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[1] Farida Jalalzai and Mona Lena Krook,“Beyond Hillary and Benazir:Women's Political Leadership Worldwide,” International Political Science Review ,Vol.31,No.1,2010,p.7.

[2] Farida Jalalzai and Mona Lena Krook,“Beyond Hillary and Benazir:Women's Political Leadership Worldwide,” International Political Science Review ,Vol.31,No.1,2010,p.12.

[3] Farida Jalalzai,“Women Rule:Shattering the Executive Glass Ceiling”, Politics & Gender ,No.4,2008,p.210.

[4] Jonathan Woetzel et al., The Power of Parity Advancing Women ' s Equality in Asia Pacific ,Mckinsey Global Institute,April 2018.

[5] Linda K.Richter,“Exploring Theories of Female Leadership in South and Southeast Asia”, Pacific Affairs ,Vol.63,No.4,1990-1991.

[6] Farida Jalalzai,“Women Rule:Shattering the Executive Glass Ceiling”, Politics & Gender ,No.4,2008,p.210.

[7] Barbara Watson Andaya, The Flaming Womb ,Honolulu:University of Hawai'i Press,2006,pp.227-228.

[8] Barbara Watson Andaya, The Flaming Womb ,Honolulu:University of Hawai'i Press,2006,p.93.

[9] Amitav Acharya, The Making of Southeast Asia International Relations of A Region ,Singapore:Oxford University Press,2012,pp.59-70.关于地区秩序,可参见吕振刚《曼陀罗体系:古代东南亚的地区秩序研究》,《太平洋学报》2017年第8期,第27—39页。

[10] Barbara Watson Andaya, The Flaming Womb ,Honolulu:University of Hawai'i Press,2006,pp.134-135.

[11] Barbara Watson Andaya, The Flaming Womb ,Honolulu:University of Hawai'i Press,2006,p.148.

[12] Mark R.Thompson,“Female Leadership of Democratic Transition in Asia”, Pacific Affairs ,Vol.75,No.4,2002-2003,p.536.

[13] Mark R.Thompson,“Female Leadership of Democratic Transition in Asia”, Pacific Affairs ,Vol.75,No.4,2002-2003,p.542.

[14] Mark R.Thompson,“Female Leadership of Democratic Transition in Asia”, Pacific Affairs ,Vol.75,No.4,2002-2003,p.545.

[15] Samuel P.Huntington, Political Order in Changing Societies ,New Haven:Yale University Press,1968.

[16] Mark R.Thompson,“Female Leadership of Democratic Transition in Asia”, Pacific Affairs ,Vol.75,No.4,2002-2003,p.548.

[17] Elpidio R.Sta.Romana,“The Evolution of Philippines Foreign Policy and the Perceptions of Filipino Foreign Policy-Makers during the Aquino Regime”, Asian Studies Review 19,No.1,1995,p.64. FgdKXsr7kQPJiXWzzm+udRqciUhdjeb8j2NUp/haOMUwwCadx45L2UAcWEpp59tF
