
24 赞扬,夸奖

Step 1 必备词汇记起来

praise [preɪz]

n ./v.赞美,表扬

◎praise sb. for ... 因为……称赞某人

◎highly praised 高度赞扬的

◎praise sb. a lot 大加赞扬某人

◎be full of praise for sb. 对某人赞不绝口

acclaimed [əˈkleɪmd]


◎be acclaimed as ... 被称誉为……

applaud [əˈplɔːd]


◎applaud sb. for sth. 某人因某事受到称赞

speak highly of sb. 高度评价某人

compliment [ˈkɑːmplɪmənt]


say good things about sb. 说某人的好话,赞扬某人

rave about/over sth. 对某事赞不绝口

brilliant [ˈbrɪliənt]


awesome [ˈɔːsəm]


terrific [təˈrɪfɪk]


incredible [ɪnˈkredəbl]


impressive [ɪmˈpresɪv]


fabulous [ˈfæbjələs]


Step 2 实用句子学起来

1. Good work!


2. Fantastic job!


3. (Just) Brilliant!


4. I'm/We're very pleased with your proposal for opening a new line of online vocational courses.


5. Impressive routine !


6. When it comes to handling new, untrained dogs , Ester is second to none.


7. You all kick ass.


Step 3 情景对话练起来

Conversation 1

Ms. Yamamoto: Thank you, sir, but again we worked together on 1 this.

Mr. Andretti: As the team leader, though, you deserve special praise. Good work , Ms. Yamamoto, you pulled the team together 2 and produced outstanding results.

Ms. Yamamoto: I appreciate your compli-ments, sir. Thank you again.

山本女士: 先生,谢谢您,但是这是我们一起努力的结果。

安德烈蒂先生: 即便是这样,作为团队领导,你值得特别表扬。干得好,山本女士,你重整了这个团队,并且取得了优异的成绩。

山本女士: 先生,谢谢您的夸奖。再次感谢。

Conversation 2

Captain McReady: Fantastic job , Captain Rollins. You can be my copilot any day.

Captain Rollins: Much obliged, captain. These simulations 3 have taught me a lot.

Captain McReady: That's what they're designed to do. You passed with flying colors 4 .

麦克雷迪机长: 好样的,罗林斯机长。你随时都能当我的副驾驶。

罗林斯机长: 感谢机长。这几次模拟让我学到了很多。

麦克雷迪机长: 模拟就是这个用处。你的成绩很出色。

Conversation 3

Fan: An honor to meet you, Ms. Cheng! Your recital was brilliant! Just brilliant!

Ms. Cheng: Very nice of you to say so. Thank you.

Fan: Can I take a selfie with you—for my kids?

Ms. Cheng: You bet.

法恩: 程女士,很荣幸见到你!你的表演真是太精彩了!太棒了!

程女士: 你这么说我很高兴。谢谢你。

法恩: 我能跟你一起自拍一张吗?送给我的孩子们。

程女士: 当然可以。

Conversation 4

Ms. shapiro: Although we're very, very pleased with your proposal for opening a new line of online vocational 5 courses, we're concerned about your ... social skills, Andrea.

Andrea: My personality was formed in the army, Ms. Shapiro. That makes me an outsider 6 in the civilian 7 world. I'm results-oriented 8 , not people-oriented.

夏皮罗女士: 安德烈亚,你提议开设一条在线职业课程的新产品线,我们对此非常、非常满意,但是我们担心你的……社交能力。

安德烈亚: 夏皮罗女士,我的个性是在军队里形成的。这让我成了平民世界里的局外人。我以结果为导向,而不是以人为导向。

Conversation 5

Mixed martial arts instructor: Riley! Impres-sive routine 9 ! The judges should give you high marks!

Riley: Hope so, sensei 10 .

Mixed martial arts instructor: Here they are: 6, 55, 6, 52. That puts you in first place 11 !

综合格斗教练: 赖利!这套动作令人印象深刻!评委们会给你高分的!

赖利: 希望如此吧,老师。

综合格斗教练: 分数来了,6、55、6、52。你现在是第一名了!

Conversation 6

Dog trainer A: When it comes to 12 handling new, untrained dogs, Ester is second to none.

Dog trainer B: That's the truth. I've seen her tame 13 and train more abused dogs than I can count.

驯狗师A: 在对付未经训练的新狗方面,埃斯特可谓首屈一指。

驯狗师B: 确实如此。我见过她驯养和训练被虐待的狗,多得数不过来。

Conversation 7

Mr. Appleby: Seven! Help me return these exams 14 , would you please?

Seven: Sure.

Mr. Appleby: A few remarks while Seven hands back 15 your tests: Liliana, Udo, Kazim, and Bill— you all kick ass. Pringle, Reiko, Valerie, and William—you need to work a little harder.

阿普尔比先生: 谢文!请帮我把这些卷子返给大家,好吗?

谢文: 没问题。

阿普尔比先生: 谢文给大家发卷子时,我说几句:利利安娜、乌多、卡齐姆和比尔——你们都很了不起。普林格尔、玲子、瓦莱丽和威廉——你们需要再努力一点。


1 work together on sth. 在某事上团结合作

2 pull sth. together 整顿某事物;把某事重新组织好

◎pull together(一群人)齐心协力,通力合作

3 simulation [ˌsɪmjuˈleɪʃn] n.模拟;模拟的环境

4 with flying colors 出色地/大获全胜地(通过考试)

5 vocational [vəʊˈkeɪʃənl] adj.职业的;职业技术的

◎vocational courses 职业课程

6 outsider [ˌaʊtˈsaɪdər] n.外人;局外人

7 civilian [səˈvɪliən] n.平民,老百姓

8 oriented [ˈɔːrientɪd] adj.以……为方向的

9 routine [ruːˈtiːn] n.一套动作

10 sensei [senˈseɪ] n. <日>老师

11 first place 第一名

12 when it comes to ... 说到……;在……方面

13 tame [teɪm] v.驯服,驯化

14 exam [ɪɡˈzæm] n.试卷

15 hand back 交还;归还 eTIprAOpp5ej1K2pXyMHdv+3qxpsa1YZaYNg9lTByH+m5QdzEpJRHQR7Q5oBzTLR
