
Unit 2
Selection of Materials

A material is generally used because it offers the required properties at reasonable cost.Appearance is also an important factor.Perhaps the most common classification that is encountered in materials selection is whether the material is metallic or nonmetallic.The common metallic materials are such metals as iron,copper,aluminum,magnesium,nickel,titanium,lead,tin,and zinc and the alloys of these metals,such as steel,brass,and bronze.The metallic material is further classified as ferrous (iron and its alloys)and non-ferrous (all other metallic materials)metal.They possess the metallic properties of luster,thermal conductivity,and electrical conductivity;and they are relatively ductile;and some have good magnetic properties.The common nonmetals are wood,brick,concrete,glass,rubber,and plastics.Their properties vary widely,but they generally tend to be less ductile,weaker,and less dense than the metals,and they have no electrical conductivity and poor thermal conductivity.

Although it is likely that metals always will be the more important of the two groups,the relative importance of the nonmetallic group is increasing rapidly,and since new nonmetals are being created almost continuously,this trend is certain to continue.In many cases the selection between a metal and nonmetal is determined by a consideration of required properties.Where the required properties are available in both,total cost becomes the determined factor [1] .

One material can often be distinguished from another by means of physical properties,such as color,density,specific heat,coefficient of thermal expansion,thermal and electrical conductivity,magnetic properties,and melting point.Some of these,for example,thermal conductivity,electrical conductivity,and density,may be of prime importance in selecting material for certain specific uses.However,those properties that describe how a material reacts to mechanical usages are often more important to the engineers in selecting materials in connection with design.These mechanical properties relate to how the material will react to the various loading service.

Mechanical properties are the characteristic response of materials to applied forces.These properties fall into five broad categories:strength,hardness,elasticity,ductility,and toughness.

(1)Strength is the ability of a material resist applied forces.Elevator cables and buildings beams all must have this property.

(2)Hardness is the ability of a material resist penetration and abrasion.Cutting tools must resist abrasion,or wear.Metal rolls for steel mills must resist penetration.

(3)Elasticity is the ability to spring back to original shape.All springs should have this quality.

(4)Ductility is the ability to undergo permanent changes of shape without rupturing.Stamped and formed products must have this property.

(5)Toughness is the ability to absorb mechanically applied energy.Strength and ductility determine a material’s toughness.Toughness is needed in railroad cars,automobile axles,hammers,and similar products.

The main advantage of metals is their strength and toughness.Concrete may be cheaper and is often used in building,but even concrete depends on its core of steel for strength.Not all metals are strong,however.Copper and aluminum,for example,are both fairy weak,but if they are mixed together,results in an alloy called as aluminum-bronze alloy,which is much stronger than either pure copper or pure aluminum.Alloying is an important method of obtaining whatever special properties required:strength,toughness,resistance to wear,magnetic properties,high electrical resistance or corrosion resistance[ 2 ].

Plastics have specific properties,which may make them preferable to traditional materials for certain uses.In comparison with metals,for example,plastics have both advantages and disadvantages.Metals tend to be corroded by inorganic acids,such as sulphuric acid and hydrochloric acid.Plastics tend to be resistant to these acids,but can be dissolved or deformed by solvents,such as carbon tetrachloride,which have the same carbon bases as the plastics[ 3 ].Metals are more rigid than most plastics,while plastics are very light,with a specific gravity normally between 0.9 and 1.8.More plastics do not readily conduct heat or electricity.Plastics soften slowly and can easily be shaped while they are soft.

It is their plasticity at certain temperatures,which give plastics their main advantages over many other materials.It permits the large-scale production of molded articles,such as containers,at an economic unit cost,while other materials require laborious and often costly processes involving casting,shaping,machining,assembly and decoration.Plastics are lighter and more corrosion-resistant,but they are not usually as strong.Another problem with plastics is what to do with them after use.Metal objects can often be broken down and the metals are recycled;plastics can only be dumped or burned.

Words and Expressions

[1]Where the required properties are available in both,total cost becomes the determined factor.


[2]Alloying is an important method of obtaining whatever special properties...corrosion resistance.

合金是获得各种所需特殊性能(强度、韧性、耐磨性、磁性、高电阻或耐腐蚀性)的重要方法。(句中whatever是“不管什么”“诸如此类”的意思。冒号引起罗列各种相关的性能,相当于such as)

[3]Plastics tend to be...,which have the same carbon bases as the plastics.

塑料能抵抗这些酸,但会被诸如同样有酸基的四氯化碳这样的溶剂溶解或致变形。(注意到句中采用的是非限定性定语从句,其中的动词是复数形式。这个定语修饰的是solvents而不是carbon tetrachloride)

第2单元 材料的选用













Reading Material
Heat Treatment

Heat treatment is thermal cycling involving one or more reheating and cooling operations after forging for the purpose of obtaining desired microstructures and mechanical properties in a forging.

Few forgings of the types are produced without some form of heat treatment.Untreated forgings are usually relatively low-carbon steel parts for noncritical applications or are parts intended for further hot mechanical work and subsequent heat treatment.The chemical composition of the steel,the size and shape of the product,and the properties desired are important factors in determining which of the following production cycles to use.

The object of heat treating metals is to impart certain desired physical properties to the metal or to eliminate undesirable structural conditions which may occur in the processing or fabrication of the material.In the application of any heat treatment it is desirable that the “previous history”or structural condition of the material be known so that a method of treatment can be prescribed to produce the desired result.In the absence of information as to the previous processing,a microscopic study of the structure is desirable to determine the correct procedure to be followed.

The commercial heat treatments in common use involve the heating of the material to certain predetermined temperatures,“soaking”or holding at the temperature,and cooling at a prescribed rate in air,liquids,or retarding media [1] .

Spheroidizing is heating of iron-based alloys at a temperature slightly below the critical temperature range followed by relatively slow cooling,usually in air.Small objects of high carbon steel are more rapidly spheroidized by prolonged heating to temperatures alternately within and slightly below the critical temperature range[ 2 ].The purpose of this heat treatment is to produce a globular condition of the carbide.

Normalizing is heating iron-base alloys to temperatures approximately 50℃above the critical temperature range followed by cooling in air to below the range.The purpose is to put the metal structure in a normal condition by removing all internal strains and stresses given to the metal during some processing operation.

Hardening is a process to increase its hardness and tensile strength,to reduce its ductility,and to obtain a fine grain structure.The procedure includes heating the metal above its critical point of temperature,followed by rapid cooling.As steel is heated,a physical and chemical change takes place between the iron and carbon.The critical point,or critical temperature,is the point at which the steel has the most desirable characteristics.When steel reaches this temperature,somewhere between 1 400 and 1 600°F,the change is ideal to make for a hard,strong material if it is cooled quickly.If the metal cools slowly,it changes back to its original state.By plunging the hot metal into water,oil,or brine (quenching),the desirable characteristics are retained.The metal is very hard and strong and less ductile than before.

Steel that has been hardened by rapid quenching is brittle and not suitable for most uses.By tempering or“drawing”,the hardness and brittleness may be reduced to the desired point for service conditions.As these properties are reduced,there is also a decrease in tensile strength and an increase in the ductility and toughness of the steel.The operation consists of the reheating of quench-hardened steel to some temperature below the critical range,followed by any rate of cooling.Although this process softens steel,it differs considerably from annealing in that the process lends itself to close control of the physical properties and in most cases does not soften the steel to the extent that annealing would.The final structure obtained from tempering fully hardened steel is called tempered martensite.

Tempering is possible because of the instability of the martensite,the principal constituent of hardened steel.Low temperature draws,from 300 to 400°F(150 to 205℃),do not cause much decrease in hardness and are used principally to relieve internal strains.As the tempering temperatures are increased,the breakdown of the martensite takes place at a faster rate,and at about 600°F(315℃)the change to a structure called tempered martensite is very rapid.The tempering operation may be described as one of precipitation and agglomeration,or coalescence of cementite.A substantial precipitation of cementite is at 600°F(315℃),which produces a decrease in hardness.Increasing the temperature causes coalescence of the carbides,with continued decrease in hardness.

The primary purpose of annealing is to soften hard steel so that it may be machined or cold-worked.This is usually accomplished by heating the steel to slightly above the critical temperature to form austenite,holding it there until the temperature of the piece is uniform throughout,and then cooling at a slowly controlled rate so that temperature of the surface and that of the center of the piece are approximately the same.This process is known as full annealing because it wipes out all trace of previous structure,refines the crystalline structure,and softens the metal.Annealing also relieves internal stresses previously set up in the metal.

When hardened steel is reheated to above the critical range,the constituents are changed back into austenite,and slow cooling then provides ample time for complete transformation of the austenite into the softer constituents.For the hypoeutectoid steels,these constituents are pearlite and ferrite.

The temperature to which given steel should be heated in annealing depends on its composition,and for carbon steels it can be obtained readily from the iron carbide equilibrium diagram.The heating rate should be consistent with the size of sections so that the center part is brought up to temperature as uniform as possible.When the annealing temperature has been reached,the steel should be held there until it is uniform throughout.For maximum softness and ductility,the cooling rate should be very slow,such as allowing the parts to cool down with the furnace.The higher the carbon content,the slower this rate must be.

Words and Expressions

[1]The commercial heat treatments in common use involve the heating of the material to certain predetermined temperatures,“soaking”or holding at the temperature,and cooling at a prescribed rate in air,liquids,or retarding media.

经常使用的商业热处理是指把材料加热到某一预定的温度,在此温度下进行均热,即进行保温,并按规定速度在空气、液体或在保温介质中冷却。(句中的the heating...“soaking”...and cooling是involve的宾语;or holding是soaking的同位语,or译为“即”)

[2]Small objects of high carbon steel...the critical temperature range.











淬过火的钢的主要成分是马氏体,由于不太稳定,因而可以进行回火处理。低温回火的温度为300°F~ 400°F(150℃~205℃),硬度降低不多,主要用于释放内应力。随着回火温度的增加,马氏体的分解速度越来越快,在大约600°F(315℃)时迅速变成回火马氏体。回火操作可以描述为渗碳体的沉淀、积聚或结合。渗碳体在600°F(315℃)时充分积聚,硬度降低。增加温度碳素体继续积聚,硬度继续降低。



退火时的加热温度依赖于钢的成分,碳素钢的加热温度从铁碳平衡图中很容易获得。加热的速度应该与零件截面的大小一致,以便使零件中心部分的温度尽可能均衡。当加热到退火温度时,应该保温,使零件彻底热透。为了尽可能使钢变软并获得最好的延展性,冷却速度应该十分缓慢,例如可以随加热炉一起冷却。碳的含量越高,冷却速度必须越慢。 ABsCvUXSsVhggHjFL1jt9LHNPIcXEMatRvIGN7fNtc9cq2jggs76PFSz2CIzANdb
