

So many mentors, partners, colleagues, staff, clients, friends, and adopters of the Getting Things Done methodology around the world over the past decades have contributed to my understanding and development of these principles that singling out particular individuals to thank here is both necessary and unfair. So, my gratitude and apologies go to the many unnamed but still highly deserving in that group (and you know who you are!).

It’s not what we have in our life, but who we have in our life, that counts.

—J. M. Laurence

In the early 1980s Dean Acheson and Russell Bishop provided me initial frameworks that seeded my awareness of the powerful methodology that was to become known around the world as GTD. Of the innumerable partners and colleagues who have added to this body of work and its distribution over the years, I must give special thanks to Marian Bateman, Meg Edwards, Ana Maria Gonzalez, Anne Gennett, Leslie Boyer, Kelly Forrister, John Forrister, Wayne Pepper, Frank Sopper, Maggie Weiss, and Mike Williams.

In addition, many thousands of clients and workshop participants have helped validate and fine-tune these models. Particular thanks go to the senior human resource strategists who in the early years of this work recognized the significance of this material in bringing needed change to their corporate cultures, and who gave me the opportunity to do that—in particular: Michael Winston, Ben Cannon, Kevin Wilde, Susan Valaskovic, Patricia Carlyle, Manny Berger, Carola Endicott, Klara Sztucinski, and Elliott Kellman.

This book could not have happened the way it has without the unique energies and perspectives of Tom Hagan, John and Laura McBride, Steve Lewers, Greg Stikeleather, Sam Spurlin, and my indefatigable agent, Doe Coover. And much credit is due both the editor of the first edition, Janet Goldstein, and my subsequent editor of this new version, Rick Kot, both of whom have provided marvelous (and patient) instruction in the art and craft of book writing.

Finally, deepest thanks go to my spiritual coach, J-R, for being such an awesome guide and consistent reminder of my real priorities; and to my wife, Kathryn, for her trust, love, supportive hard work, companionship, and the multiple forms of beauty she has brought into my life. aMwUO1ucRWPa0ChlN2IZIv2PHtZsNbqJGN6aoQORnir/Pziv7vZF28oxwOBHBUWJ

