

Ken Lay —Founder, chairman, and CEO of Enron.

Jeff Skilling —President and chief operating officer. Served as CEO from February to August 2001.

Andrew Fastow —Chief financial officer.

Rebecca Mark —CEO of Enron International and later of Azurix.

Jim Alexander —CFO of Enron Global Power and Pipelines (EPP).

John Arnold —Enron’s young trading superstar.

Ron Astin —Vinson & Elkins lawyer.

Cliff Baxter —Jeff Skilling’s chief deal maker and trusted confidant. Briefly served as CEO of Enron North America.

Tim Belden —West Coast power trader who figured out how to game the California market.

Arthur and Robert Belfer —father-son Enron directors and New York–based investors.

Louis Borget —CEO of Enron Oil. Went to jail as a result of Enron Oil scandal.

Ray Bowen —Enron finance executive. Became treasurer after Ben Glisan was fired.

Ron Burns —Former CEO of Enron’s pipeline division. Briefly co-CEO with Skilling of Enron Capital and Trade Resources (ECT).

Rick Buy —Head of Risk Assessment and Control division (RAC).

Rebecca Carter —Enron’s corporate secretary and Skilling’s second wife.

Rick Causey —Chief accounting officer.

Margaret Ceconi —Former GE manager who joined Enron Energy Services (EES). Later tried to blow the whistle.

David Cox —Enron Broadband Services’ chief deal maker.

Wanda Curry —Enron accountant who dug up problems at EES.

Dave Delainey —Executive who took over EES from Lou Pai.

Jim Derrick —Enron’s general counsel.

Joseph Dilg —Vinson & Elkins lawyer.

Bill Dodson —Michael Kopper’s domestic partner.

John Duncan —Enron director and chairman of the board’s executive committee. Gave Lay his first job as CEO.

Jim Fallon —Trading executive who took over Broadband after Ken Rice left.

Lea Fastow —Andy Fastow’s wife and former assistant treasurer at Enron.

Mark Frevert —Longtime Enron executive. Became vice chairman in the last months.

Ben Glisan —Fastow’s structured-finance accounting whiz. Became Enron

Wendy Gramm —Enron director and former chairman of the Commodities Futures Trading Commission. Wife of U.S. Senator Phil Gramm of Texas.

Rod Gray —Rebecca Mark aide. Worked at both Enron International and Azurix.

Mark Haedicke —General counsel, Enron North America.

Gary Hamel —Management guru who touted Enron.

Kevin Hannon —Former Bankers Trust employee who became Ken Rice’s deputy at Enron North America and Enron Broadband.

John Harding and Steve Sulentic —Louis Borget’s direct superiors at Enron during Enron Oil scandal.

Joe Hirko —Former Portland General CFO who served as co-CEO of Enron Broadband with Rice.

Forrest Hoglund —CEO of Enron Oil and Gas.

Kevin Howard —Enron Broadband finance executive who worked on Project Braveheart.

Ron Hulme —Lead McKinsey & Company partner on the Enron account.

Robert Jaedicke —Enron director, and chairman of the audit committee. Former dean of the Stanford Graduate School of Business.

Vince Kaminski —Head of Enron’s Research Group. In-house skeptic of Fastow’s deals.

Bob Kelly —John Wing deputy.

Rich Kinder —President and chief operating officer before Skilling. Left to start Kinder Morgan.

Louise Kitchen —Trading executive who implemented idea for Enron Online.

Mark Koenig —Enron’s head of investor relations.

Michael Kopper —Fastow’s top deputy and investor in Chewco partnership. Later left Enron to run Fastow’s LJM partnerships.

Mike Krautz —Enron Broadband finance executive who worked on Project Braveheart.

John Lavorato —Greg Whalley deputy. Later became head of trading in North America.

Judith Lay —Lay’s first wife.

Linda Lay —Lay’s former secretary and second wife.

Mark Lay —Lay’s son, who worked for the company and later joined a company that did business with Enron.

Robyn Lay —Lay’s stepdaughter, who once had an Enron jet deliver her bed to Monaco.

Sharon Lay —Lay’s sister, whose Houston travel agency got most of its business from Enron.

Charles LeMaistre —Enron director and chairman of board compensation committee. Former president of the University of Texas M. D. Anderson Cancer Center.

Kathy Lynn —Worked for Fastow at Global Finance. Later employed by Fastow’s LJM partnerships. Investor in Fastow deal.

Kevin McConville —Head of Enron’s Industrial Group. Every deal his group made went sour.

William McLucas —Wilmer, Cutler & Pickering lawyer, special counsel to

Jeff McMahon —Enron’s corporate treasurer until replaced by Glisan. Became CFO after Fastow was fired.

Nancy McNeil —Lay’s secretary and Kinder’s second wife.

Amanda Martin —Enron executive who later joined Azurix.

Thomas Mastroeni —Treasurer of Enron Oil under Borget. Pled guilty in the Enron Oil scandal.

R. Davis Maxey —Masterminded Enron tax-avoidance schemes.

Jordan Mintz —General counsel for Fastow’s Global Finance division. Pressured Fastow to give up the partnerships.

Kristina Mordaunt —In-house lawyer, served as general counsel of Global Finance and Broadband division. Made $1 million on a $5,800 investment in one of Fastow’s deals.

Mike Muckleroy —Executive who bailed out the company during the Enron Oil scandal.

Cindy Olson —Head of human resources.

Lou Pai —Skilling lieutenant who headed early trading operation. Later CEO
of EES.

Mark Palmer —Enron’s head of corporate communications.

Ken Rice —Key member of Skilling’s inner circle. CEO of Enron Wholesale and, later, Enron Broadband Services.

Richard Sanders —Head of litigation for Enron North America.

Mick Seidl —Enron president during Enron Oil scandal.

John Sherriff —Whalley deputy and head of Enron Europe.

Susan Skilling —Jeff Skilling’s first wife.

Joe Sutton —Rebecca Mark’s longtime deputy. Took over Enron International after she left.

Beth Tilney —Enron executive and Lay confidante. Married to Merrill Lynch investment banker Schuyler Tilney.

John Urquhart —Enron director. Former executive vice president at General Electric.

Lord John Wakeham —Enron director and former British secretary of state for energy. As government official, approved Teesside.

Pinkney Walker —economics professor at the University of Missouri. Lay’s first mentor.

Charls Walker —Enron director and top Washington lobbyist. Pinkney Walker’s brother.

Chris Wasden —Azurix executive.

Sherron Watkins —Global Finance executive. Wrote whistle-blowing letter to Ken Lay.

Greg Whalley —Head of the trading operation in late 1990s. Became president and COO after Skilling resigned.

General Tom White —Enron international executive. Later Pai’s number two at EES. Became secretary of the army in the George W. Bush administration.

John Wing —Launched Enron’s international business. Built Teesside.

Herbert (Pug) Winokur —Enron director, former Pentagon official.

David Woytek —Enron auditor during Enron Oil scandal.

Anne Yaeger —Global Finance employee who left to work for the LJM partnerships. Investor in Fastow deal.


Carl Bass —member of Andersen’s Professional Standards Group. Chief Enron skeptic in the firm.

Joseph Berardino —CEO of Arthur Andersen.

David Duncan —Lead Arthur Andersen partner on the Enron account.

James Hecker —Andersen partner who penned “Hotel Kenneth-Lay-a.”

John Stewart —Head of Andersen’s Professional Standards Group.

Nancy Temple —Andersen lawyer.


Ron Barone —Analyst for PaineWebber and later UBS Warburg.

Dan Bayly —Merrill Lynch’s global head of investment banking.

David Bermingham, Giles Darby, and Gary Mulgrew —NatWest bankers who allegedly conspired with Fastow to steal millions that belonged to the bank.

Jim Chanos —Short seller who runs the hedge fund Kynikos Associates. Early short seller of Enron stock.

Carol Coale —Prudential analyst. Viewed as authoritative voice on Enron.

Donato Eassey —Analyst with Merrill Lynch. Replaced John Olson after he was fired.

Anatol Feygin —J. P. Morgan Chase analyst.

David Fleischer —Goldman Sachs analyst.

Robert Furst —Merrill banker who worked with Schuyler Tilney.

Scott Gieselman —Goldman Sachs investment banker.

Rick Gordon —Head of Merrill Lynch’s energy investment banking group.

Richard Gross —Analyst with Lehman Brothers.

Richard Grubman —Short seller who runs the hedge fund Highfields Capital Management. Early short seller of Enron stock.

Curt Launer —Enron-friendly analyst with Donaldson, Lufkin & Jenrette and, later, Credit Suisse First Boston.

James (Jimmy) Lee —Head of investment banking at Chase Manhattan Bank. Named vice chairman when Chase bought J. P. Morgan.

Andre Meade —Commerzbank analyst.

Ray Niles —Analyst with Schroder & Company and later Citigroup.

John Olson —Analyst with Sanders Morris Harris. Longtime Enron skeptic.

Mark Roberts —Short seller who operates a firm called Off Wall Street.

Robert Rubin —Member of the office of the chairman of Citigroup. Former treasury secretary in the Clinton adminstration.

Marc Shapiro —Vice chairman of finance and risk management at Chase Manhattan Bank. After the merger of J. P. Morgan and Chase, became a vice chairman of J. P. Morgan Chase. Longtime acquaintance of Lay’s.

Schuyler Tilney —Merrill Lynch investment banker. Firm’s primary contact with Enron and Andrew Fastow.

Rick Walker —Chase Manhattan (later J. P. Morgan Chase) banker, served as key contact with Enron.


Peter Eavis —Reporter for Thestreet.com.

John Emshwiller and Rebecca Smith Wall Street Journal reporters who exposed Fastow’s partnerships in October 2001.

Harry Hurt III —Wrote skeptical 1996 story about Enron for Fortune .

Toni Mack —Wrote skeptical 1993 story about Enron for Forbes .

Jonathan Weil Wall Street Journal reporter who raised question about mark-to-market accounting in September 2000.


Chuck Watson —CEO of Dynegy, Enron’s crosstown rival.

Steve Bergstrom —President of Dynegy. TbCKjqV9p8L+Umf/IhNg1ducQq2M7lO7JKCmIKjYm6Av3YVMz71Y5S+8HJZBkVU1
