
07 感谢

Step 1 必备词汇记起来

appreciate [əˈpriːʃieɪt]


appreciation [əˌpriːʃiˈeɪʃn]


grateful [ˈɡreɪtfl]


◎be grateful to sb. 感激某人

gratitude [ˈɡrætɪtuːd]


◎express gratitude表达感激之情

◎in gratitude for ... 为了感谢……

◎with gratitude 满怀感激地

debt [det]


◎be in sb.'s debt 受某人的恩惠,感激某人

obliged [əˈblaɪdʒd]


repay [rɪˈpeɪ]


thankworthy [ˈθæŋkˌwɜːrði]


Step 2 实用句子学起来

1. Thank you so much!


2. Thank you for the offer.


3. Thanks a million (for your suggestions)!


4. I appreciate that, thanks.


5. I can't thank you enough.

感激不尽。/ 我怎么感谢你都不够。

6. I'm so grateful.

我很感激。/ 我太感动了。

7. I'm in your debt.


8. I don't know what we would have done without your help!


9. Thank you doesn't cover it.


10. How can I ever repay you (for taking me to the hospital )?


11. Let me treat you and your brother Oscar to lunch this Saturday ! It's the least I can do to say thanks.


12. I'm much obliged to you for helping me.


13. Much obliged.


14. Thanks so much for helping me.


Step 3 情景对话练起来

Conversation 1

Elia: Thank you so much , Professor Ellis !

Professor Ellis: That's okay, Elia. The project is coming along nicely.

Elia: I hope so! Thanks again.

伊莱亚: 埃利斯教授,太感谢您了!

埃利斯教授: 别客气,伊莱亚。这个项目进展得很顺利。

伊莱亚: 希望如此!再次感谢您!

Conversation 2

Mark: Hi, Dr. Lyons.

Dr. Lyons: Sorry to bother you, Mark, but I wanted to get back to 1 you personally.

Mark: Oh. Ah. Why, may I ask?

Dr. Lyons: I heard you were applying to UCLA grad school, so I wanted to ask whether you needed a recommendation.

Mark (shocked): Dr. Lyons, thank you so much! I hadn't wanted to bother you while you were on your sabbatical 2 , so I have already asked other professors, but thank you for the offer.

Dr. Lyons: I thought I was too late. Well then, if you need anything else, don't be shy to let me know.

马克: 嗨,莱昂斯博士。

莱昂斯博士: 很抱歉打扰你,马克,但我想亲自给你回电话。

马克: 哦。啊。我可以问一下为什么吗?

莱昂斯博士: 我听说你在申请加州大学洛杉矶分校的研究生院,所以我想问你是否需要推荐。

马克(震惊): 莱昂斯博士,非常感谢您!我不想在您休假的时候打扰您,所以我已经请其他教授推荐了,但谢谢您主动提出帮忙。

莱昂斯博士: 我就知道我来晚了。好吧,如果你之后还需要什么,不要不好意思告诉我。

Conversation 3

Steven: Done! Whoa! Thirty pages! Miriam, thanks a million for your suggestions!

Miriam: I'm a tutor; that's my job.

Steven: Still, your advice and encouragement kept me sane 3 and on target.

史蒂文: 搞定了!哇哦!30页!米里亚姆,万分感谢你给我提的那些建议!

米里亚姆: 我是指导教师,这是我的工作。

史蒂文: 尽管如此,还是你的鼓励和建议让我保持理智,目标坚定。

Conversation 4

Stranger: Oh! Here, let me help you get the baby stroller up those stairs.

Mrs. Rodriguez: I appreciate that, thanks!

Stranger: There we go. They really should have inclines 4 on the stairs for strollers.

陌生人: 哦!来,我帮你把婴儿车搬上台阶。

罗德里格斯太太: 感激不尽,谢谢!

陌生人: 好了。他们真应该在有台阶的地方为婴儿车留出斜坡。

Conversation 5

Jojo: We'll drop by around 8 tomorrow morning to help you move.

Betty: I can't thank you enough!

Sinks: Don't thank us yet; we haven't done anything. Thank us after we're done!

乔乔: 我们明天早上8点左右过来帮你搬家。

贝蒂: 感激不尽!

辛克斯: 先别感谢我们,我们还什么都没做呢。等搬完家再谢我们吧!

Conversation 6

Adele: Thanks, Evelyn, for helping me deal with that guy. What a jerk!

Evelyn: Happy to help. It's happened to me as well.

Adele: Sorry to hear that. I'm so grateful. Let me buy you lunch 5 .

阿黛尔: 伊夫林,谢谢你帮我对付那个家伙。他真是个混蛋!

伊夫林: 乐意之至。我也遇见过这样的事。

阿黛尔: 抱歉啊。我很感激。让我请你吃午饭吧。

Conversation 7

Hiro: You're good, Paul? You still have ten minutes before your lecture starts.

Paul: Yes. Plenty of time. Hiro, thanks a million! I'm in your debt.

Hiro: It's nothing; I had to drive to campus anyway.

伊罗: 保罗,你还好吧?讲座开始之前你还有十分钟时间。

保罗: 是的。还有很多时间。伊罗,万分感谢!我欠你一份人情。

伊罗: 没事的。反正我也要开车来学校。

Conversation 8

Ms. Hernandez: Ali, thanks so much for coming over 6 to babysit on such short notice 7 . I don't know what we would have done without your help!

Ali: That's okay, Ms. Hernandez. I'll check on 8 little Cynthia every hour while studying in the living room. No problems.

埃尔南德斯女士: 阿里,真是太感谢你了,在这么短的时间内过来照看孩子。如果没有你的帮助,我们真不知道该怎么办!

阿里: 没什么,埃尔南德斯女士。我在客厅学习时,每个小时都会过去看一下小辛西娅。没问题的。

Conversation 9

Mr. Rao: You really pulled the fat out of the fire 9 for us, Tui! Thank you doesn't cover it.

Tui: I was happy to help. The locksmith should be here in about 15 minutes. You'll be in your apartment in no time.

拉奥先生: 图伊,你真是帮了我们大忙了!“谢谢”两个字不足以表达我的感激之情。

图伊: 我很高兴能帮上忙。锁匠大概15分钟内能到。你们很快就能进去自己的公寓了。

Conversation 10

Artur: Hanna, how can I ever repay you for taking me to the hospital ?

Hanna: You're lucky you didn't break your leg too!

Artur: You're right about that. I'll be more careful while riding my bike. Listen, let me treat you and your brother Oscar to lunch this Saturday ! It's the least I can do to say thanks.

Hanna: It's not necessary, but it's a deal!

阿图尔: 汉娜,你送我去医院,我怎么才能报答你呢?

汉娜: 你还真幸运,(幸亏)没把腿也摔断!

阿图尔: 你说得对。我以后骑自行车时会更小心的。听着,这周六就让我请你和你弟弟奥斯卡吃午饭吧!起码让我表示下感谢。

汉娜: 没那个必要,但就这么定吧!


1 get back to(常指通过电话)再联系;重新开始

2 sabbatical [səˈbætɪkl] n.休假

◎on sabbatical 去休假,在休假

3 sane [seɪn] adj.明智的,理智的;神志正常的

4 incline [ɪnˈklaɪn] n.斜坡

5 buy sb. lunch 请某人吃午饭

6 come over 来访;拜访

7 on short notice 在短时间内

8 check on 检查,查看(是否安全、满意等);核实

9 pull the fat out of the fire 挽救危局,解救危机 5YuNa9+LpycTT5xCAl8Cz/SPWfciZpDqIgBglSGObQ6iuze6BH/8HZfGhotdzZcE
