃn ] n. 忧虑,担心;理解;逮捕

apprentice [ ə'prentɪs ]

常考1 n. 学徒,徒弟 :one who is learning by practical experience under skilled workers a trade, art, or calling

举例 I started off as an apprentice and worked my way up.

常考2 n. 初学者 a beginner ; a learner; novice

近义 beginner, colt, freshman, neophyte, newcomer, novitiate, rookie, tenderfoot, tyro

举例 an apprentice in cooking 厨艺初学者

apprise [ ə'praɪz ]

常考 v. 使注意;通知 :to give notice to; tell

近义 acquaint, advise, educate, enlighten, inform, notify, tell

举例 We must apprise them of the dangers that may be involved. HYfeUmtjboLJ2VteF82E7CURtJBcNEatCoPqOoDSi+uJvBh8WKiaR8mETDls8tuc
