











Acharya,Amitav,and Jillian Moo-Young,“Constructing Security and Identity in Southeast Asia”, The Brown Journal of World Affairs ,No.2,Winter/Spring 2006.

Acharya,Amitav, Constructing a Security Community in Southeast Asia Asean and the Problem of Regional Order ,London and New York:Routledge,2001.

Acharya,Amitav, The Making of Southeast Asia International Relations of a Region ,Singapore:Oxford University Press,2012.

Anderson,Benedict, Imagined Communities Reflections on the Orgin and Spread of Nationalism ,London:New Left Books,1983.

Emmerson,Donald K.,“‘Southeast Asia':What's in a Name?”, Journal of Southeast Asian Studies ,Vol.15,No.1,1984.

Gungwu,Wang,“Introduction”in Southeast Asia in the 9th to 14th Centuries ,edited by David Marr and Anthony Crothers Milner,Singapore:Institute of Southeast Asia Studies,1986.

Hall,D.G.E., A History of South - East Asia ,London:Macmillan,1955.

Katzenstein,Peter, A World of Regions Asia and Europe in the American Imperium ,Ithaca,NY:Cornell University Press,2005.

“Protocol to the Manila Pact”,The Avalon Project:Documents in Law,History and Diplomacy,1954,https://avalon.law.yale.edu/20th_century/usmu004.asp.

“Southeast Asia Collective Defense Treaty(Manila Pact)”,The Avalon Project:Documents in Law,History and Diplomacy,1954,https://avalon.law.yale.edu/20th_century/usmu003.asp#art4.

[1] D.G.E.Hall, A History of South - East Asia ,London:Macmillan,1955,p.3;Donald K.Emmerson,“‘Southeast Asia’:What's in a Name?”, Journal of Southeast Asian Studies 15,No.1,1984,footnote 6.

[2] Peter Katzenstein, A World of Regions Asia and Europe in the American Imperium ,NY:Cornell University Press,2005,p.12.

[3] Amitav Acharya, The Making of Southeast Asia International Relations of A Region ,Singapore:Oxford University Press,2012,p.81.

[4] Donald K.Emmerson,“‘Southeast Asia’:What's in a Name?”, Journal of Southeast Asian Studies 15,No.1,1984,p.5.

[5] Amitav Acharya, The Making of Southeast Asia International Relations of A Region ,Singapore:Oxford University Press,2012,p.83.

[6] Amitav Acharya, The Making of Southeast Asia International Relations of A Region ,Singapore:Oxford University Press,2012,p.111.

[7] Donald K.Emmerson,“‘Southeast Asia’:What's in a Name?”, Journal of Southeast Asian Studies 15,No.1,1984,p.8.

[8] Donald K.Emmerson,“‘Southeast Asia’:What's in a Name?”, Journal of Southeast Asian Studies 15,No.1,1984,p.8.

[9] D.G.E.Hall, A History of South - East Asia ,London:Macmillan,1955.

[10] Donald K.Emmerson,“‘Southeast Asia’:What's in a Name?”, Journal of Southeast Asian Studies 15,No.1,1984,pp.3-4.

[11] Wang Gungwu,“Introduction”in David Marr and Anthony Crothers Milner eds., Southeast Asia in the 9th to 14th Centuries ,Singapore:Institute of Southeast Asia Studies,1986,xviii.

[12] Donald K.Emmerson,“‘Southeast Asia’:What's in a Name?”, Journal of Southeast Asian Studies 15,No.1,1984,p.11.

[13] Benedict Anderson, Imagined Communities Reflections on the Orgin and Spread of Nationalism ,London:New Left Books,1983,p.6.

[14] Amitav Acharya, The Making of Southeast Asia International Relations of A Region ,Singapore:Oxford University Press,2012,p.23.

[15] Amitav Acharya, The Making of Southeast Asia International Relations of A Region ,Singapore:Oxford University Press,2012,p.23.

[16] Amitav Acharya, The Making of Southeast Asia International Relations of A Region ,Singapore:Oxford University Press,2012,p.108.

[17] Amitav Acharya and Jillian Moo-Young,“Constructing Security and Identity in Southeast Asia”, The Brown Journal of World Affairs 12,No.2,Winter/Spring 2006,p.63.

[18] Amitav Acharya, Constructing a Security Community in Southeast Asia ASEAN and the Problem of Regional Order ,London and New York:Routledge,2001,p.57. k2dsxAvXcNeC9kc5GgUEmdUg221gOodOtrEKybaB3Lq3S7a7IwqlPcqitkWtJoKI
