
◆Unit 7

admonition [ ˌædmə'nɪʃn ]

常考 n. 告诫,劝告 :counsel or warning against fault or oversight

近义 admonishment, caution, caveat, monition, warning

举例 She ignored the admonitions of her mother.


adoration [ ˌædə'reɪʃn ]

常考 n. 崇拜;深切的爱 :great love and admiration

近义 affection, devotion, love, worship

举例 She needs and wants to be loved with overwhelming passion and adoration.

adore [ ə'dɔ:(r) ]

常考 v. 崇拜,爱慕 :to regard with loving admiration and devotion

举例 The president’s secretary and his chief aide adored him.

adroit [ ə'drɔɪt ]

常考 adj. 机敏的;聪明的 :having or showing skill , cleverness , or resourcefulness in handling situations

近义 clever, deft, dexterous, facile, handy, nimble, slick

举例 She is a remarkably adroit and determined politician.


adulator [ 'ædʒəˌleɪtə ]

常考 n. 奉承(或谄媚)的人 :one who flatters another excessively

近义 courtier, flatterer, sycophant, toady

举例 an adulator 奉承的人

adulation [ ˌædjʊ'leɪʃn ]

常考 n. 谄媚;恭维 excessive or slavish admiration or flattery; adulation is uncritical admiration and praise of someone or something

近义 blandishment, blarney, flattery, incense, oil, slaver

举例 No one is neutral about Stephens; He inspires either uncritical adulation or profound antipathy in those who work for him.


派生 self-adulation 自我吹嘘,自我吹捧 adulate[ 'ædʒʊleɪt ] v. 过分地称赞或恭维

adumbrate [ 'ædəmbreɪt ]

常考 v. 隐约预示;预兆 :to prefigure indistinctly; foreshadow

近义 augur, bode, forecast, forerun, foreshadow, foretell, foretoken, portend, prefigure, presage, prognosticate

举例 The recent development adumbrate a world-wide revolution in computer technology.


advance [ əd'vɑ:ns ]

常考1 v. 提前(未来事件的日期);使(未来事件)提前发生 :to cause to occur sooner

举例 advance a deadline by one week 把期限提前一星期

常考2 v. 促进,推动(事业、利益等) :If you advance a cause, interest, or claim, you support it and help to make it successful

举例 Such conduct is unlikely to advance your interests.


常考3 v. 提出(理论、论点) :to put forward ; propose or suggest

近义 offer, pose, propose, propound, put forward, set forth, submit, suggest

举例 An important set of ideas have been advanced by the biologist Rupert Sheldrake.


常考4 n. 预付,贷款 a provision of something (as money or goods) before a return is received; the money or goods supplied

举例 She was paid a £100,000 advance for her next two novels.


常考5 n. 进步;进展 :a forward move, as toward an objective; progress

近义 advancement, breakthrough, enhancement, improvement

举例 Air safety has not improved since the dramatic advances of the 1970s.

派生 advanced[ æd'vɑ:nst ] adj .先进的,高级的

adventurous [ əd'ventʃərəs ]

常考1 adj. 创新的 innovative

举例 an adventurous artistic style 创新的艺术风格

常考2 adj. 爱冒险的,喜欢尝试新的 :disposed to seek adventure or to cope with the new and unknown

近义 adventuresome, audacious, bold, daredevil, daring, enterprising, venturesome, venturous

举例 an adventurous explorer 一个爱冒险的探索家

注意 考生需要注意adventurous除了大家熟知的“冒险的”意思,还有一个常见考法是not afraid of taking risks or trying new things。

adversary [ 'ædvəsərɪ ]

常考 n. 敌手;对手 :an opponent; an enemy

近义 antagonist, opponent, opposer, opposition, oppositionist, resister

举例 His political adversaries were creating a certain amount of trouble for him.

注意 注意和“adversity 灾祸;困境”相区别。 YezuSDiPG+A1+nSdDjfxHmyOzU64n399Q2w+X7095XFOH6NuC2VTRXL9z6PYesTX

