
14.Normalization Aspects on the Information Systems for Regional Planning and Management at Province,City and County Levels

Huang Xing-yuan Yao Xu-rong


Considerations on the establishment of reginal GIS at province,city and county levels are given,based on the trend in the development and application of the systems.These are related to system design objectives and tasks,software and hardware configurations,normalization and standardization aspects of the systems.Also given in this paper are the examples of application of such systems.


“The normalization study on information systems for reginal planning and management at province,city and county levels”as a part of the work on normalization and standardization of the information systems of resource and environment,was one of the subjects registered in the country’7th 5-year key problem program.Its aim was,through trial use of certain systems,to put foreward programs for establis normalization program or standardization test concerning system design,data quality control and software development,and to provide typical examples so as to serve as a base for establishing national standard and to provide experiences for establishing similar system at other levels.

The study consisted of 7 sub-themes,concerning Liaoning province,Henan province,the city of Tangshan and Suighou,the county of Liuhe,Kenli and Liyang,and we achieved remarkable progress over the past 3 years,with the support of the leadership and by the efforts of the scientific workers.

2.System Design and Tasks

Different opinions existed on the objectives and tasks of establishing automatic information systems named by their own administrative division names.So in overall design of the systems demands and requirements of the users were investigated and analysed and with the existing techniques and the financial condition also weighted,objectives of establishment were finalized as:

By continuous processing,aquiring and supplying information.

To make the people realise population,resource,economy,environment status in their own region.

To make the people known about the original state and way of development in their region.

To allow the study of the relationship between people,material,land information and the law of interaction,so that regulation and control of the material flow,energy flow and information flow within a region can be carried out by using the generated information of analysed results,in order to turn the whole region into a desired state or onto the right track,and realise the dynamic ballance and coordinate development.Thus,the basic tasks were:

1)To provide reliable,integrated,basic data and consulttative service for regional planning of great importance,strategy studying on production and thematic study for the purpose of macro-management of the region,which include data storage,enquiry,retrieval,measuration,statistics and output of graphics.

2)To accomplish the individual or thematic studies on regional planning,management,policy making and raise the management level of regional resource,economy,population and environment,including resource evaluation,population control,economy prediction and land use mornitoring etc.

3)To provide technical evidence for comprehensive study on regional planning and management and for proper use of the resource in the region,such as comphensive evaluation area by area,optimization of regional economic structure,study on resonable deployment of production force,optimized,ballanced,comphensive analysis of the national economy,and computer assisted feasibility study on regional projects.

The general characters of the information systems for regional planning and management at the 3 levels should be considered as the base for establishing such systems;but owing to the different size of the spacial frame of a province,a city or county and the different tasks of the various administrative units,the software and hardware configurations of the systems should be also different.

1)A system at provincial level is mainly aimed for doing comprehensive,strategic,regional land planning tasks.So,a computer with a internal memory capacity of over 8 m is usually required together with its software and hardware which are shown in Figs.1 and 2.

Fig.1 Main software configuration of thesystem at provincial level

Fig.2 Hardware configuration of thesystem at provincial level

2)A system at a city level is mainly intended for overall planning and layout of municipal facilities. Thus,the equipment suitable should be either a fine superminicomputer or a micro-computer of high quality.The configurations of the software and hardware of the system are shown in Figs.3 and 4.

Fig.3 Software configuration for an urban information system of space type

Fig.4 Hardware configuration of the system at city level

3)A system at county level will take resource inventory,land use planning &management of the county as its main task.

Therefore,it would be suitable to make the Great Wall computer or other compatable micro-computer as its main equipment.The hardware and software configurations of the system are shown in Figs.5 and 6.

Fig.5 Hardware configuration of asystem at county level

Fig.6 Software configuation of thesystem at county level

3.Nomalised and Standardised Designs of Systems

1)Determination of data levels of the system

The application of a GIS requires a digital map data base be established first,and the establishment of the base requires necessary data types be determined in accordance with the application purpose of the system.The types of data should be orgnised logically into groups of data levels.The division of data level and the contents belonging to a level depend fully on the function of the system.Following are the tabulations showing the data levels and attributes concerning the systems at province,city and county levels,respectively.

Table 1 Information layers in data base


2)Data classification system and code structure

To statisfy the needs of storage,encoding and retrieval with the computer classification of the data should be done. A sound classification system and classification standard mean for the orgnization of the data,the link of data and the processing of the data.Based on years of studies regarding the systems,a 5-level classification system has been proposed for each case (Fig.6)together with corresponding data classification code strutures(Fig.7).

Fig.7 Code structure of data classification

3)Structure of system’s information flow

The investigation,analysis and structure of the system’s data flow is the base for establishing a new logic model of the system and is one of the important stages in developing a complete GIS.One of the most important aspects concerning the study of norm and standard for the system is to reveal the complete logic structure of the system through constructing the data flow and set up readable specifications and descriptions so as to provide instruction and base for modular design. With the information systems for regional planning and management at province,city and county level,the data flows are basically the same.The data classification and low process designed for the system of Liaoning province are shown in Fig.8 and Fig.9.

4.Examples of Application of the System

As the study was mainly funded by the local governments at the three levels,full attention was paid from the very beginning to the practical application capability of the system in regional planning and management.In conbination with the local needs for production and management,a number of application subjects were carried out on land use evaluation and planning,flood control measure analysis,land resource inventory and area measuration,and computer-assisted overall planning for cities.Through the application practices good result have been achieved economiclly cities.Through the application practices good result have been achieved economiclly and socially,very helpful for popularisation of the new technology GIS in the local areas.

Fig.8 Data classification system and range of suitability

Fig.9 Data flow with the information system designed for Liaoning Province

1)Assisting overall city planning

The overall city planning with the help of GIS is actually a process covering comprehensive processing and analysis of the large amount of spacial,social,economic and statistic data,planning and decision-making,because it involves storage,management,enquiry and retrieval of the planning data,the generalised assessment of the multifactors and the comparison between schemes.In accordance with the requirment of the city of Huangshi for regional planning,for example,we have evaluated the land on suitablity for construction,the development sequence of construction,the environment quality,the complete city,and worked out a planning scheme for the city’s roads. With the different factors (Table 2)taken into consideration in each case,the same basic unit of 50 m×50 m adopted and the general evaluation method involving fuzzy weight used,planning analysis has gone into the depth and width unreachable by the conventional methods,increasing the quality and speed of the planning.

Table 2.Evaluation objectives and Factors

2)Land use evaluation and planning

Land use evaluation and planning is the major goal for an information system at county level to seek.With the development of system theory,GIS with the computer as the core has gradually come into the area of land use planning and studying at county level.For instance,with the information system of Piaoyang county,land resource evaluation was carried out based on the analysis of the data on the region’natural,economic and environment factors,and schemes of growing tea,mulberry and fruits and program for farming structure adjustment were determined by taking the existing land use status into consideration.With the land use maps obtained after adjustment and the general analysis done about material, money,labor force,transportation condition,regional economic results etc,a feasible land use planning program of the county was put forward.The technical procedure is given in Fig.10.

Fig.10 Procedure of land use planning


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