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Copyright © 2019 by Gregory Zuckerman
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Grateful acknowledgment is made for permission to reprint the following photographs:
1 : Courtesy of Lee Neuwirth © Lee Neuwirth
2 : Courtesy of Seth Rumshinsky
3 : Photo by Rick Mott, taken at the NJ Open Go Tournament, provided with permission, courtesy of Stefi Baum
4 , 5 : Courtesy of Brian Keating
6 : Courtesy of David Eisenbud
7 : Courtesy of Wall Street Journal and Jenny Strasburg
8 : Patrick McMullan/Getty Images
ISBN 9780735217980 (hardcover)
ISBN 9780735217997 (ebook)
ISBN 9780593086315 (international edition)
Jacket design: Karl Spurzem
Jacket image: (equations) Virtualphoto / Getty Images