
Sorrow after Departure

Descendant of High Sunny King, oh!

My father's name shed sunny ray.

The Wooden Star appeared in spring, oh!

When I was born on Tiger's Day.

My father saw my birthday bright, oh!

He gave me an auspicious name.

My formal name was Divine Right, oh!

I was also called Divine Flame.

I have so much beauty inside, oh!

And add to it a style ornate.

I weave sweet grass by riverside, oh!

Into a belt with orchids late.

Like running water years will pass, oh!

I fear time and tide wait for none.

At dawn I gather mountain grass, oh!

At dusk I pick secluded one.

The sun and the moon will not stay, oh!

Spring will give place to autumn cold.

Grass will wither and trees decay, oh!

I fear that beauty will grow old.

Give up the foul while young and strong, oh!

Why won't you my lord, change your style and way?

Ride your fine steed, gallop along, oh!

I'll go before you lest you stray.

Three ancient kings were pure and true, oh!

Around them flocked all fragrant things.

Pepper and cassia also grew, oh!

Sweet orchids were formed into rings.

The first two monarchs were so bright, oh!

That they followed and gained the way.

The two last kings were in sad plight, oh!

They sought bypaths and came to bay.

Your partisans love stolen pleasure, oh!

Their way is dark, with perils sown.

Do I dread my personal woe? oh!

I fear the royal cab o'erthrown.

I run before it and behind, oh!

I wish you would follow your sire.

To my loyalty you're unkind, oh!

You heed slander and burst in fire.

With frank advice you won't comply, oh!

I endure and cannot have done.

Be my witness, Ninth Heaven high, oh!

I've done all for you Sacred One.

The word you've given still remains, oh!

But you go back on it and stray.

Departure causes me no pains, oh!

Of your fickleness what to say?

I grow spring orchids in fields nine, oh!

And a hundred acres of clover.

I plant peonies line by line, oh!

Mixed with fragrant grass all over.

I'd see their leaves green and blooms red, oh!

And reap the fruit in season due.

I am not grieved they're withered, oh!

But they decay 'mid weeds in view.

All vie in avarice and greed, oh!

Their lust is never gratified.

Judging others by their own deed, oh!

They're jealous-minded and green-eyed.

I am not so eager as they, oh!

To run after wealth here and there.

Old age draws near from day to day, oh!

Have I a name lasting and fair?

From magnolia I drink the dew, oh!

And feed on aster petals frail.

My spirit being pure and true, oh!

Do I care to grow lank and pale?

I string clover with gathered vine, oh!

And fallen stamens thereamong.

I plait cassia tendrils and twine, oh!

Some strands of ivy green and long.

I'll imitate the ancient sage, oh!

Not the vulgar world of today.

Though I displease the modern age, oh!

I will follow the ancient way.

I sigh and wipe away my tears, oh!

I'm grieved at a life full of woes.

Good and just, I hear only jeers, oh!

Morning and night I sufer blows.

I make a belt of grasses' sweet, oh!

And add to it clovers and thymes.

My heart tells me it's good and meet, oh!

I won't regret to die nine times.

The Sacred One neglects his duty, oh!

He will not look into my heart.

The slanderers envy my beauty, oh!

They say I play licentious part.

The vulgar praise what is unfair, oh!

They reject common rules with pleasure

They like the crooked and not the square, oh!

Accommodation is their measure.

Downcast, depressed and sad am I, oh!

Alone I bear suferings long.

I would rather in exile die, oh!

Than mingle with the vulgar throng.

The eagle cleaves alone the air, oh!

Since olden days it has been fleet.

The round cannot fit with the square, oh!

Who go different ways ne'er meet.

I curb my will and check my heart, oh!

Endure reproach as well as blame.

I'd die to play a righteous part, oh!

The ancient sages would bear no shame.

Regretting I've gone a wrong way, oh!

I hesitate and will go back.

Before I go too far astray, oh!

I wheel my cab to former track.

I loose my horse by waterside, oh!

At Pepper Hill I take a rest.

I won't advance to turn the tide, oh!

I will retire to mend my vest.

I'll make a coat with lotus leaves, oh!

And patch my skirt with lilies white.

Unknown, I care not if it grieves, oh!

My heart will shed fragrance and light.

I raise my headdress towering high, oh!

And lengthen pendants sparkling long.

My fragrance 'mid the dirt won't die, oh!

My brilliancy ne'er wanes thereamong.

I look around and feast my sight, oh!

On scenes north and south, east and west.

My pendants seem all the more bright, oh!

My fragrance outshines all the rest.

All men delight in what they please, oh!

Alone I always love the beauty.

My body rent, my heart at ease, oh!

Can I change and neglect my duty?

My sister gently comes downcast, oh!

She warns me again and again:

The flood-fighter selfless, steadfast, oh!

By mountainside at last was slain.

Fond of beauty, why are you straight? oh!

Why hold alone your virtue high?

When thorns and weeds o'errun the State, oh!

Could you despise them and stand by?

You can't dissuade them one by one, oh!

Who would then understand your heart?

There're many cliques under the sun, oh!

Why hear me not and stand apart?

I follow sages of ancient day, oh!

I judge by heart from fall to spring.

I cross the streams and go south way, oh!

I state my case to ancient king:

The second king of Xia loved songs, oh!

He was indulged in his desire.

He heeded nor dangers nor wrongs, oh!

His five sons threw the land in fire.

The hunter loved each shot to tell, oh! ”

Shooting fox, he led a wild life.

Such wantonness could not end well, oh!

His friend slew him and stole his wife.

The traitor's son with might and main, oh!

Did what he would without restraint.

All day long he sought pleasures vain, oh!

At last he lost his head blood-stained.

The last king of Xia's stormy age, oh!

Abused all laws and he lost his crown.

That of Shang burned alive his sage, oh!

His dynasty was overthrown.

Kings Tang and Yu full of respect, oh!

And that of Zhou went the right way.

The good and wise they did select, oh!

They followed the rule as kings may.

Heaven august was fair and square, oh!

It gave to ministers their due.

Only the sages were employed there, oh!

They might rule o'er the land in view.

Looking before and after then, oh!

I find the rules for livelihood.

None would employ those unjust men, oh!

Nor obey those who are not good.

I've risked my life and braved death, oh!

I don't regret I've held my ground.

The sage would lose his life and breath, oh!

Like square pegs unfit for holes round.

Melancholy and sad I stay, oh!

Why live I at a time that grieves?

With soft grass I wipe tears away, oh!

Which have streamed down and wetted my sleeves.

I kneel aground and plead my ease, oh!

My heart is glad to find the true.

Dragon and phoenix start my race, oh!

I rise on wind into the blue.

At dawn I leave the E'ergreen State, oh!

At dusk I reach the mountain's crest.

I halt before Celestial Gate, oh!

To see the sun sink in the west.

I bid the Driver of the Sun, oh!

To Holy Mountains slowly go.

My way ahead's a long, long one, oh!

I'll seek my Beauty high and low.

I drink my steeds in the Sun's Bath, oh!

I tie their reins to giant tree.

I break a branch to brush Sun's path, oh!

I wander for a while carefree.

The Moon's Charioteer goes before, oh!

The curtain-rolling Wind runs after.

To clear the way the phoenixes soar, oh!

The Lord of Thunder bursts in laughter.

I order giant birds to fly, oh!

All day long, by night as by day.

The whirlwinds gather up on high, oh!

The rainbow greets me all the way.

They part and join in proper order, oh!

In various hues and up and down.

To open I bid Heaven's Porter, oh!

He looks at me with a deep frown.

The day grows dark, its end is night, oh!

Twining orchids, I linger there.

The beauty's oft viewed with green eye, oh!

The foul can't be told from the fair.

I tether steeds on Endless Peaks, oh!

After I crossed the Deathless Stream.

Gazing back, tears run down my cheeks, oh!

On high I find no beauty of my own.

I visit Vernal Temple hall, oh!

Adorn my belt with jasper bough.

Before the jasper blossoms fall, oh!

I'll send them to my Beauty below.

I bid the Lord of Cloud above, oh!

To find a stream the Nymphean Queen.

I give my belt as pledge of love, oh!

To Lord of Dream as go-between.

She comes and goes, we meet and part, oh!

Irreconcilably, I deem.

She passes the night with her sweetheart, oh!

And washes her hair in the stream.

She's arrogant, though fair and bright, oh!

She is wanton beyond compare.

She's beautiful but impolite, oh!

I will seek a beauty elsewhere.

I look around from side to side, oh!

Go down after circling the sky,

And find the Swallow's beauteous bride, oh!

Alone in Jasper Tower high.

The falcon woos for me her love, oh!

He tells me that she is not good.

I bid the singing turtledove, oh!

He flies away with false birdhood.

I hesitate like fox in doubt, oh!

I'd go myself but that won't do.

With gifts the phoenix has set out, oh!

Lest before me my rival woo.

I take no rest and go misled, oh!

I rove and wander here and there.

If the young prince were not yet wed, oh!

I'd stay with his two ladies fair.

My clumsy match-maker, I fear, oh!

Cannot give convincing advice.

The foul, dark world will not revere, oh!

The fair and bright but praise the vice.

From inner hall kept far apart, oh!

The prince won't wake, though wise and fair.

To whom can I lay bare my heart? oh!

Can I go on like this fore'er?

With magic herbs and slips of bamboo, oh!

I bid the witch for me to divine.

He says, Two beauties will meet, true, oh!

Who won't admire the fair and fine?

The Nine States are vast in and out, oh!

Can you find beauties only here?

Go far away and put off doubt, oh!

Beauty-lover will call you dear.

Where can you not find fragrant grass, oh!

Why linger in old neighborhood?

The world is dark, a dizzy mass, oh!

Who can tell evil from the good?

Likes and dislikes depend on taste, oh!

This gang appears strange and unfair.

They gird foul mugwort on their waist, oh!

And say orchids unfit to wear.

They cannot tell good plants from bad, oh!

How can they know the precious gem?

In filthy clothes they are clad, oh!

But pepper's fragrance they condemn.

I'd follow the witch's advice, oh!

But still I doubt and hesitate.

At dusk I prepare peppered rice, oh!

For the wizard to tell my fate.

All angels shade with wings the sky, oh!

Nine fairies come from Shady Peaks.

The wizard comes in splendor high, oh!

All lend their ear to what he speaks.

Go up and down, look high and low, oh!

For one who'd share your common fate!

As ancient kings share weal and woe, oh!

With ministers and magistrate.

If you love beauty above all, oh!

Why do you need a go-between?

A convict pounding earthen wall, oh!

Was employed by his sovereign.

A butcher brandished his knife, oh!

King Wen raised him to Master Great.

A cowherd sang and played his fife, oh!

Duke Huan made him Lord of the State.

You're still in the prime of your years, oh!

Time has not yet run out, though fleet.

But autumn birds may cry in tears, oh!

And fragrant grass no longer sweet.

Your jasper branch gleams low and high, oh!

All try to darken it with shade.

On partisans you can't rely, oh!

Through envy they will make it fade.

The age disordered changes pell-mell, oh!

How can I linger here so long?

Sweet orchids have lost fragrant smell, oh!

Sweet grass turn to weeds stinking strong.

How can sweet plants of days gone by, oh!

Turn to weeds and wormwood unfair?

Is there another reason why? oh!

For beauty no one seems to care.

On orchids I thought to rely, oh!

They're not so good as they appear.

Beauty is spurned in vulgar eye, oh!

Weeds grow and rise in fragrant sphere.

The pepper flatters and looks proud, oh!

It wants to fill a noble place.

It tries to climb upon the cloud, oh!

But it has nor fragrance nor grace.

All men do so on such a day, oh!

Who can remain unchanged at heart?

Orchid and pepper act this way, oh!

Let alone stream-sage and halt-cart.

I prize my jasper pendant rare, oh!

Despite what other people say.

It's flower-like, fragrant and fair, oh!

Its sweetness lingers still today.

To wear my pendant I take pleasure, oh!

In search of Beauty I will rove.

In an adorned dress which I treasure, oh!

I'll seek her below and above.

The witch foretold good luck for me, oh!

I choose to start on a day nice.

I eat the fruit on jasper tree, oh!

I grind fine jasper into rice.

The flying dragons draw my cart, oh!

Bright with ivory on display.

The gang differs from me at heart, oh!

I'll leave them and go far away.

I turn to Kunlun Mountains high, oh!

The winding way is wide and long.

The rainbow banners veil the sky, oh!

The phoenix bells ring merry song.

At dawn I start from Heaven's Ford, oh!

At dusk I reach the Western End.

The phoenixes sing in accord, oh!

Their wings with rainbow banners blend.

I go across the Sandy Ridge, oh!

I rove along the River Red.

I bid a dragon serve as bridge, oh!

For me to cross and go ahead.

The way is perilous and long, oh!

I bid cars go another way.

I turn left round Mount Pillar Strong, oh!

“Let's meet at Western Sea, ” I say.

A thousand chariots in my train, oh!

On wheels of jade run side by side.

I drive eight dragon-steeds amain, oh!

Cloud banners spread like rising tide.

I slow down speed and curb my will, oh!

My spirit soars far, far away.

I sing nine songs and dance my fill, oh!

I steal the pleasure of a day.

I rise to see the splendid sky, oh!

I bow to find my home below.

My horses neigh and my glooms sigh, oh!

Looking back, they won't forward go.


Alas! none understands me in the State, oh!

Why regret me native village?

Since I can't rule my kingdom's fate, oh!

I'd drown myself like ancient sage. kUzGTRtegBuVElpbXhMounKs9Jqoul65ejW77Lu2ZP+eO+X4Xs2mlnidRtCAjdsS
