
26 安慰,鼓励

Step 1 必备词汇记起来

comfort [ˈkʌmfərt]

n ./v.安慰

◎give comfort to sb. 安慰某人

console [kənˈsəʊl]


◎console sb. a great deal 给某人极大的安慰

◎console sb. with ... 用……来安慰某人

consolation [ˌkɑːnsəˈleɪʃn]


soothe [suːð]


relax [rɪˈlæks]


take a deep breath深呼吸

encourage [ɪnˈkɜːrɪdʒ]


◎encourage sb. to do sth.鼓励某人做某事

encouragement [ɪnˈkɜːrɪdʒmənt]


inspire [ɪnˈspaɪər]


◎inspire sb. to do sth. 激励某人做某事

pull oneself together 控制自己的情绪,冷静下来

never mind 不要紧,没关系

Step 2 实用句子学起来

1. Take it easy.


2. It'll be okay.


3. It will work out.

一切都会好起来的。/ 一切都会解决的。

4. Time heals all.


5. Don't take it so hard.


6. Keep your chin up! / Chin up!

别灰心!/ 不要气馁!

7. You'll get through this.


8. It's not the end of the world.


9. There is a silver lining.


10. Every cloud has a silver lining.

乌云背后总有一线光芒。/ 天无绝人之路。/ 凡事都有好的一面。

11. It's not your fault.


12. It's no big deal.


13. Cheer up!


14. Come on!


15. Do your best.

尽力而为。/ 尽你所能。

16. (I know) You'll do great. / You'll do it fine, (I know it).


17. I/We/You can do it/this!


18. Today is your day.

今天是你的主场/高光时刻。/ 今天你做主。

Step 3 情景对话练起来

Conversation 1

Chloe: Hey, hey, Suzy, c'mon girl, take it easy.

Suzy: But what if the other schools I applied to also turn me down 1 ?

Chloe: It'll be okay. I'm sure one of them at least will be glad to make you an offer.

克洛艾: 嘿,嘿,苏济,没事的,放轻松。

苏济: 但是如果我申请的其他学校也拒绝我,怎么办?

克洛艾: 不会有事的。我相信至少有一所学校会录取你的。

Conversation 2

Anton: No, no, no, don't think that way. He broke up with you, okay, but it will work out.

Bernard: But we were perfect together!

Anton: Bernard, I'm sorry, but clearly not. Time heals all ... But meanwhile, let me treat you to 2 dinner. Nothing heals a broken heart like a good meal.

安东: 不不不,不要那么想。虽然他跟你分手了,但是没事,一切都会好起来的。

伯纳德: 但是我们在一起时很完美啊!

安东: 伯纳德,我很抱歉这么说,但是很明显你们在一起时不是那么完美。时间会治愈一切……但是现在,让我请你吃个晚饭吧。没有什么比一顿大餐更能治愈一颗破碎的心了。

Conversation 3

Peng: I just read the email: I didn't get the fellowship 3 .

Adele: Damn. They don't know what they're missing.

Peng: It's like a slap 4 in the face.

Adele: Hey, hey, don't take it so hard. There will be more—and better—opportunities! Keep your chin up!

彭: 我刚看了邮件,我没得到奖学金。

阿黛尔: 该死。他们不知道自己错过了什么。

彭: 这就像一记耳光。

阿黛尔: 嘿,嘿,别太难过了。以后会有更多、更好的机会!别灰心!

Conversation 4

Isadora: It's a glass ceiling 5 , that's what it is! They promoted Dred because he's a man.

Haehl: It could be, but then again he did have seniority 6 . You'll get through 7 this. There are new vacancies in lots of government departments every week; just keep looking.

伊莎多拉: 这就是个无形的障碍,就是这么回事!他们给德雷德升职就是因为他是男的。

黑尔: 有可能,不过话说回来,他确实有资历。你会挺过去的。每周都有很多政府部门的职位空出来,继续找。

Conversation 5

Mr. Akter: Could things get any worse? We're being evacuated 8 because of the cyclone to who knows where!

Soldier: The government is resettling 9 everyone to avoid outbreaks of typhoid 10 and cholera 11 brought by the flooding.

Mr. Akter: When will we be able to return?

Soldier: It's not the end of the world. Be thankful you and Mrs. Akter have your health.

阿克特尔先生: 情况还会变得更糟吗?因为飓风,我们一直在被转移到偏远的地方!

士兵: 为了避免因洪水而爆发的伤寒和霍乱,政府正在重新安置所有人。

阿克特尔先生: 我们什么时候才能回家?

士兵: 又不是世界末日。您和阿克特尔太太应该庆幸自己身体健康。

Conversation 6

Mrs. Cohen: The doctors said the cancer is in remission 12 . Thank heaven for that. And there is a silver lining: this has been a wake-up call 13 to him: he's stopped smoking; he's exercising regularly and seems to be enjoying things he took for granted before.

Mrs. Cohen's daughter: Great news, ma.

科恩太太: 医生说癌症在缓解。谢天谢地。还有一线希望。这给他敲响了警钟:他已经戒烟了,定期锻炼,而且似乎很享受他以前认为理所当然的事情。

科恩太太的女儿: 妈,这真是个好消息。

Conversation 7

Regina: This promotion is making me anxious.

Regina's sister: Relax, I know you'll do great.

Regina: I certainly hope so.

雷吉娜: 这次升职让我很焦虑。

雷吉娜的姐姐: 放松点,我知道你会做得很好的。

雷吉娜: 我当然希望这样。

Conversation 8

Javier: I'm off to the job interview, mom!

Mother: You'll do it fine, I know it. (Holds up crossed fingers.)

哈维尔: 妈妈,我要去面试了!

妈妈: 我知道你会表现得很好的。(举起双手,手指交叉。)

Conversation 9

Adam: This is my first bungee 14 jump. I'm frightened.

Bungee manager: Everyone jumping today is new to this. So come on, you can do it! (gives thumbs up)

Adam: Great.

亚当: 这是我第一次蹦极。我害怕极了。

蹦极管理员: 今天蹦极的所有人都是第一次。加油,你可以的!(竖起大拇指)

亚当: 那好吧。

Conversation 10

Basketball coach: OK, team. We're up by 2 points. All we have to do is keep the ball away from the other team for 1 minute.

Center: Roger that. 15 We can do this! (gestures with “V”) Let's bring home the winner's trophy today!

篮球教练: 好的,各位队员。我们现在领先2分。我们只要做到让球远离对方球队一分钟就可以了。

中锋: 收到。我们可以做到的!(做字母V的手势)今天就让我们把冠军奖杯拿回家吧!

Conversation 11

Pauline: I'm so nervous just before my presen-tation! All my classmates and professors are here!

Jasmine: Take a deep breath, Pauline. Today is your day. Do yourself proud.

保利娜: 就要开始展示了,我太紧张了!所有同学和教授都在这!

贾丝明: 保利娜,深呼吸。今天是你的主场。让你自己感到骄傲吧!

Conversation 12

Ovi: I don't know if I can do this! The diving board is so high.

Shasta: You got this, Ovi. Hop 16 off the end and when you hit the water, tuck in 17 your legs. Piece of cake .

Ovi: OK. Here goes!

奥维: 我不知道自己能不能做到!跳水板真的很高。

沙斯塔: 你行的,奥维。在跳水板的末端起跳,入水时双腿并拢。小菜一碟。

奥维: 好。我要跳了!


1 turn sb. down 拒绝某人

2 treat sb. to sth. 请某人……;款待某人……

3 fellowship [ˈfeləʊʃɪp] n.奖学金

4 slap [slæp] n.一巴掌

◎a slap in the face 侮辱,打击

5 ceiling [ˈsiːlɪŋ] n.天花板;上限

◎glass ceiling(尤指女性等在职务晋升上遇到的)无形障碍

6 seniority [ˌsiːnˈjɔːrəti] n.(在某一公司供职的)资历,年资

7 get through 结束(不愉快的经历),熬过(困难时期)

8 evacuate [ɪˈvækjueɪt] v.疏散,撤离,转移

9 resettle [ˌriːˈsetl] v. (政府或组织)使……搬迁;使……重新定居

10 typhoid [ˈtaɪfɔɪd] n.伤寒

11 cholera [ˈkɑːlərə] n.霍乱

12 remission [rɪˈmɪʃn] n.(重病的)减轻,缓解

◎in remisson 有所缓解

13 wake-up call 警示

14 bungee [ˈbʌndʒi] n.蹦极索

◎bungee jump蹦极

◎go bungee jumping去蹦极

15 “Roger that.”表示收到上级命令后的回复,有received and understood之意,即为“收到”。

16 hop [hɑːp] v.齐足(或双足)跳行;单脚跳行

17 tuck in(身体的某一部分)收紧 5YuNa9+LpycTT5xCAl8Cz/SPWfciZpDqIgBglSGObQ6iuze6BH/8HZfGhotdzZcE
