
An Important Note From Nir

Since first publishing this book, I’ve been blown away by the amazing stories I’ve heard from readers who have used these techniques to build life-changing products and services. I’m particularly impressed by the ways the book’s lessons have been applied to improve not only the lives of the products’ users, but the lives of the product makers as well.

Some examples: Kahoot!, a Norwegian start-up making classroom education more engaging and fun, recently filed for an initial public offering. Fitbod, an app that helps users build healthy exercise habits in the gym, is making millions of dollars for the developers. Paga, which serves millions of previously unbanked Africans, helps them form new habits of saving and managing money and is building “the single largest network of financial access points” in the country, according to the company founder. The list of companies who have used the Hooked Model continues to grow around the world in every conceivable industry.

Though many of the examples in the book draw upon big companies like Google and Facebook, I didn’t write the book for them. I wrote the book for you!

The tech giants already know these techniques. My goal is to unlock their secrets for the benefit of businesses who want to design and help users develop healthy habits.

To that end, there’s so much I wanted to put in this book that just didn’t fit. Before you start reading, please take a moment to download these supplementary materials, included free with the purchase of this book, at http://www.NirAndFar.com/Hooked :

Also, if you’d like to connect with me, you can reach me through my blog at NirAndFar.com, where you can schedule office hours to discuss your questions.

I look forward to hearing from you as you build habits for good. Bs/BtRG4u6tUMqi9C3JHzu295G/6BrAqsramTbaN14aW4YhHa4xUrBVIBVHzfzEu
