
Who play the principal role in governance?

To gain a clear understanding of the CPC’s people-centered approach to governance, there is a need to further discuss who play the principal role in governance according to the CPC’s governance theory.

Some may think it is an easy question to answer. Since we are talking about the CPC’s approach to governance, the principal role is apparently played by the CPC itself. But such an answer leads to a new question – Is China a country run by the Party or by the people? Saying that China is a Party-run country is against not only the original purpose of the CPC’s governance but also the inherent features of reform and opening up led by the CPC. It will cause considerable confusion among the people and provides ammunition for criticism by the international community.


Why is China not a Party-run country?

China has been called “the People’s Republic of China” from day one. According to the Constitution of China, all power in the People’s Republic of China belongs to the people; the organs through which the people exercise state power are the National People’s Congress and the local people’s congresses at different levels. It also stipulates clearly that the people administer state affairs and manage economic, cultural and social affairs through various channels and in various ways in accordance with the law. Therefore, China is not a Party-run country, but a country run by the people under the leadership of the CPC. In other words, it is the CPC-led people, or Chinese people with the CPC as their leadership core, who play the principal role in governance.

China is neither a country run by Party nor has the so-called“government by the people” of the United States. The country is run by the people, but under the leadership of the CPC. This is to respect China’s history and political reality, which means the 1.3 billion Chinese people run the country under the leadership of the CPC – administering state affairs and managing economic, cultural and social affairs in accordance with the law. It also embodies the fact that the people support the CPC and have realized from personal experience that the CPC safeguards the fundamental interests of the people. Hence, they hold the CPC as their leadership core.

However, it is precisely because the people, led by the CPC, play the principal role in governance, the issue becomes complicated. In nature, the CPC is the vanguard of workers, the vanguard of the Chinese people and the Chinese nation as a whole, and the leadership core of the cause of socialism with Chinese characteristics. It represents the development trends of China’s advanced productive forces, the orientations of China’s advanced culture, and the fundamental interests of the overwhelming majority of the Chinese people. These are clearly written in the Constitution of the CPC. But this does not mean that every Party member or official remains loyal to the CPC and its Constitution in terms of thinking, political focus, and conduct, living up to the fundamental nature of the Party and the basic requirements in all respects. Once Party members and officials become disengaged from the people or use the power given by the people for their own personal benefit, they are in fact engaging in governance activities in the name of “people led by the CPC”, changing the nature of governance and turning it into governance for personal gain. This is governance neither by the people nor by the Party. The CPC has never worked to satisfy its own special interests or personal gain. Those who do so are a stain on the Party and its fundamental goal, so they are not true Party members and do not play a principal role in China’s governance.

The CPC now has over 90 million members, the number of new members has grown considerably, and old officials have been replaced by younger ones, all of which are signs that the CPC is active, vigorous, and sustainable for the future. Party members will not have to experience the blood and cannon fire of warring years. How to pass down the Party’s fine tradition that formed during the years to future generations is now a major task in the Party building efforts. Nonetheless, among Party members and officials, some do great things before entering the Party but, upon being admitted, relax the demands they once placed on themselves. They gradually become estranged from the Party, and some even break laws and regulations and become corrupt. It may be said that external factors have led to changes in the Party’s direction, while internal factors are what have led to changes within Party ranks. By means of such internal factors, external factors have caused two changes to the Party. First, the majority of the Party has continually grown stronger and more active; second, conduct problems within the Party have become more prominent, and inactivity and corruption have bred. This second change has alienated some officials to greater and greater extents. Some have gone the opposite direction of the Party and become disengaged from the people, turning from being “public servants” to “masters of the public” or “private servants of some interest groups and family members, friends or lovers”. Such problems must not be treated lightly. However, those are individual cases; the majority of Party members and officials are upright. Therefore, two things are clear in this regard. One is that the Party is faced with severe challenges and problems; the other is that the mainstream of the Party is good. Otherwise, how could one explain the great achievements China has made since the beginning of reform and opening up? Why have great changes taken place across the country instead of just some parts of the country?

It should also be noted that the people playing the principal role in governance does not mean that Party organizations and officials can do nothing. As explained earlier, the CPC is the leadership core of the people and should play its role as the“vanguard” – to lead the people. What is important here is to clearly understand and properly handle the relationship between the leadership core and the principal players. First, Party members and officials at all levels are all part of the people. The leadership core is not above the principal players. Second, the major task of the leadership core is to represent the fundamental interests of the people, pool the wisdom of the people, serve the needs of the people, and make decisions to benefit the people. This is why the CPC holds the mass line as its fundamental orientation of work. Third, the responsibility of the leadership core is to mobilize and organize the people to help them realize their fundamental interests.

At the closing of the 7th CPC National Congress, Mao Zedong spoke of “two awakenings” regarding thoroughly implementing the guiding principles of the Congress. The first was to allow the vanguard to be awakened, make resolute decisions, make unabashed sacrifices, overcome all obstacles, and strive for victory. The second was to allow the people to be awakened and join the Party’s endeavor to strive for victory. To ensure the guiding principles of the Congress are translated into the people’s action, he told a well-known fable about a “foolish”old man who wished to move two mountains, inspiring Party members and officials to set good examples to the people so that they would work hard to fulfill their fundamental interests. This shows that there is no contradiction in saying that the CPC is the leadership core and the people are play the principal role in governance.

To discuss who play the principal role in governance is to further uphold and stay committed to a people-centered approach to governance. It means four things should be done. First, it should be made clear that the people play the principal role in governance and are led by the CPC. Second, it should be made clear that the CPC is the leadership core and faithful representative of the people. It should properly understand the relationship between the Party and the people and do a better job in leading the people to run the country. Third, it should be made clear that the failure of any Party members and officials selected or appointed to engage in governance to stay true to original aspiration of “seeking happiness for the Chinese people and rejuvenation for the Chinese nation” will influence and even change the nature of governance. Fourth, it should be stressed that the people will abandon the Party if the CPC is unable to resolve the problem of some Party members and officials becoming disengaged from the people, unable to consolidate the principle of being people-centered among Party members and officials, or unable to ensure its members and officials wholeheartedly serve the people and follow the mass line of“from the people and to the people.”


The foolish old man removes the mountains

At the closing of the 7th CPC National Congress, Mao Zedong told this story:

“There is an ancient Chinese fable called The Foolish Old Man Removes the Mountains . In the story, an old man named‘Foolish Old Man of Beishan’ lived in Northern China. Two mountains, Mt. Taihang and Mt. Wangwu, blocked his road to the south. He decided to lead his sons in digging these mountains away with hoes. Another old man, named ‘Wise Old Man’, laughed at them for their efforts and said, ‘You are engaged in an absolutely ridiculous endeavor; it is impossible for you to dig away these two mountains.’ The Foolish Old Man replied, ‘After I have died, my sons will continue digging. When they die, my grandsons will continue the task. And this will continue for generations. Though these two mountains are tall, they will not grow any taller. They become smaller with every scoop of dirt we remove. What is so impossible about flattening them?’ Thus, the Foolish Old Man offered a sound rebut to the Wise Old Man’s incorrect evaluation. He was completely undaunted and continued to dig day in and day out. This touched God’s heart, and He sent two immortals to earth to move the mountains. Similarly, there are now two huge mountains weighing down on the Chinese people – imperialism and feudalism. The CPC long ago resolutely decided to dig them up. We must persevere and work tirelessly. By doing so, we too will touch God’s heart. This ‘God’ is none other than the people of China. If they come together with us, is there no mountain we cannot level?”

Since the conclusion of the 18th CPC National Congress, General Secretary Xi Jinping has repeatedly talked about the issue of improving the education in values among Party members and officials. He has repeatedly stressed that they should stay true to the Party’s original aspiration, ideals and convictions. In addition, they should unwaveringly hold to the foundational teachings of Marxism, the great ideals of communism and socialism with Chinese characteristics, and the fundamental purpose and mass line of the Party. That is what is truly significant.


Staying true to our original aspiration and keeping our mission firmly in mind

Shortly after the 19th CPC National Congress, people continued to reflect on General Secretary Xi Jinping’s saying –“staying true to our original aspiration and keeping our mission firmly in mind”. On October 31, 2017, General Secretary Xi Jinping brought the members of the new Politburo Standing Committee to Shanghai to visit the site of the first CPC National Congress and to Jiaxing (in Zhejiang) to visit the Red Boat at South Lake. At the oath gallery of the memorial hall, they reviewed their oath to the Party. After that, he told journalists from the Xinhua News Agency, “The purpose of this visit is for us to review the brilliant history of the CPC, especially the time of the Party’s founding, and our revolutionary tradition so as to learn from the great spirit of the revolutionary forerunners, gain clarity on the great responsibility we bear, and reinforce our sense of responsibility and sense of mission in striving to rea the objectives established at the 19th National Congress.”

Media reports on this event provoked a strong response among Party members, officials, and the people. Everyone said that the leaders of the CPC Central Committee were serving as great examples, showing to all in the Party and in China that the CPC has not forgotten its aspiration of seeking happiness for the Chinese people and rejuvenation for the Chinese nation in this new era. t1pQAR5KXzZGbjHjBuTT4Wia7sMJSX2DRHNaaikJagdLqXv+b74QM/HfgZTCK00D
