
When Alice took a sip,she shrank. She took another sip and shrank again and again until she was just the right size. Alice reached for the Doorknob but found it was locked. The key was high up on the table,out of her reach.

"Whatever will I do?"asked Alice.

The Doorknob told her to try the box of little cakes that had appeared at her feet. The cakes had the words EAT ME written on them. Alice took a bite.

sip /sɪp/ n . 一小口

shrink /ʃrɪŋk/ v . 缩小

She grew so quickly that her head crashed into the ceiling. Now Alice was too big. She feared she would never get out of the room. Alice started to cry.

"I just can't stop,"sobbed Alice as her tears filled the room.

"Oh,look—the bottle!"cried the Doorknob as the little bottle floated past.

crash /kræʃ/ v . 碰撞

sob /sɒb/ v . 啜泣

bob /bɒb/ v . 上下浮动

keyhole /'kiːhəʊl/ n . 钥匙孔

inhabit /ɪn'hæbɪt/ v . 居住在

creature /'kriːtʃə(r)/ n . 生物

dodo /'dəʊdəʊ/ n . 渡渡鸟

parrot /'pærət/ n . 鹦鹉

pelican /'pelɪkən/ n . 鹈鹕

drift /drɪft/ v . 漂流

Alice took a sip and shrank so small that she tumbled into the bottle. She bobbed along on her sea of tears and slipped through the keyhole of the door.

On the other side,Alice floated on an ocean inhabited by strange creatures. The first creature Alice saw was a dodo sailing aboard another bird. Next came a parrot,an owl,and a pelican drifting on a log,followed by a team of lobsters doing backstroke.

"Please help me!"cried Alice as they passed,but no one did.

log /lɒɡ/ n . 原木

lobster /'lɒbstə(r)/ n . 龙虾

backstroke /'bækstrəʊk/ n . 仰泳 ScG9lIUFhk5k/0dgLZ0tqoeQhcXr1h75Ocp4kre/V4n4QvgzR9n3QyRfQ6MCLFT5
