
06 祝贺

Step 1 必备词汇记起来

bravo [ˌbrɑːˈvəʊ]


congratulate [kənˈɡrætʃəleɪt]


congratulation [kənˌɡrætʃəˈleɪʃn]


◎congratulation on ... 祝贺……

toast [təʊst]

n ./v.干杯;敬酒

◎drink a toast举杯祝酒

respect [rɪˈspekt]

v./n .敬佩,尊敬

Step 2 实用句子学起来

1. Congratulations!


2. Congratulations, by the way, on your promotion to Captain.


3. Well done!


4. That was nice work you did on the Klein investigation , Officer Hansen.


5. Relate my congratulations to all the members of your team for a job well done.


6. I'm impressed.


7. Nice one!


8. Nice job on that presentation.


9. Whoa, you crushed that English exam.


10. Respect.


11. You crushed it!


12. Good/Nice work/job!


Step 3 情景对话练起来

Conversation 1

Tess: I heard you got a promotion, Cyril. Congratulations!

Cyril: Thanks, Tess. To tell you the truth 1 , I'm still kind of shell-shocked 2 .

Tess: Relax. You'll do great.

特丝: 听说你升职了,西里尔。恭喜!

西里尔: 谢谢,特丝。说实话,我到现在依然很震惊。

特丝: 放松点。你会做得很好的。

Conversation 2

Officer Rodchenko: Congratulations, by the way, on your promotion to Captain.

Captain Ngabe: Thanks. It's a heavy respon-sibility.

Officer Rodchenko: It sure is, but you are the officer to fill those shoes 3 .

Captain Ngabe: Nice of you to say so.

罗琴科警官: 对了,恭喜你升为副巡长。

恩加贝副巡长: 谢谢。这担子很重呀。

罗琴科警官: 确实,不过你当之无愧。

恩加贝副巡长: 谢谢你这么说。

Conversation 3

Dr. Nkosi: Well done , Rachel and Travis ! The research report looks very solid.

Travis: Thank you, Dr. Nkosi.

Rachel: There are a few small things we need to work out, but it's good to hear good things about the work.

恩科西博士: 蕾切尔和特拉维斯,做得好!研究报告看起来很可信。

特拉维斯: 谢谢,恩科西博士。

蕾切尔: 我们还有一些细节需要完善,但是听到对这份报告的好评还是很开心的。

Conversation 4

Chief Douglas: That was nice work you did on the Klein investigation, Officer Hansen.

Officer Hansen: Thank you, chief, but it was a team effort.

Chief Douglas: Of course. Relate 4 my con-gratulations to all the members of your team for a job well done.

道格拉斯局长: 有关克莱因的调查你做得很好,汉森警官。

汉森警官: 谢谢,局长,那是团队努力的结果。

道格拉斯局长: 当然。请向你的团队成员表达我的祝贺,祝贺他们出色地完成了工作。

Conversation 5

Wanda: Hey, sis, that was your personal best on the 800 meters! I'm impressed!

Jessie (panting 5 ): Thanks, sis. I've been working on my breathing just like you said and it's paid off 6 .

Wanda: It sure has. Nice one!

万达: 嘿,姐妹,那是你在800米比赛中最好的个人成绩!令我刮目相看!

杰茜(气喘吁吁): 谢谢,姐妹。我一直在按照你说的方式调整呼吸,结果表明这非常有用。

万达: 当然有用。做得不错!

Conversation 6

Mr. Hush: Nice job on that presentation, Mason: comprehensive and lucid 7 .

Mason: Thanks, Mr. Hu sh. I stuttered there a few times.

Mr. Hush: Stage fright 8 . It'll be even better next time.

胡什先生: 梅森,汇报做得不错:全面、清晰。

梅森: 谢谢,胡什先生。我结巴了几次呢。

胡什先生: 那是因为怯场了。下次会更好的。

Conversation 7

Jamal's older brother: Whoa, bro, you crushed that English exam.

Jamal: It was easier than I had expected. Everyone said so.

Jamal's older brother: Be that as it may 9 , full marks are full marks!

贾迈勒的哥哥: 哇哦,兄弟,你完全碾压这场英语考试啊。

贾迈勒: 考试比我预想的要简单一些。大家都这么说。

贾迈勒的哥哥: 不管怎样,满分就是满分!

Conversation 8

Chef Martin (winking): I hate to say it, Camille, but respect. You handled the kitchen during this evening's service like a pro.

Camille (smiling): Thank you, Chef Martin! We were lucky that tonight was somewhat slow ...

Chef Martin: You're being modest. This evening was very active 10 , but you kept it well under control.

马丁主厨(眨眼): 我真不想对你说这话,卡米尔,但是向你致敬。今天晚上,你像一个专业人士一样掌控厨房。

卡米尔(微笑): 谢谢你,马丁主厨!我们很幸运,今晚不是太忙……

马丁主厨: 你太谦虚了。今晚餐厅算很忙碌了,但你控制得很好。


1 to tell you the truth 跟你说实话,老实说

2 shell-shocked [ˈʃelʃɑːkt] adj.极度震惊的

3 fill sb.'s shoes 代做某人的活(尤指某人定下很高标准而很难做时)

4 relate [rɪˈleɪt] v.叙述,讲述

5 pant [pænt] v.气喘,喘息

6 pay off 奏效

7 lucid [ˈluːsɪd] adj.表达清楚的;易懂的

8 fright [fraɪt] n.惊吓;恐怖;使人受到惊吓的经历

◎stage fright 怯场

9 be that as it may 即便如此,不管怎样

10 active [ˈæktɪv] adj.(尤指体力上)忙碌的;活跃的 NFZgvWG9cAvei4S/UaOK5JIWXs7va+icXUu7pdOt5J8kfEJzydR7vNF1eS1ibfUz
