
List of Illustrations

Illustrations in the Text

Jacques-Louis David, sketches of Napoleon, 1797. Musee d'Art et d'Histoire, Palais Masséna, Nice. Photograph: Giraudon / Bridgeman Images

Baron Dominique Vivant-Denon, title page of ‘The Description of Egypt’, 1809. Photograph: akg-images / Pietro Baguzzi

Charles-Joseph Minard, Graph to illustrate the successive losses in men of the French army in the Russian Campaign of 1812–13, pub. 1869. Photograph: © Bibliothèque Nationale, Paris

Sèvres Manufactory after Antoine Denis Chaudet, Bust of Emperor Napoleon I, 1806. Bibliothèque Marmottan, Boulogne-Billancourt, Paris. Photograph: Giraudon / Bridgeman Images FwB7vYPv2ifJCMjXH6PCxsZxPhww3Wlv90YfQhapZDAY6WBC7F1Dlj2vsxdY5/qE

Colour Plates

  1. Andrea Appiani the Elder, Napoleon I Bonaparte , 1796. Pinacoteca Ambrosiana, Milan. Photograph: De Agostini Picture Library / © Veneranda Biblioteca Ambrosiana–Milano / Bridgeman Images
  2. Léonard-Alexis Daligé de Fontenay, The Casa Bonaparte in Ajaccio , 1849. Photograph: © RMN-Grand Palais (musée des châteaux de Malmaison et de Bois-Préau) / Jean Schormans
  3. Caricature of Paoli and Bonaparte, from the atlas of a student named Vagoudy, c . 1785. Photograph: Archives Nationales, Paris
  4. Louis-François Lejeune, The Battle of Lodi , c . 1804. Photograph: © RMN-Grand Palais (Château de Versailles) / Daniel Arnaudet / Gérard Blot
  5. Baron Antoine-Jean Gros, Napoleon on the Bridge at Arcole , 1796. Photograph: © RMN-Grand Palais (Château de Versailles) / Gérard Blot
  6. Louis-François Lejeune, The Battle of the Pyramids , 1806. Photograph: © RMN-Grand Palais (Château de Versailles) / Gérard Blot
  7. Baron Antoine-Jean Gros, Napoleon visiting the wounded at Jaffa , 1804 (detail). Photograph: © RMN-Grand Palais (musée du Louvre) / Thierry Le Mage
  8. I. Helman and J. Duplessi-Bertaux after Charles Monnet, The Coup d’état of 18 Brumaire 1799 , published 1800. Photograph © Bibliothèque Nationale de France, Paris
  9. François-Xavier Fabre, portrait of Lucien Bonaparte. Photograph: The Art Archive / Napoleonic Museum Rome / Gianni Dagli Orti
  10. Jean-Baptiste Wicar, portrait of Joseph Bonaparte, 1808. Photograph: © RMN-Grand Palais (Château de Fontainebleau) / Gérard Blot
  11. Baron François Gérard, portrait of Marie-Laetitia Ramolino (detail), 1803. Photograph © RMN-Grand Palais (musée des châteaux de Malmaison et de Bois-Préau) / Daniel Arnaudet / Jean Schormans
  12. Salomon-Guillaume Counis, portrait of Marie-Anne Elisa Bonaparte, 1813. Photograph © RMN-Grand Palais (musée du Louvre) / Gérard Blot
  13. Charles Howard Hodges, portrait of Louis Bonaparte (detail), 1809. Photograph: © Rijksmuseum, Amsterdam
  14. Baron François Gérard, portrait of Hortense de Beauharnais. Private collection. Photograph: Bridgeman Images
  15. Robert Lefèvre, portrait of Pauline Bonaparte, 1806. Photograph: © RMN-Grand Palais (Château de Versailles) / Droits réservés
  16. Baron François Gérard, portrait of Caroline Murat, 1800s. Musée des Beaux-Arts, Palais Fesch, Ajaccio. Photograph © RMN-Grand Palais / Gérard Blot
  17. François Kinson, portrait of Jérôme Bonaparte and his wife Catarina of Württemberg. Photograph: © RMN-Grand Palais (Château de Versailles) / Franck Raux
  18. Baron Antoine-Jean Gros, portrait of the Empress Josephine, c . 1809. Photograph: © RMN-Grand Palais (musée des châteaux de Malmaison et de Bois-Préau) / Daniel Arnaudet / Gérard Blot
  19. Andrea Appiani the Elder, portrait of Eugène de Beauharnais, 1810. Photograph: © RMN-Grand Palais (musée des châteaux de Malmaison et de Bois-Préau) / Daniel Arnaudet / Jean Schormans
  20. Nécessaire of the Empress Josephine, made by Félix Remond. Photograph: © RMN-Grand Palais (musée des châteaux de Malmaison et de Bois-Préau) / Gérard Blot
  21. Baron Antoine-Jean Gros, Napoleon as First Consul . Photograph: © RMN-Grand Palais / Gérard Blot
  22. French School, Allegory of the Concordat , 1802. Bibliothèque Nationale, Paris. Photograph: Bridgeman Images
  23. Louis Charon after Poisson, Costume of a Member of the Institut de France , c . 1802–10. Private collection. Photograph: Archives Charmet / Bridgeman Images
  24. Jean-Baptiste Greuze, portrait of Jean-Jacques de Cambacérès. Photograph: © RMN-Grand Palais / Agence Bulloz
  25. Andrea Appiani the Elder, Louis-Charles-Antoine Desaix reading the order of General Bonaparte to two Egyptians . Photograph: © RMN-Grand Palais (Château de Versailles) / Gérard Blot
  26. Baron François Gérard, portrait of Jean Lannes. Private collection. Photograph: Giraudon / Bridgeman Images
  27. Henri-François Riesener (after), portrait of Jean-Baptiste Bessières, 1805. Photograph © Paris–Musée de l'Armée, Dist. RMN-Grand Palais / image musée de l'Armée
  28. Anne-Louis Girodet De Roussy-Trioson, portrait of Géraud Christophe Michel Duroc. Musée Bonnat, Bayonne. Photograph © RMN-Grand Palais / René-Gabriel Ojéda
  29. French School, caricature of William Pitt the Younger and King George III observing the French squadron, 1803. Musée de la Ville de Paris, Musée Carnavalet, Paris. Photograph: Giraudon / Bridgeman Images
  30. Copy by Mudie of a Napoleonic medal celebrating the planned invasion of Britain, 1804. Photograph © Ashmolean Museum, University of Oxford
  31. Jean-Baptiste Debret, The First Distribution of the Cross of the Légion d'Honneur, 14 July 1804 , 1812. Photograph © RMN-Grand Palais (Château de Versailles) / Droits réservés
  32. Jacques-Louis David, study of Napoleon crowning himself Emperor, c . 1804–7. Photograph: © RMN-Grand Palais (musée du Louvre) / Thierry Le Mage
  33. Baron François Gérard , The Battle of Austerlitz, 2 December 1805 , 1808. Photograph: © RMN-Grand Palais (Château de Versailles) / Droits réservés
  34. Pierre-Michel Alix after Baron Antoine-Jean Gros, portrait of Marshal Louis-Alexandre Berthier, 1798. Photograph © Paris–Musée de l'Armée, Dist. RMN-Grand Palais / Pascal Segrette
  35. Flavie Renault after Baron Antoine-Jean Gros, portrait of Marshal André Masséna, 1834. Photograph: © Paris–Musée de l'Armée, Dist. RMN-Grand Palais / image musée de l'Armée
  36. Baron François Gérard, portrait of Marshal Michel Ney, c . 1805. Photograph: © Christie's Images
  37. Louis Henri de Rudder, portrait of Marshal Jean-de-Dieu Soult (detail). Photograph: © RMN-Grand Palais (Château de Versailles) / Franck Raux
  38. Tito Marzocchi de Belluchi, portrait of Marshal Louis-Nicolas Davout (detail), 1852. Photograph: © RMN-Grand Palais (Château de Versailles) / Gérard Blot
  39. Raymond-Quinsac Monvoison, portrait of Nicolas-Charles Oudinot as he appeared in 1792. Photograph: © RMN-Grand Palais (Château de Versailles) / Daniel Arnaudet / Jean Schormans
  40. Robert Lefèvre, portrait of Marshal Charles-Pierre-François Augereau (detail). Photograph: © RMN-Grand Palais (Château de Versailles) / Droits réservés
  41. Baron Antoine-Jean Gros, portrait of Joachim Murat (detail). Photograph: © RMN-Grand Palais (musée du Louvre) / Jean-Gilles Berizzi
  42. Edme Bovinet after Jacques-François Swebach, The Battle of Jena, 14 October 1806 . Photograph: JoJan
  43. George Dawe, portrait of Field Marshal Prince Gebhard Leberecht von Blücher, c . 1816. The Wellington Museum, Apsley House, London. Photograph: Bridgeman Images
  44. W. Herbig, portrait of King Frederick William III of Prussia (detail). The Wellington Museum, Apsley House, London. Photograph: Bridgeman Images
  45. Jacques-Louis David, Napoleon I in Imperial Costume , 1805. Palais des Beaux-Arts, Lille. Photograph: © RMN-Grand Palais / Philipp Bernard
  46. Jean-Antoine-Siméon Fort, The Battle of Eylau, 8 February 1807 . Photograph: © RMN-Grand Palais (Château de Versailles) / Droits réservés
  47. Thomas Naudet, The Battle of Friedland, 1807, c . 1807–12. Photograph: Anne S. K. Brown Military Collection, Brown University Library, Providence, RI
  48. Adolphe Roehn, The Meeting of Napoleon I and Tsar Alexander I at Tilsit, 25 June 1807 . Photograph: © RMN-Grand Palais (Château de Versailles) / Franck Raux
  49. Baron François Gérard, portrait of Tsar Alexander I, c . 1814. Musée Cantonal des Beaux-Arts, Lausanne. Photograph: akg-images / André Held
  50. Baron François Gérard, portrait of Désirée Clary. Photograph: Alexis Daflos. The Royal Court, Sweden
  51. Jean-Baptiste Isabey, portrait of Pauline Fourès. Photograph: © RMN-Grand Palais (musée du Louvre) / Droits réservés
  52. Ferdinando Quaglia, portrait of Giuseppina Grassini. Photograph: De Agostini Picture Library / A. Dagli Orti / Bridgeman Images
  53. Pierre-Auguste Vafflard, portrait of Marguerite Weimer (Mademoiselle Georges), 1805. Photograph © Collections Comédie-Française / P. Lorette
  54. Jean-Baptiste Isabey, portrait of Countess Maria Walewska. Collection of the Patrimoine Comte Colonna-Walewski. Photograph Fine Art Images / Heritage Images / Scala, Florence
  55. Mayer & Pierson, Photograph of Comte Alexander Colonna-Walewski. Photograph: © Musée d'Orsay, Dist. RMN-Grand Palais / Patrice Schmidt
  56. Pierre-Paul Prud'hon (attr.), Portrait of a Lady said to be Éléonore Denuelle de la Plaigne with her son , 1814. Private collection. Photograph © Christie's Images / Bridgeman Images
  57. Jean-Baptiste Isabey, portrait of Anne Hippolyte Boutet Salvetat (Mademoiselle Mars), 1819. Photograph: © By kind permission of the Trustees of the Wallace Collection, London.
  58. Albine de Montholon. Photograph: Roger-Viollet / Topfoto
  59. Sèvres Manufactory, spindle vase owned by Madame Mère, depicting Napoleon crossing the Alps at the Great St Bernard pass, 1811. Photograph: © RMN-Grand Palais (musée du Louvre) / Droits réservés
  60. François-Honoré-Georges Jacob-Desmalter, Bernard Poyet and Agustin-François-André Picot, the imperial throne of Napoleon for sittings of the Legislative Body, 1805. Photograph: © Les Arts Décoratifs, Paris / Jean Tholance. Tous droits réservés
  61. Henri Auguste, the Emperor's Nef, 1804. Photograph: © RMN-Grand Palais (Château de Fontainebleau) / Jean-Pierre Lagiewski
  62. French School, The Construction of the Vendôme Column , c . 1803–10. Musée National du Château de Malmaison, Rueil-Malmaison. Photograph: Giraudon / Bridgeman Images
  63. Henri Courvoisier-Voisin, The Palais de la Bourse , c . 1826. Musée de la Ville de Paris, Musée Carnavalet, Paris. Photograph: Giraudon / Bridgeman Images
  64. Claude François de Méneval. Photograph: Mary Evans Picture Library / Epic
  65. Lemercier, portrait of Baron Agathon-Jean-François Fain. Bibliothèque Nationale de France, Paris. Photograph: Roger-Viollet / Topfoto
  66. Francisco José de Goya y Lucientes, A heroic feat! With dead men! , illustration from The Disasters of War , pub. 1863. Photograph: Index / Bridgeman Images
  67. Adolphe Roehn, Bivouac of Napoleon on the battlefield at Wagram during the night of 5–6 July 1809 (detail). Photograph: © RMN-Grand Palais (Château de Versailles) / Gérard Blot
  68. Baron Antoine-Jean Gros, The Meeting of Napoleon and Francis II after the Battle of Austerlitz, 4 December 1805 (detail). Photograph: © RMN-Grand Palais (Château de Versailles) / Daniel Arnaudet
  69. Sir Thomas Lawrence, portrait of Prince Clemens Metternich (detail), 1815. Royal Collection Trust © Her Majesty Queen Elizabeth II, 2014. Photograph: Bridgeman Images
  70. Sir Thomas Lawrence, portrait of Carl Philip, Prince Schwarzenberg, 1819. The Royal Collection © 2014 Her Majesty Queen Elizabeth II. Photograph: Bridgeman Images
  71. Baron François Gérard, portrait of the Empress Marie Louise, 1810. Photograph: © RMN-Grand Palais (musée du Louvre) / Hervé Lewandowski
  72. Baron François Gérard, portrait of the King of Rome. Photograph: © RMN-Grand Palais (Château de Fontainebleau) / Daniel Arnaudet / Jean Schormans
  73. Josef Lanzedelli the Elder, portrait of Adam Albert von Neipperg (detail), c . 1810. Photograph: © Stadtverwaltung, Schwaigern
  74. Antoine Charles Horace Vernet after Étienne-Alexandre Bardin, Uniforms of a line infantryman and second flagbearer , illustration from the Bardin Regulations. Photograph: © Paris–Musée de l'Armée, Dist. RMN-Grand Palais / Pascal Segrette
  75. Christian Johann Oldendorp, View of the Kremlin during the Burning of Moscow, September 1812 . Photograph: De Agostini Picture Library / M. Seemuller / Bridgeman Images
  76. Faber du Faur, On the Road, Not Far From Pneva, 8 November 1812 , illustration from Blätter aus meinem Portefeuille, im Laufe des Fel , c . 1830s. Photograph: Anne S. K. Brown Military Collection, Brown University Library, Providence, RI
  77. V. Adam (after), The Berezina Passage . Brown University Library, Providence, RI. Photograph: Bridgeman Images
  78. Pierre-Paul Prud'hon, portrait of Charles Maurice de Talleyrand Périgord (detail), 1817. Purchase, Mrs Charles Wrightsman Gift, in memory of Jacqueline Bouvier Kennedy Onassis, 1994. Accession Number: 1994.190. © The Metropolitan Museum of Art, New York
  79. French School, portrait of Joseph Fouché. Photograph © RMN-Grand Palais (Château de Versailles) / Gérard Blot
  80. Studio of Baron François Gérard, portrait of Charles-Jean Bernadotte, 1811. Photograph © RMN-Grand Palais (Château de Versailles) / Gérard Blot
  81. Jean-Baptiste Paulin Guérin, portrait of Marshal Auguste de Marmont, 1834. Photograph: © RMN-Grand Palais (Château de Versailles) / Gérard Blot
  82. Anon., Napoleon bidding adieux to his army, in the court of the castle of Fontainebleau, 20 April 1814 . Bibliothèque Nationale, Paris. Photograph: Roger-Viollet / Topfoto
  83. George Cruikshank, The Flight of Bonaparte from the field of Waterloo Accompanied by his Guide , 1816. Private collection. Photograph: The Stapleton Collection / Bridgeman Images
  84. Count Louis-Joseph-Narcisse Marchand, View of Longwood (detail), 1820. Photograph: © RMN-Grand Palais (musée des châteaux de Malmaison et de Bois-Préau) / Gérard Blot
  85. Anon., portrait of Napoleon during his last weeks in St Helena. © Bodleian Library, Oxford (Curzon Atlantic a1 folio 19)
  86. Charles Joseph Hullmandel after Captain Frederick Marryat, Napoleon Bonaparte laid out after Death , 1821. Photograph: Wellcome Library, London