
Unit 5
CAD and Applications

Before we present the basics of CAD,it is appropriate to give a brief history.CAD is a product of the computer era.It originated from early computer graphic systems to the development of interactive computer graphics.Such two systems include the Sage Project at the Massachusetts Institute of Technology(MIT)and Sketchpad.The Sage Project was aimed at developing CRT displays and operating systems.Sketchpad was developed under the Sage Project.A CRT display and light pen input were used to interact with the system.This coincidentally happened at about the same time that NC and APT(Automatically Programmed Tool)first appeared [1] .Later,X-Y plotters were used as the standard hard-copy output device for computer graphics.An interesting note is that an X-Y plotter has the same basic structure as a NC drilling machine except that a pen is substituted for the tool on NC spindle[ 2 ].

In the beginning,CAD systems were no more than graphics editor with some built-in design symbols.The geometry available to the user was limited to lines,circular arcs,and the combination of the two.The development of free-form curves and surfaces,such as Coon’s patch,Bezier’s patch,and B-spline,enables a CAD system to be used for sophisticated curves and surface design.Three-dimensional CAD systems allow a designer to move into the third dimension.Because a three dimensional model contains enough information for NC cutter-path programming,the linkage between CAD and NC can be developed.So-called turnkey CAD/CAM systems were developed based on this concept and became popular in the 1970s and 1980s.

The 1970s marked the beginning of a new era in CAD—the invention of three dimensional solid modeling.In the past,three-dimensional,wire-frame models represented an object only by its bounding edges.They are ambiguous in the sense that several interpretations might be possible for a single model.There is also no way to find the volumetric information of a model.Solid models contain complete information;therefore,not only can they be used to produce engineering drawing,but also engineering analysis can be performed on the same model as well.Later, many commercial systems and research systems were developed.Quite a few of these systems were based on the PADL and BUILD systems.Although they are powerful in representation,many deficiencies still exist.For example,such systems have extreme computation.It was in the mid-1980s that solid modelers made their way into the design environment.Today,their use is as common as drafting and wire frame model applications.

CAD implementations on personal computers(PCs)have brought CAD to the masses.This development has made CAD available and affordable.CAD originally was a tool used only by aerospace and other major industrial corporation.The introduction of PC CAD packages,such as,AutoCAD,VersaCAD,CADKEY,and so on,has made it possible for small companies and even individuals to own and use CAD systems.By 1988,more than 100 000 PC CAD packages had been sold.Today,PC-based solid modelers are available and are becoming increasingly popular.Because rapid developments in microcomputers have enabled PCs to carry the heavy computational load necessary for solid modeling,many solid modelers now run on PCs and the platform has become less of an issue.With the standard graphics user interface(GUI),CAD systems can be ported easily from one computer to another.Most major CAD systems are able to run on a variety of platforms.There is little difference between mainframe,workstation,and PC-based CAD systems.

Words and Expressions

[1]This coincidentally happened at about the same time that NC and APT(Automatically Programmed Tool)first appeared.

CAD与初次出现的NC和APT(自动编程工具)碰巧同时问世。(coincidentally为插入语,at about the same time为介词短语,可译为“几乎”“同时”)

[2]An interesting note is that an X-Y plotter has the same basic structure as a NC drilling machine except that a pen is substituted for the tool on NC spindle.

一个有趣的现象是X-Y绘图仪与NC钻床具有相同的基本机构,除了绘图笔被NC机床上的主轴刀具替代之外。(the same...as可译为“与……相同”,as为介词,引导短语)

第5单元 CAD及其应用

在讲述CAD(计算机辅助技术)的基本理论之前,先说说它的简史是比较合适的。CAD是计算机时代的产品。它从早期的计算机绘图系统发展到现在的交互式计算机图形学。两个这样的系统包括:麻省理工学院的Sage Project及Sketchpad。Sage Project旨在开发CRT显示器及操作系统。Sketchpad是在Sage Project下发展起来的。CRT显示器和光笔输入用于与系统进行交互操作。CAD与初次出现的NC(数字控制)和APT(自动编程工具)碰巧同时问世。后来,X-Y绘图仪作为计算机绘图的标准硬拷贝输出装置使用。一个有趣的现象是X-Y绘图仪与NC钻床具有相同的基本结构,除了绘图笔被NC机床上的主轴刀具替代之外。




Reading Material
CAM and Applications

When a design has frozen,manufacturing can begin.Computers have an important role to play in many aspects of production.Numerically controlled(NC) machine tools need a part program to define the components being made;computer techniques exist to assist,and in some cases virtually automate the generation of part programs.Modern shipbuilding fabricates structures from welded steel plates that are cut from a large steel sheet.Computer-controlled flame cutters are often used for this task and the computer is used to calculate the optimum layout of the components to minimize waste metal.Numerically controlled pipe-bending machines are able to operate directly from part programs generated by pipe-routing software.

Printed circuit board assembly can also be improved by computer methods.Quality is maintained by computer-controlled automatic test equipment that diagnoses faults in a particular board and rejects defective boards from the assembly line.Computers are used extensively to plot the artwork used to etch printed circuit boards and also to produce part programs for NC drilling machines.

One of the most important manufacturing function is stock and production control.If the original design is done on a computer,obtaining lists of material requirements is straightforward.Standard computer data processing methods are employed to organize the work flow and order components when required(Figure 5-1).

Figure5-1 The block diagram of a CAD/CAM system

Part geometry requires calculation of a large number of tool positions.Part programming software is usually incorporated into a family of CAM (Computer Aided Manufacturing)software.Some CAM software is associated with CAD(Computer Aided Design)software into CAD/CAM stations.Then the CAM software can use the CAD files as a source of data, which speeds up the programming process.

Part programming software is user-friendly,meaning the programmer does not have to know the computer programming language or its operating system.It uses screen menus to lead the user through the programming process.Data can be entered via the keyboard,the mouse,or the function keys.Experienced programmers can use built-in macro capabilities and advanced techniques such as a family of parts to become even more productive.

Programming software has a dynamic graphics database to hold the actual machining sequences.These sequences can be viewed,edited,chained,or deleted.The programming can be accomplished whether single cuts or CNC machine canned cycle will be used.The software will also automatically calculate the proper feeds and speeds to be used during the machining,create a tooling list,and define the tool path.

Programmers can use different layers to associate with each profile being created or to construct clamps and fixtures to get a complete picture of the part setup.The tool motion can be seen as it will occur at the machine.

Using part programming software,the programmer can easily solve trigonometry problems to define an accurate tool path.When the program is done,the programmer can send it from the PC to the machine via a communication channel using built-in software with communications capability. Good part programming software is capable of:

(1)Establishing the machining parameters and tooling for a particular machine or job.

(2)Defining the geometry and tool path.

(3)Code generation,enabling the programmer to define what code is to be generated and how it is output to the machines.

(4)Communication enabling the programmer to use standard communications protocols or create his or her own.

Words and Expressions




图5-1 CAD/CAM结构框图









4.可使程序员使用标准的通信协议或生成他(她)自己的通信协议进行通信。 MsfQi/N+qDBuRvV0JoKxUXeLrIuWHFATH9T/N0agG0+2/IOMwhMUv7WSaMVR/rDN
