
02 寒暄

Step 1 必备词汇记起来

excuse me 打扰一下

warm [wɔːrm]


hot [hɑːt]


cool [kuːl]


cold [kəʊld]


chilly [ˈtʃɪli]


pay a visit to ... 拜访……;参观……

call on sb.访问某人

stop by顺便拜访

come on in请进

have a seat请坐

have a good time玩得高兴

familiar [fəˈmɪliər]


◎be familiar with ... 熟悉……

bring [brɪŋ]


chat [tʃæt]


crime [kraɪm]


noise [nɔɪz]


traffic [ˈtræfɪk]


pollution [pəˈluːʃn]


wait [weɪt]


weather [ˈweðər]


Step 2 实用句子学起来

1. 'sup? / What's up?


2. How are you?


3. You're Albert , aren't you?


4. Excuse me, is this seat taken?


5. Mind if I sit down?


6. So, do you know Ruth ?


7. I noticed your tattoo . It's nice.


8. From your accent, it sounds like you're from Spain . Am I right?


9. Hi, I'm Jason , a friend of Shulin 's.


10. Hi, you look familiar. Andy , is it?


11. What do you think of the movie/confer-ence/restaurant?


12. How do you find the movie/conference/restaurant?


13. Where are you from?


14. What are you doing here?


15. Do you like your job?


16. How do you like the weather / the city /the food?


17. Is this your first time in Chicago ?


18. The traffic/pollution/noise/crime is bad, isn't it?


19. Have you been to the Statue of Liberty yet?


20. What brings you to San Fransisco ?

你为什么来旧金山?/ 你怎么来旧金山了?/ 什么风把你吹到旧金山来了?

21. May I ask what you do?


22. You're a student , aren't you?


23. Have you been waiting long?


24. Have you eaten?


25. Let's find a place to chat.


Step 3 情景对话练起来

Conversation 1

Yumei: 'sup , Lily ?

Lily: 'sup, Yumei?

Yumei: Chillin' 1 .

Lily: Same.

羽美: 莉莉,干吗呢?

莉莉: 羽美你呢?

羽美: (我)休息会儿。

莉莉: 我也是。

Conversation 2

Ms. Sider: Good morning, Ms. Lin.

Ms. Lin: Good morning, Abby. How are you?

Ms. Sider: I'm good, thank you.

西德女士: 早上好,林女士。

林女士: 早上好,阿比。你好吗?

西德女士: 我很好,谢谢。

Conversation 3

Harper: You're Albert, aren't you?

Albert: Yes. Nice to meet you, ...

Harper: Harper.

Albert: Harper.

哈珀: 你是艾伯特,对吗?

艾伯特: 是的。很高兴见到你……

哈珀: (我是)哈珀。

艾伯特: (很高兴见到你,)哈珀。

Conversation 4

Mrs. Thom: Excuse me, is this seat taken?

Ms. Devi: No, no, please sit down.

Mrs. Thom: Thank you. Hot day, isn't it?

Ms. Devi: Yes.

汤姆夫人: 打扰一下,请问这个座位有人吗?

德维斯女士: 没人,没人,请坐。

汤姆夫人: 谢谢。天真热啊,是不是?

德维斯女士: 是啊。

Conversation 5

Louise: Mind if I sit down?

Hank: I'm sorry, miss. This seat is already taken by my mother.

Louise: Oh. OK.

Hank: I see an empty seat just four rows ahead though.

Louise: I see it. Thanks.

路易丝: 您介意我坐这儿吗?

汉克: 抱歉,女士。这个座位已经被我母亲占了。

路易丝: 哦,好的。

汉克: 不过我看到前面四排就有个空位。

路易丝: 我看见了。谢谢。

Conversation 6

Dennis: So, do you know Ruth ? She works with Vivian in Accounting.

Jean: No, I don't think we've met before. But nice to meet you, Ruth; I'm Jean.

丹尼斯: 那么,你认识露丝吗?她和维维安都在会计部门工作。

琼: 不,我想我们之前没见过。不过很高兴见到你,露丝。我是琼。

Ruth: Pleasure to meet you, Jean. Where do you work?

Jean: I'm in Research and Development.

露丝: 很高兴见到你,琼。你在哪里工作?

琼: 我在研发部门工作。

Conversation 7

Kevin: I noticed your tattoo . It's nice.

Lucia: Thank you. I got it when my grand-mother passed away to remind me of her.

Kevin: I see. From your accent, it sounds like you're from Spain . Am I right?

Lucia: Yes! Sensitive hearing. I'm Lucia.

Kevin: I'm Kevin. Nice to meet you.

Lucia: Nice to meet you, too.

凯文: 我注意到了你的文身。很不错。

露西娅: 谢谢。我在奶奶去世的时候纹的,为了让自己(时刻)想起奶奶。

凯文: 这样啊。听你的口音,你像是从西班牙来的。我说得对吗?

露西娅: 对!你的听力真灵敏。我是露西娅。

凯文: 我是凯文。很高兴见到你。

露西娅: 我也很高兴见到你。

Conversation 8

Jason: Hi, I'm Jason, a friend of Shulin 's.

Timothy: Nice to make your acquaintance, Jason. I'm Timothy. I know Shulin from work.

Jason: Pleased to meet you, Timothy. Yeah, I know Shulin from her college days.

Timothy: Excellent. I bet she was a straight A student.

Jason: Got that right.

贾森: 嗨,我是贾森,淑林的朋友。

蒂莫西: 很高兴认识你,贾森。我是蒂莫西。我是在工作中认识淑林的。

贾森: 很高兴见到你,蒂莫西。嗯,我是在淑林上大学的时候认识她的。

蒂莫西: 真棒。我打赌她是个优等生。

贾森: 猜得没错。

Conversation 9

Skor: Hi, you look familiar. Andy, is it?

Andy: Yes, I'm Andy. And you are?

Skor: Skor. A bit unusual. S-K-O-R. It's a Scandinavian name.

Andy: Skor, uh huh. I look familiar?

Skor: Yeeeessss ; haven't I seen you leaving work 2 in a Prius?

Andy: Bingo.

斯科: 嗨,你看起来很面熟。安迪,对吗?

安迪: 对,我是安迪。你是?

斯科: 斯科。这个名字不常见。S-K-O-R。这是个斯堪的纳维亚语名字。

安迪: 斯科,嗯嗯。我看起来很面熟?

斯科: 是呀,我是不是见过你开着一辆普锐斯下班?

安迪: 说对了。

Conversation 10

Fiona: What do you think of the restaurant?

Derbin: It's really nice. I especially like the fish. What about you?

Fiona: I think it's just fine. The steak is too tough 3 .

菲奥娜: 你觉得这家餐厅怎么样?

德宾: 真的很不错。我特别喜欢这里的鱼。你呢?

菲奥娜: 我认为勉强还行。牛排煎得太老。

Conversation 11

Eden: How do you find the conference?

Keven: It's really interesting. I especially like the first speaker. What do you think?

Eden: Me too. He is very passionate.

伊登: 你觉得这场会议怎么样?

凯文: 非常有趣。我特别喜欢第一位发言者。你觉得呢?

伊登: 我也是。他非常有激情。

Conversation 12

Gabby: Where are you from?

May: I'm from China.

Gabby: Wow! That's far away. When did you arrive?

May: I flew in last night.

Gabby: Was it a long flight?

May: Yes, about 12 hours. I'm still feeling jet-lagged 4 .

加比: 你来自哪里?

梅: 我来自中国。

加比: 哇!好远啊。你什么时候到的这里?

梅: 我坐飞机昨晚到的。

加比: 那是一次长途飞行吗?

梅: 是的,大约12个小时。我现在还在倒时差。

Conversation 13

Tyzzer: What are you doing here?

Miya: I'm here for the conference.

Tyzzer: So am I. Which company are you from?

Miya: I'm with the sales team from Huawei. Tyzzer: That's really interesting. Do you like your job?

Miya: Most of the time, yes.

Tyzzer: What do you like about it?

Miya: I get to travel to nice conferences like this!

泰泽: 你在这里做什么呢?

米娅: 我在这里参加会议。

泰泽: 我也是。你来自哪家公司?

米娅: 我是华为销售团队的一员。

泰泽: 那很有趣啊。你喜欢自己的工作吗?

米娅: 大多数时间是喜欢的。

泰泽: 你喜欢这个工作的什么呢?

米娅: 我能来参加这样的好会议!

Conversation 14

Ms. Gao: So, how do you like the weather?

Jim: Well, it's a little cold, but I'm sure I'll get used to 5 it.

Ms. Gao: Yes, yes; we all learn to live with 6 it.

高女士: 那么,你觉得天气怎么样?

吉姆: 呃,有点冷,但我相信我会习惯的。

高女士: 是的,是的,我们都得学着与它共存。

Conversation 15

Kareem: Is this your first time in Chicago ?

Dr. Zhao: Yes, it is. But I'm from Shanghai, so I'm used to big cities.

Kareem: Excellent. You'll feel at home 7 in no time 8 !

卡里姆: 这是你第一次来芝加哥吗?

赵医生: 是的,是第一次。但我来自上海,所以我已经习惯大城市了。

卡里姆: 太好了。你很快就会习惯了!

Conversation 16

Uber driver: The pollution is bad, isn't it?

Helen: I'm afraid so.

Uber driver: Have you been to the Statue of Liberty yet?

Helen: Funny you should ask! I'm going there this afternoon!

优步司机: 污染很严重,不是吗?

海伦: 恐怕是的。

优步司机: 你去看过自由女神像了吗?

海伦: 你问得真巧!我正打算今天下午去呢!

Conversation 17

Police officer: So, what brings you to San Francisco ?

Sue: I'm here to attend graduate school.

Police officer: That's great. California has some great schools.

警官: 那么,你为什么来旧金山?

苏: 我是来这里读研究生的。

警官: 那很不错呀,加利福尼亚有一些很棒的学校。

Conversation 18

Ulrich: How about you, Pan? May I ask what you do?

Pan: I'm a financial analyst. And you're a student, aren't you?

Ulrich: Yeah. I'm in my last year at Arizona State.

乌尔里赫: 潘,你呢?我能问下你是做什么的吗?

潘: 我是一名金融分析师。你是学生,对吗?

乌尔里赫: 是的,我在亚利桑那州立大学上学,今年就要毕业了。

Conversation 19

Zoe: I'm sorry I'm late, Eric! Have you been waiting long?

Eric: That's okay. I just got here myself.

Zoe: Well, have you eaten? Let's find a place to chat.

Eric: Sounds good.

Zoe: I know a good place nearby, not expen-sive.

佐伊: 对不起,埃里克,我迟到了!你等很久了吗?

埃里克: 没事的,我自己也刚到。

佐伊: 你吃饭了吗?咱们找个地方聊聊天吧。

埃里克: 听起来不错。

佐伊: 我知道附近有个地方不错,价格不是很贵。


1 chill [tʃɪl] v.休息,放松;使冷却(chillin'为chilling的缩写)

2 leave work 下班

3 tough [tʌf] adj.(食物咬不动的;老的;切不动的)

4 jet-lagged [ˈdʒet læɡd] adj.有时差反应的

◎jet lag 时差反应

5 get/be used to (doing) sth. 习惯(做)某事

6 live with ... 与……住在一起;忍受……

7 feel/be at home 舒服自在,不拘束

8 in no time 立刻,马上


自由女神像(the Statue of Liberty)矗立在纽约州纽约市哈德逊河中的自由岛上,是美国的一个国家纪念碑,为许多人熟知,可以算是美国的一个标志了。自由女神像的正式名称是Liberty Enlightening the World(“自由照耀全世界”),它是自由的象征,由法国著名雕塑家巴特勒迪(Bartholdi)历时10年雕刻而成,是法国人民在美国独立100周年时赠给美国人民的礼物。

自由女神身上的长袍为古希腊风格,其所戴头冠象征世界七大洲。女神像左手捧着一本书,象征着《独立宣言》,书的封面上用罗马数字刻有“1776年7月4日”字样。神像的脚下是打碎的手铐、脚镣和锁链,象征着挣脱暴政的约束和自由。在神像的基座上刻有美国女诗人艾玛·拉撒路(Emma Lazarus)的一首脍炙人口的诗——《新巨人》(The New Colossus )。其中这几句更是久为人们所熟知:

Give me your tired, your poor,

Your huddled masses yearning to breathe free,

The wretched refuse of your teeming shore.

Send these, the homeless, tempest-tost to me,

I lift my lamp beside the golden door!





我站在金门口,高举自由的灯火! NXqAZXC+lXKKoSjtSbigQ28PwWFUoMzdTE0A8omRmM9t7oGXDZCQEX3cp/mBLxyr
