
◆Unit 10

alarmist [ ə'la:mɪst ]

常考 adj. 危言耸听的;杞人忧天的 :Someone or something that is alarmist causes unnecessary fear or anxiety that something unpleasant or dangerous is going to happen.

举例 Contrary to the more alarmist reports, he is not going to die.


albeit [ ˌɔ:l'bi:ɪt ]

常考 conj. 虽然;尽管 :even though; although ; notwithstanding

举例 clear albeit cold weather 虽然天冷但仍很晴朗

alienate [ 'eɪlɪəneɪt ]

常考 v. 使疏远 :to cause to become unfriendly or hostile ; estrange

近义 disaffect, disunite, estrange

举例 alienate a friend; alienate potential supporters by taking extreme positions

派生 alienated[ 'eɪljəneɪtɪd ] adj. 疏远的

alleged [ ə'ledʒd ]

常考 adj. 所谓的(表示质疑);声称的 questionably true or of a specified kind; supposed , so-called

举例 As for the alleged value of expert opinion, one need only consult government records to see strong evidence of the failure of such opinions in many fields.


派生 allegation[ ˌælə'geɪʃn ] n. 指控;指责;主张

allegiance[ ə'li:dʒəns ] n. 效忠,忠诚;忠贞

alleviate [ ə'li:vɪeɪt ]

常考 v. 减轻 :to make (pain, for example) more bearable; relieve , lessen

近义 allay, assuage, comfort, ease, lessen, lighten, mitigate, palliate, relieve

举例 Nowadays, a great deal can be done to alleviate back pain.

alloy [ 'ælɔɪ ]

常考1 n. 合金,混合物 :a homogeneous mixture or solid solution of two or more metals; a mixture; an amalgam

近义 mixture, admixture, amalgam, amalgamation, blend, composite, compound, fusion, interfusion, intermixture

举例 Bronze is an alloy of copper and tin.


常考2 v. 融合;混合 :to combine ; mix

近义 embody, incorporate, integrate

举例 idealism that was alloyed with political skill 伴有政治手腕的理想主义

派生 unalloyed[ ʌnə'lɒɪd ] adj. 不掺杂的,纯净的

allude [ ə'lu:d ]

常考 v. 暗示 :to make indirect reference

近义 hint, imply, indicate, infer, insinuate, suggest

举例 She also alluded to her rival’s past marital troubles.

allure [ ə'lʊə(r) ]

常考1 n. 吸引力;诱惑 the power to attract ; enticement

近义 allurement, appeal, attraction, charisma, charm, enchantment, enticement, glamour, lure

举例 the captivating allure of Monica Bellucci 莫妮卡·贝鲁奇令人倾倒的魅力

常考2 v. 诱惑,引诱 :to attract with something desirable; entice

近义 allurement, appeal, attraction, attractiveness, call, charisma, charm, draw, enchantment, enticement, fascination, glamour, lure, magnetism, witchery

举例 Promises of quick profits allure the unwary investor.

allusive [ ə'lu:sɪv ]

常考 adj. 暗指的,不直接的 :an implied or indirect reference especially in literature; the use of such references

举例 Although scientists claim that the seemingly literal language of their reports is more precise than the figurative language of fiction, the language of science, like all language, is inherently allusive.


派生 allusion[ ə'lu:ʒn ] n. 暗示;间接提到:the act of alluding; indirect reference

注意 在GRE填空中,该词经常会和literal、figurative等词一起。literal表示的是直接的,没有比喻的(avoiding exaggeration, metaphor),而allusive和figurative都是不直接的表达,具体请读者参考后面的literal和figurative。

aloof [ ə'lu:f ]

常考1 adj. 冷漠的;离群的 :someone who is aloof is not very friendly and does not like to spend time with other people

近义 chill, chilly, cool, distant, offish, remote, reserved, reticent, solitary, standoffish, unapproachable, uncommunicative, undemonstrative, withdrawn

举例 He seemed aloof and detached.


常考2 adj. 置身事外的,超然的 :if someone stays aloof from something, they do not become involved with it

近义 detached, disinterested, incurious, indifferent, unconcerned, uninterested, uninvolved

举例 The Government is keeping aloof from the controversy. h4BbGFSJnJ6/nVxA2OtPY22TsDAMrc7auzB+IQTItaEXim7GlbdPuqFKd/ltw1dM
