
Medical Terminology

(to be continued)

(to be continued)

(to be continued)

(to be continued)

Vocabulary Study

Task 1

Directions: Match each of the following terms with its definition and underline the strong part of each word where there are two or more syllables .

(1) anemia  A. difficulty in breathing or in catching the breath

(2) dehydration  B. an abnormally large amount of sugar in the blood

(3) dyspnea  C. dryness resulting from the removal of water

(4) hyperglycemia  D. insufficient production of thyroid hormones

(5) hypothyroidism  E. a deficiency of red blood cells

(6) infracostal  A. below the liver

(7) antenatal  B. situated beneath the ribs

(8) supracranial  C. having frequencies above those of audible sound

(9) subhepatic  D. situated above, or in the roof of, the cranium

(10) ultrasonic  E. occurring or existing before birth

Task 2

Directions: Fill in the blanks with appropriate words for body parts .

(1) Supranasal describes the place above the __________.

(2) Intercostal means between the __________.

(3) Intracranial zone is situated within the ________.

(4) Perihepatic is the word used to describe the area surrounding the __________.

(5) Intravenous describe how the drugs are put into people’s bodies through their __________.

(6) Extrauterine pregnancy occurs when a fertilized egg grows outside a woman’s __________.

(7) Endocarditis refers to inflammation of the _____________.

(8) Surrounding or partly surrounding the __________ is termed circumrenal.

(9) A person who has an ileectomy has had a complete or partial removal of the ________.

(10) Parathyroid refers to any one of four endocrine glands situated near the __________ gland.

Case Study 2-1

Ovarian Cancer

C.F., a 46-YO married Asian woman, works as an office manager for an insurance company. This morning, she had a follow-up visit with her oncologist and was sent to the hospital for immediate admission for possible recurrence or sequelae of her ovarian cancer. She is alert, articulate, and a reliable reporter.

CC: C.F. presents with mild, low, aching pelvic pain and low abdominal fullness. She states, “I feel like I have cramps and am bloated. Sometimes I’m so tired I cannot do my work without a short nap.”

HPI: C.F. has been in remission for 14 months from aggressively treated ovarian carcinoma. She presents with mild abdominal distention and tenderness on deep palpation of the lower pelvis. C.F.claims a feeling of fullness in the lower abdomen, loss of appetite, and inability to sleep through the night. She is afraid that her cancer was not cured. Sometimes her heart races and she cannot catch her breath, but with two children in college, she cannot afford to miss work.

MEDS: Therapeutic vitamin × 1/day. Valium 5 mg every 6 hours (q6h) as needed (prn) for anxiety.Benadryl 25 mg at bedtime (hs) prn for insomnia. Echinacea tea 3 cups/day to prevent colds or flu.Ginkgo biloba 3 cups/day for energy.

ALLERGIES: NKDA, no food allergies.

PMH: C.F. was diagnosed with ovarian CA four years ago and treated with surgery, radiation, and chemotherapy. A total abdominal hysterectomy (removal of the uterus) with bilateral removal of the oviducts and ovaries was performed. At the time of surgery, the pelvic lymph nodes tested negative for disease. Chemotherapy and radiation therapy occurred after surgical recovery. C.F. has been well and capable of full ADL until four weeks ago. Childhood history is unremarkable, with normal childhood diseases, including measles, mumps, and chicken pox. C.F. was born and raised in this country. She has no other adult diseases, surgery, or injuries.

CURRENT HEALTH Hx: Denies tobacco, ETOH, or recreational drugs or substances. She exercises three to five times per week with aerobic exercise class and treadmill. She is a vegetarian and drinks one to five cups of green tea per day. Immunizations are up to date, unsure of last tetanus booster. Recent negative mammogram and negative TB test (PPD).

FAMILY Hx: Both parents alive and well. Maternal aunt died of “stomach tumor” at age 37.

Task 3

Directions: Select the best answer to the question or the statement based on the information provided in the case of ovarian cancer .

(1) What does an oncologist refer to?

A. A specialist in tumor or cancer.B. A specialist in kidney disease.

C. A specialist in heart disease.D. A specialist in inflammatory disease.

(2) What was C.F. sent to the hospital for?

A. Headache.B. Weakness.C. Ovarian cancer.D. Diarrhea.

(3) Carcinoma refers to________.

A. cancer B. tumor C. inflammation D. infection

(4) C.F’s symptoms do NOT include________.

A. fullness in the lower abdomen B. loss of appetite

C. vomiting D. inability to sleep

(5) Medications are prescribed for________.

A. insomnia B. energy C. anxiety D. all of the above

(6) C.F. was diagnosed with ovarian CA four years ago and treatment did NOT include ________.

A. surgery B. psychological therapy C. radiation D. chemotherapy

(7) The term hysterectomy means________.

A. removal of the uterus B. removal of the breast

C. removal of the kidney D. removal of the liver

(8) What is the exact meaning of ADL?

A. Adulthood.B. Activities of daily living.

C. Antigen and leukemia.D. None of the above.

(9) Which description is NOT true about C.F.?

A. She is a smoker.B. She exercises three to five times per week.

C. She is a vegetarian.D. She drinks green tea every day.

(10) The patient is NOT sure about_______.

A. immunizations B. last tetanus booster C. mammogram

D. TB test (PPD)

Case Study 2-2

Intertrochanteric Fracture

A.R., age 88, slipped on the wet grass and fell while gardening in his back yard. His neighbor was unable to help him to a standing position and called for an ambulance. A.R. had excruciating pain in his right leg, which was externally rotated, slightly shorter than his left leg, and adducted. Preoperative radiographs showed a non-displaced right intertrochanteric fracture. Intraoperatively, Mr. R. was given spinal anesthesia and positioned on an orthopedic table with his right hip abducted and secured in traction. He had an open reduction and internal fixation with a compression screw and side plate with screws. His postoperative recovery was unremarkable, although he was at risk for deep vein thrombosis, that is, blood clots in his legs. He was discharged to a rehabilitation facility for several weeks of physical therapy and assistance with activities of daily living, such as personal hygiene,dressing, eating, ambulating, and toileting.

Task 4

Directions: Write a word or phrase from the case study that means the same as each of the following .

(1) extreme pain

(2) on or from the outside

(3) to move or turn around

(4) draw a limb towards the body

(5) an image produced on a specially sensitized photographic film or plate by radiation, usually by X-rays or gamma rays ________

(6) breaking of hard tissue such as bone

(7) during the operation

(8) loss of bodily sensation with or without loss of consciousness

(9) relating to problems affecting people’s joints and spines

(10) to wander about or move from one place to another

Medical Term Extension

Medical Specialists

There are many types of health care workers. Clients generally start by seeing a general practitioner, but then they are referred to a specialist. If you work at a hospital or clinic, you will interact with a variety of specialists.

☆A chiropractor helps manage back and neck pain through the use of spinal adjustments to maintain good alignment.

☆An orthodontist specializes in the prevention or irregularities of the teeth.

☆An allergist or immunologist focuses on preventing and treating allergic diseases and conditions.

☆A dermatologist focuses on diseases and conditions of the skin, nails, and hair.

☆An ophthalmologist specializes in eye and vision care.

Obstetrician/gynecologists (OB/GYNs) provide preventive care and disease management for female health conditions.

Cardiologists focus on the cardiovascular system, which includes the heart and blood vessels.

Endocrinologists treat disorders and conditions that affect the endocrine system.

Gastroenterologists focus on the digestive system.

☆A nephrologist focuses on kidney care and conditions that affect the kidneys.

Urologists treat conditions of the urinary tract in both males and females.

Pulmonologists focus on the organs involved with breathing.

Otolaryngologists are sometimes known as “ear, nose, and throat” (ENT) doctors.

☆A neurologist treats conditions of the nerves, spine, and brain.

☆A psychiatrist is a doctor who treats mental health conditions.

Oncologists treat cancer and its symptoms.

☆A radiologist specializes in diagnosing and treating conditions using medical imaging tests.

☆A rheumatologist diagnoses and treats rheumatic diseases.

General surgeons perform surgical procedures on many organs and bodily systems.

☆An orthopedic surgeon specializes in diseases and conditions of the bones, muscles, ligaments,tendons, and joints.

Cardiac surgeons perform heart surgery and may work with a cardiologist to determine what a person needs.

Anesthesiologists focus on a person’s well-being before, during, and after surgery. This may include administering pain medicine, relaxation medication, or medicine to put a person to sleep.

☆A pediatrician is a medical doctor who specializes in the care of infants, children, and adolescents.

☆A geriatrician specializes in the treatment of old age.

☆A pharmacist is a person who fills prescriptions and gives medicine.

☆An audiologist diagnoses and treats hearing and balance problems.

Physical therapists are movement experts who improve quality of life through prescribed exercise,hands-on care, and patient education.

☆A therapist provides treatment and rehabilitation.

Task 5

Directions: Can you figure out the medical specialists in these pictures? Write down these medical specialists and list the main areas they specialize in .

Task 6

Directions: Name the following departments in English . K/iTFiVVRqtYENP0u18GCENiIsKCu0XZJMuYV2RL+NnEx51GWJwaONuXtxqMatCc
