
“A stunning achievement. Coyne has produced a classic—whether you are an expert or novice in science, a friend or foe of evolutionary biology, reading Why Evolution Is True is bound to be an enlightening experience.”

—Neil Shubin,
author of Your Inner Fish

“Jerry Coyne has long been one of the world’s most skillful defenders of evolutionary science in the face of religious obscurantism. In Why Evolution Is True, he has produced an indispensable book: the single, accessible volume that makes the case for evolution. But Coyne has delivered much more than the latest volley in our ‘culture war’; he has given us an utterly fascinating, lucid, and beautifully written account of our place in the natural world. If you want to better understand your kinship with the rest of life, this book is the place to start.”

—Sam Harris,
author of The End of Faith and Letter to a Christian Nation, and founder of the Reason Project

“Evolution is the foundation of modern biology, and in Why Evolution Is True, Jerry Coyne masterfully explains why. From the vast trove of evidence that evolution scientists have gathered, Coyne has carefully selected some of the most striking examples and explained them with equal parts grace and authority.”

—Carl Zimmer,
author of Microcosm: E. coli and the New Science of Life

“Jerry Coyne’s book does an outstanding job making the basic concepts of evolution understandable for the average reader. He covers topics ranging from the fossil record to biogeography to the genetic mechanisms of evolution with equal clarity, and shows convincingly why creationism and ’intelligent design’ fail miserably as science.”

—Donald R. Prothero,
professor of geology at Occidental College, and author of Evolution: What the Fossils Say and Why It Matters


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Copyright © Jerry A. Coyne, 2009

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Illustrations by Kalliopi Monoyios. Copyright © Kalliopi Monoyios, 2009.


Why evolution is true / by Jerry A. Coyne. p. cm.

Includes bibliographical references.

ISBN: 978-1-4406-8585-9

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For Dick Lewontin
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