
07 拜登与参议员达成1万亿美元基建协议


全文共415个词,By James Politi in Washington

US President Joe Biden has secured a deal on an infrastructure package worth about $1tn to spend billions of dollars to upgrade roads, bridges and broadband networks over the next eight years.

美国总统乔·拜登(Joe Biden)已达成约1万亿美元的基础设施一揽子协议,将在未来8年内支出数千亿美元以升级道路、桥梁和宽带网络。

The agreement with a bipartisan group of senators falls short of the $2.3tn infrastructure spending plan announced by Biden in March and does not address the $1.8tn in social safety-net spending that the US president proposed in April.


It could face some difficulty winning approval in Congress. The leadership of both parties would have to agree to it so that it could withstand defections from Republicans opposed to any new spending and from progressive Democrats who believe it is insufficient to correct the problems afflicting America’s ageing infrastructure and address climate change.


“We can’t let the infrastructure train leave the station without investing in child care and clean energy — or without making billionaires and giant corporations pay their fair share in taxes,” Elizabeth Warren, the Democratic senator from Massachusetts, wrote in a tweet on Wednesday.

马萨诸塞州民主党参议员伊丽莎白·沃伦(Elizabeth Warren)周三在Twitter上写道:“如果不对儿童保育和清洁能源投入资金,不让亿万富翁和大型公司缴纳公允份额的税款,我们就不能让基础设施(计划)的列车离开站台。”

The trimmed-down bipartisan infrastructure package is still expected to be followed by a more ambitious—and costly—effort by Biden to pass the rest of his economic agenda, worth at least another $3tn, solely with Democratic votes in Congress.


That would cover long-term investments in child care, education, research and development and other Democratic priorities to restructure the economy, which are expected to be paid for with higher taxes on wealthy individuals and corporations.


However, Biden’s party holds a very slim majority in the House of Representatives, and has an edge in the evenly-split Senate because Kamala Harris, vice-president, casts any tiebreaking votes. This presents a tricky political balancing act for Biden as any package would have to satisfy both wings of his party.

然而,拜登所在的民主党在众议院的席位优势非常小,在参议院的席位跟共和党持平,只不过副总统贺锦丽(Kamala Harris)可以在票数打平时投下关键一票。这意味着拜登需要找准政治平衡点,因为任何方案都必须让民主党的两翼都满意。

A bipartisan infrastructure package worth more than $1tn in spending would represent an important legislative victory for the president, who touted his ability to strike deals with Republicans during his 2020 election campaign. It would also highlight that moderate lawmakers can still drive deals on Capitol Hill if there is sufficient political will behind the effort, despite the high levels of polarisation in Congress.


Biden had initially sought to negotiate only with a group of Republican senators, but those talks fell apart earlier this month. The bipartisan lawmakers who picked up the mantle include Mitt Romney, the Utah senator, and Rob Portman, the Ohio senator. On the Democratic side Joe Manchin, the West Virginia senator and Kyrsten Sinema, the Arizona senator, led the talks.

拜登起初只寻求与一组共和党参议员谈判,但本月早些时候谈判破裂。共和党一方,犹他州参议员米特·罗姆尼(Mitt Romney)和俄亥俄州参议员罗布·波特曼(Rob Portman)挑起了大梁。民主党一方,西弗吉尼亚州参议员乔·曼钦(Joe Manchin)和亚利桑那州参议员柯尔斯滕·西尼马(Kyrsten Sinema)领导了谈判。

本文6月25日发布于FT中文网,英文原题为 Biden agrees slimmed-down $1tn infrastructuredeal with senators cNQesPOlT1piMbCbzpdn+ybr91Flg/GUg7mrR1nsq7xN7qT3KLBtjliv2Lc6aZWW
