

That Benediction is where you are consists of the last series of public talks that Krishnamurti gave in Bombay,in February 1985. He was to go there as usual for talks in 1986 also, but unfortunately he was unable to do so;terminal illness made him go straight from Madras to Ojai,where he died on the 17th of February.


>> Krishnamurti came to Bombay fi rst in 1921, and gave talks between the years 1924 and 1938. After India’s independence in 1947, his association with the city seems to have been almost continuous till 1985. Besides giving public talks, he held a series of discussions with small groups of friends. That was how dialogues as a form of communication started, and many of these dialogues have been compiled in books such as Tradition and Revolution and Exploration into Insight. He also addressed the staff and students of Bombay University in 1969 and the Indian Institute of Technology in 1984.


Over the decades, Krishnamurti witnessed the alarming growth of Bombay from a wind-swept coastal town to an over-crowded, noisy and polluted metropolis, and he addressed these concerns in many of his talks. However,to him these social problems were but the symptoms of the deeper disorder latent in the psyche of every human being.


Krishnamurti’s public talks were generally held during weekends on the grounds of the J. J. School of Arts, which though located in the heart of the city, had an extensive canopy of trees. The Bombay audiences were perhaps the largest that Krishnamurti ever had anywhere in the world,especially in the 1970s and 1980s. They also represented a wide cross-section of society: scholars, intellectuals,politicians, businessmen, artists, housewives, sannyasis,students, as also Hindus, Muslims, Christians, Buddhists,Jains and Parsees.

克里希那穆提的公开讲演通常在周末位于市中心的J. J.艺术学院的空地上举行,这里有着成片成片的树荫。孟买的听众也许是克里希那穆提在全世界拥有的最庞大的听众,特别是在二十世纪七十年代和八十年代。他们也代表着一个广泛的跨领域的社会阶层:有学者、知识分子、政客、商人、艺术家、家庭主妇、学生,也有印度教徒、穆斯林、基督教徒、佛教徒、耆那教徒和拜火教徒。

The talks in this book are remarkable for the unusual perspectives and nuances that Krishnamurti offers on the psychological issues he deals with. In the second talk, for instance, he raises various questions regarding insecurity,fragmentation, identification, and fear, but insists on the importance of merely listening to the questions and not doing anything about them. The listening, he says, is like planting a seed in the earth. “What is important is to put the question...Let the question itself answer—like the seed in the earth. Then you will see that the seed fl owers and withers. Don’t pull it out all the time to see if it is growing.”This idea runs like a refrain throughout the talk.


There is a sense of poignancy in the substance and tone of the last talk, where Krishnamurti urges us to realize that we are wasting our lives by not freeing ourselves from our hurts, conflicts, fears, and sorrows, and by remaining in our narrow world of specialization. This freedom, he says,is the “fi rst step”. The talk ends on a deeply religious note with his profound observation: “So, if you give your heart and mind and brain, there is something that is beyond all time. And there is the benediction of that. Not in temples,not in churches, not in mosques. All Possible Life.”


Included in this book are a few excerpts from Krishnamurti’s writings which capture the beauty of Bombay’s waterfront and the atmosphere of the city, as also his sensitivity to people, the rich and the poor.

本书中还包含了来自克里希那穆提其他著作的一些节选,它们捕捉到了孟买海滨的美丽和这座城市的氛围,也体现了他对人们敏感的关怀,无论对方富贵还是贫贱。 YSHNplnay0WnBxkSh76WPETF1QXiugRJdI5Ht4JOUP5sndhE7wFY9QGuC36H2NXh

