
25 责备

Step 1 必备词汇记起来

accuse [əˈkjuːz]


◎accuse sb. of (doing) sth. 因(做)某事指责某人

blame [bleɪm]


◎blame sb./sth. for ... 把……归咎于某人/某事,因……责怪某人/某事

◎blame ... on sb./sth. 把……归咎于某人/某事,因……责怪某人/某事

reproach [rɪˈprəʊtʃ]

v./n .指责,责备

criticize [ˈkrɪtɪsaɪz]


criticism [ˈkrɪtɪsɪzəm]


crazy [ˈkreɪzi]


insane [ɪnˈseɪn]


lose sb.'s mind 失去理智

childish [ˈtʃaɪldɪʃ]


ridiculous [rɪˈdɪkjələs]


short-sighted [ˌʃɔːrt ˈsaɪtɪd]


idiot [ˈɪdiət]


point fingers at sb. 对某人指手画脚

harsh [hɑːrʃ]


unacceptable [ˌʌnəkˈseptəbl]

adj. 不能接受的

uncalled for [ʌnˈkɔːld fɔːr]


Step 2 实用句子学起来

1. I'm afraid that we have to let you go.


2. This kind of behavior is completely/totally unacceptable.


3. You owe him an apology.


4. He was totally out of line!


5. That's uncalled for.


6. Where does the boss get off accusing me of causing trouble ?


7. Who made Ivy our overlord ?


Step 3 情景对话练起来

Conversation 1

Fred: Listen, Cedric, you're a nice guy, and you work hard, but I'm afraid that we have to let you go 1 .

Cedric: Is it because I have had trouble with management?

Fred: Yes, that's mainly it. You're hard to work with—that's what they say.

弗雷德: 锡德里克,听着,你人很好,工作也很努力,但是恐怕我们得解雇你。

锡德里克: 是因为我在管理上有问题吗?

弗雷德: 是的,主要是这样。和你一起工作很别扭——大家都是这么说的。

Conversation 2

Principal Higgins: Thank you for coming, Mr. and Mrs. Vincent. I'm sorry to tell you that your son has been found smoking in the bathroom—again. This kind of behavior is completely unacceptable.

Mrs. Vincent: We've spoken to Marcus repeatedly about this.

Principal Higgins: We'll have to find some way to solve this problem.

希金斯校长: 文森特先生、文森特太太,感谢你们能来。我很抱歉地告诉你们,我们发现你们的儿子又在卫生间抽烟了。这种行为是完全不能接受的。

文森特太太: 关于这件事,我们已经和马库斯谈过很多次了。

希金斯校长: 我们必须找到方法解决这个问题。

Conversation 3

Benjamin: Whatever! You know it doesn't make any difference what made you say those things to Vaclav! You owe him an apology.

Tina: You're right, you're right. I'll apologize after lunch.

Benjamin: No time like the present 2 . Do it now. He's right over there. (pointing)

本杰明: 随你的便!你知道,是什么让你对瓦茨拉瓦说那些话都不重要!你应该向他道歉。

蒂娜: 你说的对,你说的对。我吃完午饭就跟他道歉。

本杰明: 现在就是时候。现在就去。他就在那儿。(指着)

Conversation 4

Gogo: Imagine blaming me for being late!

Scratch: I know! He was totally out of line 3 !

Gogo: Yeah! The bus got into 4 an accident! What was I supposed to do, fly?

戈高: 想象一下,我因为迟到挨说了!

斯科奇: 我知道!他简直太过分了!

戈高: 是啊!公交车出事故了!我能怎么办,飞过来吗?

Conversation 5

Mrs. Ewing: ... I mean, she's friends with that kind of crowd.

Amelia: Mrs. Ewing, that's uncalled for.

Mrs. Ewing: What did you just say to me?

Amelia: That's guilt by association, Mrs. Ewing. You're jumping to conclusions 5 .

Mrs. Ewing: I ... I ... can see your point 6 , Amelia. (pause) You're right.

尤因太太: ……我是说,她跟那群人是好朋友。

阿梅莉亚: 尤因太太,这么说不合适。

尤因太太: 你刚才跟我说什么?

阿梅莉亚: 尤因太太,乱说话是要负责任的。你的结论下得太早了。

尤因太太: 阿梅莉亚,我……我……明白你的意思了。(停顿)你说得对。

Conversation 6

Mr. Mosley: What I want to know is where does the boss get off 7 accusing me of causing trouble!

Mr. Cortez: He thinks that you contradict 8 your coworkers before they've had a chance to explain things.

Mr. Mosley: But they say such foolish things. How can I let that pass 9 ?

Mr. Cortez: Your big mouth and unwelcome opinions are going to get you fired.

莫斯利先生: 我想知道的是,老板因为什么指责我惹了麻烦!

科尔特斯先生: 他认为你总在同事还没来得及解释之前就反驳。

莫斯利先生: 但是他们说的话那么蠢,我怎么能任由他们说那些蠢话?

科尔特斯先生: 你的大嘴巴和意见不受欢迎会导致你被开除的。

Conversation 7

Daisy: I'm telling you, Jamal, I don't know who made Ivy our overlord 10 ! She bosses 11 us around like we were pigs!

Jamal: Calm down, Daisy. Yeah, Ivy's tem-perament 12 can be annoying, but we should try to let her know peacefully, not aggressively.

Daily: I guess you're right. We don't want conflict; peace is better.

黛西: 贾迈勒,我跟你说,我不知道是谁让艾薇在这当霸王的!她对我们指手画脚的,好像我们都是猪一样!

贾迈勒: 黛西,冷静。是,艾薇的脾气可能很烦人,但我们应该平和地试着让她知道,而不是咄咄逼人。

黛西: 我想你是对的。我们不想闹矛盾,和睦相处更好。


1 let sb. go 解雇某人(委婉说法);放走某人

2 No time like the present. 现在正是时候。/机不可失,时不再来。

3 be out of line(言行)不可接受,出格

get/step out of line不服从,违反规定

4 get into sth. 使陷入某事;处于某事;达到某事;进入某物

5 jump to conclusions 过早下结论,妄自断定

6 see sb.'s point 明白某人的意思

7 get off 出发,动身

8 contradict [ˌkɑːntrəˈdɪkt] v.反驳,驳斥

9 let sth. pass 放过某事,不追究某事

10 overlord [ˈəʊvərlɔːrd] n.霸王;(尤指旧时的)领主,大王

11 boss [bɔːs] v.对……发号施令(尤指无权这样做时)

◎boss sb. around 支使某人

12 temperament [ˈtemprəmənt] n.性格 /3c+fGh/fPwZIk94Wqq8AgKXtUe5ugQD3YEdroIzouTYZ3nCe1QDqw+g3tPsKAsX
