
01 巴菲特辞任盖茨基金会受托人一职


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全文共588个词,by Joshua Chaffin in New York

Warren Buffett is leaving the board of the Gates Foundation, casting further uncertainty over the world’s largest private philanthropy organisation after its co-chairs, Bill and Melinda Gates, announced they were divorcing.

沃伦·巴菲特(Warren Buffett)将退出盖茨基金会(Gates Foundation)的理事会。继基金会的联合主席比尔·盖茨(Bill Gates)和梅琳达·盖茨(Melinda Gates)宣布离婚后,巴菲特的退出使这家世界最大的私人慈善组织面临更多不确定性。

Buffett, the legendary American investor and chair of Berkshire Hathaway, became a trustee of the foundation, alongside his friends the Gateses, after announcing in 2006 that he would donate the bulk of his fortune to charity.

巴菲特是具有传奇色彩的美国投资者和伯克希尔哈撒韦公司(Berkshire Hathaway)董事长,他在2006年宣布将自己的大部分财富捐赠给慈善事业后成为该基金会的一名受托人,加入他的朋友盖茨夫妇的行列。

“For years I have been a trustee — an inactive trustee at that — of only one recipient of my funds, the Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation (BMG). I am now resigning from that post, just as I have done at all corporate boards other than Berkshire’s,” Buffett said in a statement Wednesday.

“多年来,我一直是比尔和梅琳达·盖茨基金会(Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation)——我的慈善捐赠资金的唯一接收者——的一个受托人,而且是一个不活跃的受托人。我现在要辞去那个职位,就像我对伯克希尔以外的所有公司董事会所做的一样,”巴菲特周三在一份声明中表示。

He also praised the foundation’s chief executive, Mark Suzman, as “outstanding” and said his goals remained “100 per cent in sync with those of the foundation”.

他还称赞该基金会的首席执行官马克·苏斯曼(Mark Suzman)是“杰出的”,并表示他的目标仍然“与基金会的目标保持100%同步”。

With a $50bn endowment, the Gates Foundation is not only the largest private philanthropy group, it is also regarded as the most influential. It has channelled the vast wealth Bill Gates amassed as co-founder of Microsoft into campaigns to eradicate diseases such as polio and reduce childhood mortality. Its long-term work on vaccines has made it a key player in the fight against the coronavirus pandemic.


But its future has suddenly come into question after the Gateses announced in early May that they would be ending their 27-year marriage. In a statement issued at the time, they insisted they remained committed to the foundation’s mission and would “continue our work together at the foundation”.


Photo credit: Getty images

Others have questioned whether the foundation can continue in its current state in light of their split. Suzman confirmed earlier this month that the Gateses were considering the possibility of adding outside directors to the board as part of “prudent planning for the future”.


In addition to the Gates Foundation, Bill and Melinda Gates each pursue their own separate philanthropic activities. In 2015, for example, Melinda launched an investment vehicle, Pivotal Ventures, which aims to support gender equality.

除了盖茨基金会以外,比尔和梅琳达还分别从事自己的慈善活动。例如,梅琳达在2015年发起投资工具Pivotal Ventures,旨在支持性别平等。

本文6月24日发布于FT中文网,英文原题为 Warren Buffett resigns as trustee of Gates Foundation jId/oaNzsjCNeyIcUZbSYDn87No348rOrVSzTJD1wLxR8fMXvpu3tgk9iG86wzjl
