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[1] Geoffrey C.Gunn,“Remembering the Southeast Asian Chinese Massacres of 1941-1945”, Journal of Contemporary Asia ,Vol.37,No.3,2007,pp.274,83.

[2] Ken'ichi Goto, Tensions of Empire Japan and Southeast Asia in the Colonial and Postcolonial World ,Ohio:Ohio University Press & Singapore University Press,2003,p.228.

[3] Lee Kuan Yew, The Singapore Story Memoirs of Lee Kuan Yew ,Singapore:Times Editions Pte Ltd,1998,p.53.

[4] Goto, Tensions of Empire Japan and Southeast Asia in the Colonial and Postcolonial World ,p.227.

[5] Donald M.Seekins,“Japan's Aid Relations with Military Regimes in Burma,1962-1991:The Kokunaika Process”, Asian Survey ,Vol.32,No.2,1992,p.254.

[6] Patrick Strefford,“How Japan's Post-War Relationship with Burma Was Shaped by Aid,” Asian Affairs ,Vol.41,No.1,2010.

[7] Yinan He, The Search for Reconciliation Sino - Japanese and German - Polish Relations since World War Ⅱ,Cambridge:Cambridge University Press,2009.

[8] 本段内容参考了Patrick Strefford,“How Japan's Post-War Relationship with Burma Was Shaped by Aid”, Asian Affairs ,Vol.41,No.1,2010。

[9] Donald M.Seekins,“Japan's Aid Relations with Military Regimes in Burma,1962-1991:The Kokunaika Process”, Asian Survey ,Vol.32,No.2,1992,p.250.

[10] Kuan Yew Lee, From Third World to First The Singapore Story 1965-2000 ,New York:Harper Collins Publishers,2000,p.503.

[11] 本段内容参考了E.Bruce Reynolds, Thailand ' s Secret War OSS SOE and the Free Thai Underground During World War Ⅱ,Cambridge:Cambridge University Press,2004,pp.8,12。

[12] E.Bruce Reynolds, Thailand ' s Secret War OSS SOE and the Free Thai Underground During World War Ⅱ,Cambridge:Cambridge University Press,2004,p.376.

[13] Bhubhindar Singh,“ASEAN's Perceptions of Japan:Change and Continuity”, Asian Survey ,Vol.42,No.2,March/April 2002,p.282.

[14] Leng Leng Thang and S.K.Gan,“Deconstructing‘Japanisation’:Reflections from the‘Learn from Japan’Campaign in Singapore”, New Zealand Journal of Asian Studies ,Vol.5,No.1,2003,p.91.

[15] Leng Leng Thang and S.K.Gan,“Deconstructing‘Japanisation’:Reflections from the‘Learn from Japan’Campaign in Singapore”, New Zealand Journal of Asian Studies ,Vol.5,No.1,2003,p.93.

[16] Sueo Sudo, The International Relations of Japan and Southeast Asia Forging a New Regionalism ,New York:Routledge,2002,p.54. 1VbMUDmrRV4kmMk58hdNJKGGbl/Cl3KzqU23AyqxQolIxn98DsrSg4HxtjFgvYur
