
The Great Lord of Fate

Open wide, wide, oh! the Heaven's door!

I will descend, oh! on cloud blue-black.

I bid whirlwind, oh! to go before

And icy rain, oh! to wash the track.

The lord in flight, oh! comes into view.

I'll cross mountains, oh! to follow you.

The young and old, oh! of the Nine Lands,

Your life or death, oh! is in my hands.

I soar up high, oh! serene in flight;

I ride on air, oh! on shade and light.

I will speed up, oh! with our lord divine;

I will lead him, oh! to holy peaks nine.

My cloudlike dress, oh! floats in the breeze;

My pendants hang, oh! in rainbow hue.

I control light, oh! and shade with ease.

The people know not, oh! what I will do.

Of Holy Hemp, oh! I pluck the flower

To give to our lord, oh! going away.

Old age draws nearer, oh! with each passing hour.

The farther he's, oh! the sadder I stay.

My dragon chariot, oh! rumbles loud.

I drive my steeds, oh! into the cloud.

Laurel in hand, oh! I wait and sigh;

The longer I wait, oh! the sadder am I.

With a broken heart, oh! what can I do?

Better keep fit, oh! in mind and heart!

Each man is fated, oh! to have his due;

It's not up to us, oh! to meet or part. 47EkzGz7B+Moc9z0H1tX5JWzFTDECKfXbZTZZ8DBxfxV27vyGmOvWdS5pRYbcKRw
