








Describe one of your favourite relaxation methods.

You should say:

what it is

when you began to do it

how you do it

And why you like it.






会选择singing karaoke, going to the pubs。




One of the best ways to relax is to take a nice long vacation. Think back and ask yourself when the last time you took a two-week vacation was. These days many people have started to take a short vacation. These are weekend vacations where you take Friday off and you come back on Monday. While this may be a good way to relax, this will not allow you to be fully reenergized. When people ask me how to relax, my best remedy is to tell them to take a two-week vacation. The reason why I say something so extreme is that these are people that do not know how to relax on a regular basis. These are people that get up in the morning and start checking their e-mails. When they come home at night they bring their work computer home and continue to work. They really want to achieve personal success so they keep working and working all day and all night.


I think the best relaxation method is to meditate in a quiet place. I can experience a brilliant moment of myself. In the evening, I will sit quietly and think about all of my accomplishments (great and small) for the week. I will congratulate myself. I will think that I am such a wonderful person. I will find ways to mentally celebrate my success. In this way, I can boost my self-esteem and find my place of triumph in the midst of the madness. I will do it every day because daily relaxation reduces frustration, stress and anxiety. It also offers me at least seven opportunities to unwind and escape from the speed of everyday life. After doing meditation, I will be refreshed and have more courage to devote to the second day. Meditation is important because it keeps me far from the noise of modern city. I have some moment for myself. I feel relaxed whenever I do it.


I’m not fond of sports, but sometimes I skate. I grow up in the north of China, and in winter the rivers and lakes will be covered with ice. When I was a child, I would go with friends to skate on the ice. I liked the feeling when I slid from one side to the other. I felt as if I could fly. Unfortunately, my parents forbad me to skate on ice for I fell into a hole dug by fishermen, and I almost lost my life. I didn’t have any chance to skate until I entered university where I could skate in the stadium. Whenever I put on the skates and skated on the ice, feeling the wind breezing against my face and hair, I forget all the worries and unhappiness. Skating has become a way for me to recover from tiredness and release my pressure. I have made friends with those who also enjoy this sport. We always have a get-together after we finish skating. Maybe I’m not skillful, but it really makes me feel great and I do it regularly. VlI4Ca2TnmgXP0qXksllB/aRoegFCs8IHH0oB1/bn9rIJ4LBro3f9fdCiUi3c+nF
