

1947年,凯南对国家战争学院(National War College)的学生说:“事实上,在我们每个人的内心深处都有那么一点极权主义的倾向,因为我们有自信和安全感,所以能够将我们身上的极权主义罪恶倾向压下去……如果没有了自信和安全感,恐怕我们身上的极权主义倾向就会冒出来。” [69] 凯南是在提醒人们,需要加以遏制的敌人既存在于享受自由的人中间,也存在于压制自由的人中间。遏制政策的发起人会说出这样的话,表明当时对战后国际秩序存在着广泛的恐惧,而战时人们曾对这个战后国际秩序抱有很大的希望。这也解释了为什么奥威尔的《1984》一书在1949年一出版就立刻在文坛获得成功。 [70]




权力成为意志,意志变成欲望,欲望就如一条贪婪不足的恶狼,它在得到了意志和权力后,把全世界都当作它的猎物,最后把自己也吃掉。 [71]

[1] Interviews,CNN Cold War ,Episode I,“Comrades,1917-1945”.

[2] Alexander Werth, Russia at War:1941-1945 (New York:E.P.Dutton,1964),p.1045.英美伤亡数字来自 Britannica Online .苏联伤亡数字来自Vladimir O.Pechatnov and C.Earl Edmondson,“The Russian Perspective,”in Ralph B.Levering,Vladimir O.Pechatnov,Verena Botzenhart-Viehe,and C.Earl Edmondson, Debating the Origins of the Cold War:American and Russian Perspectives (New York:Rowman& Littlefield,2002),p.86

[3] Warren F.Kimball, TheJuggler:Franklin Roosevelt as Wartime Statesman (Princeton:Princeton University Press,1991),pp.97-99.

[4] George F.Kennan, Memoirs:1925-1950 (Boston:Atlantic-Little,Brown,1967),p.279.

[5] 有关这个问题,见AlanBullock, Hitler and Stalin:Parallel Lives (New York:Knopf,1992),p.464.

[6] Pechatnov and Edmondson,“The Russian Perspective,”p.92.

[7] Geoffrey Roberts,“Stalin and Soviet Foreign Policy,”in Melvyn P.Leffler and David S.Painter,eds., Origins of the Cold War:An International History ,second edition(New York:Routledge,2005),pp.42-57.

[8] Geoffrey Roberts,“Stalin and Soviet Foreign Policy,”in Melvyn P.Leffler and David S.Painter,eds., Origins of the Cold War:An International History ,second edition(New York:Routledge,2005),p.51.

[9] John Lewis Gaddis, The United States and the Origins of the Cold War,1941-1947 (New York:Columbia University Press,1972),p.190.

[10] Joseph Stalin, Economic Problems of Socialism in the USSR (Moscow:Foreign Languages Publishing House,1952),excerpted in Robert V.Daniels,ed., A Documentary History of Communism ,revised edition(Hanover,New Hampshire:University Press of New England,1984),II,172.

[11] Record of Stalin-Thorez conversation,November 18,1947,in Levering, et al ., Debating the Origins of the Cold War ,p.174.

[12] 潘恩的话来自他于1776年写的书《常识》( Common Sense ),节录于Dennis Merrill and Thomas G.Paterson,eds., Major Problems in American Foreign Policy ,sixth edition(New York:Houghton Mifflin,2005),I,34.

[13] John Quincy Adams speech,July 4,1821,in Dennis Merrill and Thomas G.Paterson,eds., Major Problems in American Foreign Policy ,sixth edition(New York:Houghton Mifflin,2005),I,132.

[14] Address to Congress,April 2,1917,in Dennis Merrill and Thomas G.Paterson,eds., Major Problems in American Foreign Policy ,sixth edition(New York:Houghton Mifflin,2005),I,431.

[15] Robert Dallek, Franklin D.Roosevelt and American Foreign Policy,1932-1945 (New York:Oxford University Press,1979),p.70.

[16] Speech to the International Student Assembly,September 3,1942,in Samuel I.Rosenman,ed., The Public Papers and Addresses of Franklin D.Roosevelt (New York:Random House,1941-50),XI,353.

[17] Roy Jenkins, Churchill:A Biography (New York:Farrar,Straus and Giroux,2001),pp.350-51.

[18] Vojtech Mastny, Russia’s Road to the Cold War:Diplomacy,Warfare,and the Politics of Communism,1941-1945 (New York:Columbia University Press,1979),pp.156-62.

[19] Nikolai Novikov to Soviet foreign ministry,September 27,1946,in Kenneth M.Jensen,ed., Origins of the Cold War:The Novikov,Kennan,and Roberts“Long Telegrams”of 1946 ,revised edition(Washington:United States Institute of Peace,1993),pp.3-4.

[20] Mastny, Russia’s Road to the Cold War ,p.270.关于斯大林-丘吉尔协议的问题,见Kimball, The Juggler ,pp.160-64.

[21] Pechatnov and Edmondson,“The Russian Perspective,”p.98.

[22] W.Averell Harriman and Elie Abel, Special Envoy to Churchill and Stalin,1941-1946 (New York:Random House,1975),p.444.

[23] Pechatnov and Edmondson,“The Russian Perspective,”p.109.

[24] Norman M.Naimark, The Russians in Germany:A History of the Soviet Zone of Occupation,1945-1949 (Cambridge,Massachusetts:Harvard University Press,1995),pp.69-140.

[25] Tsuyoshi Hasagawa, Racing the Enemy:Stalin,Truman,and the Surrender of Japan (Cambridge,Massachusetts:Harvard University Press,2005)对这个问题做了最详尽的讨论。

[26] 关于戴维·格林哥拉斯-朱丽叶斯·罗森堡案和克劳斯·福克斯案的详细论述,见Richard Rhodes, Dark Sun:The Making of the Hydrogen Bomb (New York:Simon and Schuster,1995),pp.27-198.关于第三个间谍案,即泰德·霍尔案的简略描述,见Kai Bird and Martin J.Sherwin, American Prometheus:The Triumph and Tragedy of J.Robert Oppenheimer (New York:Knopf,2005),pp.286-87,and in an interview with Hall in CNN Cold War ,Episode 21,“Spies.”

[27] Simon Sebag Montefiore, Stalin:The Court of the Red Tsar (New York:Knopf,2004),p.502.

[28] Simon Sebag Montefiore, Stalin:The Court of the Red Tsar (New York:Knopf,2004),p.502.

[29] Stalin to Molotov,Beria,Mikoyan,and Malenkov,December 9,1945,in Levering, et al ., Debating the Origins of the Cold War ,p.155.

[30] 关于这个问题的进一步论述,见Robert Jervis, Perception and Misperception in International Politics (Princeton:Princeton University Press,1976),pp.62-67.

[31] Albert Resis,ed., Molotov Remembers:Inside Kremlin Politics:Conversations with Felix Chuev (Chicago:Ivan R.Dec,1993),p.8.

[32] Albert Resis,ed., Molotov Remembers:Inside Kremlin Politics:Conversations with Felix Chuev (Chicago:Ivan R.Dec,1993),p.8.

[33] For more on these crises,see FernandeScheidRaine,“The Iranian Crisis of 1946 and the Origins of the Cold War”,in Leffler and Painter,eds., Origins of the Cold War ,pp.93-111;and Eduard Mark,“The Turkish War Scare of 1946,”in Leffler and Painter,eds., Origins of the Cold War ,pp.112-33.

[34] Kennan,Memoirs:1925-1950,pp.292-95.

[35] Kennan to State Department,February 22,1946,U.S.Department of State, Foreign Relations of the United States [hereafter FRUS ]: 1946 ,VI,699-700;“X”[George F.Kennan],“The Sources of Soviet Conduct,” Foreign Affairs ,25(July,1947),575,emphasis added.

[36] Pechatnov and Edmondson,“The Russian Perspective,”p.116.

[37] Novikov to Soviet Foreign Ministry,September 27,1946,in Jensen,ed., Origins of the Cold War:The Novikov,Kennan,and Roberts“Long Telegrams”of 1946 ,pp.3-16.

[38] Viktor L.Mal’kov,“Commentary,”in Jensen,ed., Origins of the Cold War:The Novikov,Kennan,and Roberts“Long Telegrams”of 1946 ,p.75.

[39] Charles E.Bohlen, Witness to History :1929-1969(New York:Norton,1973),p.263.

[40] Public Papers of the Presidents of the United States:Harry S.Truman ,1947(Washington:Government Printing Office,1963),pp.178-79.

[41] Yoram Gorlizki and Oleg Khlevniuk, Cold Peace:Stalin and the Soviet Ruling Circle ,1945-1953(New York:Oxford University Press,2004),pp.35-36.

[42] Kennan, Memoirs :1925-1950,p.326.

[43] John Lewis Gaddis, We Now Know:Rethinking Cold War History (New York:Oxford University Press,1997),pp.41-42.

[44] Montefiore, Stalin ,p.569.

[45] John A.Armitage,“The View from Czechoslovakia,”in Thomas T.Hammond,ed., Witnesses to the Origins of the Cold War (Seattle:University of Washington Press,1982),pp.225-26.

[46] Nikita S.Khrushchev, Khrushchev Remembers ,translated and edited by Strobe Talbott(New York:Little,Brown,1970),p.411n.

[47] John Lewis Gaddis, The Long Peace:Inquiries into the History of the Cold War (New York:Oxford University Press,1987),pp.158-59.

[48] Pechatnow and Edmondson:“The Russian Perspective,”p.139.

[49] James V.Forrestal to Chan Gurney,December 8,1947,in Walter Millis,ed., The Forrestal Diaries (New York:Viking,1951),pp.350-51.

[50] Gaddis, The Long Peace ,pp.111-12.

[51] PPS/39,“United States Policy Toward China,”September 7,1948, FRUS :1948,VIII,148.

[52] James Chace, Acheson:The Secretary of State Who Created the Modern World (New York:Simon & Schuster,1998),p.217.

[53] Chen Jian, Mao’s China and the Cold War (Chapel Hill:University of North Carolina Press,2001),p.50.

[54] Gaddis, We Now Know ,pp.58-66.

[55] Marc Selverstone,“‘All Roads Lead to Moscow’:The United States,Great Britain,and the Communist Monolith,”Ph.D.Dissertation,Ohio University History Department,2000,p.380.

[56] Gaddis, We Now Know ,pp.66-67.

[57] Gaddis, We Now Know ,p.94.

[58] David M.Oshinsky, A Conspiracy So Immense:The World of Joe McCarthy (New York:Free Press,1983),pp.108-9.

[59] Gaddis, The Long Peace ,p.96.

[60] Kathryn Weathersby,“Stalin and the Korean War,”in Leffler and Painter,eds., Origins of the Cold War ,pp.274-75.

[61] Gaddis, We Now Know ,pp.66-70,158-61.

[62] Gaddis, The Long Peace ,p.97.

[63] Montefiore, Stalin ,p.608.

[64] Chen Jian, China’s Road to the Korean War:The Making of the Sino - American Confrontation (New York:Columbia University Press,1994),p.143.See also ShuGuang Zhang, Mao’s Military Romanticism:China and the Korean War ,1950-1953(Lawrence:University Press of Kansas,1995),pp.55-86.

[65] Gaddis, We Now Know ,pp.79-80.

[66] Interview with Lt.Col.Charles Bussey,U.S.Army 24th Infantry Regiment,CNN Cold War ,Episode 5,“Korea.”

[67] Zhang, Mao’s Military Romanticism ,p.78.

[68] D.Clayton James, The Years of MacArthur:Triumph and Disaster ,1945-1964(Boston:Houghton Mifflin,1985),p.536.

[69] Kennan, Memoirs :1925-1950,p.319.

[70] Michael Shelden, Orwell:The Authorized Biography (New York:Harper Collins,1991),p.430.

[71] “International Control of Atomic Energy,”January 20,1950,in Thomas H.Etzold and John Lewis Gaddis,eds., Containment:Documents on American Policy and Strategy ,1945-1950(New York:Columbia University Press,1978),p.380.The passage is from Troilus and Cressida . TSc0B7cf9vpmrmm+sgotH+9uzwbuME/o9KGneCQXVFuD8G/zBvu0E8jRvLt/d9xv
