
Part One
—Logical Fallacies

Ⅰ.逻辑谬误(Significance of identifying logical fallacies)

逻辑谬误是指有意或无意违反思维规律而发生的错误。发现并指出对方的逻辑谬误,对赢得比赛帮助极大。首先,此举能够证明辩手在逻辑思维上更胜对方一筹。如果辩手还能用专业的术语说出谬误名称,如用拉丁语说出对方犯了“Argumentum ad hominem (argument directed at the person人身攻击)”的错误,则更增加了其反驳的力度。其次,直接指出对方的逻辑谬误,能够化解对方的进攻,其力度更强于通常的比较法。通常情况下,辩手在反驳对方观点时常常采用比较法,证明对方观点不如己方观点重要。然而,即便证明己方观点更重要、更值得关注,但如果对方观点依然站得住脚,对方只需稍加强化修正即可再次立住。而假如辩手指出对方的逻辑谬误,从而攻击其主要观点,那么该观点实际上已经被直接打倒,对方需要耗费大量时间修补谬误、重立观点。因此,在辩论中发现并指出逻辑谬误能够事半功倍。

Ⅱ.辩论中的逻辑艺术(Pointing out logical fallacies)


第一步:说出逻辑谬论的名称,最好同时用拉丁文和英文,并明确指出这是一个“逻辑谬误”,向裁判和观众表明己方不是在构建一个反驳观点,而是要指出对方观点的根本错误,从而给裁判留下深刻印象。如:“The opposition points out that the voters supported X by a wide margin in last year’s referendum.But this isjust the logical fallacy ofargumentum adpopulum appealto public opinion (诉诸舆论)!”

第二步:向裁判和观众解释该谬误是什么意思。如:“The fact that so many people agree with you doesn’t mean it’s necessarily right.”通过简单明了的语言解释该谬误。

第三步:引用典型例子说明该谬误为什么是错的。辩手可选择与对方观点相关的例子,进一步表明错误的原因。如:“Last century,the majority of people in some states thought slavery was acceptable,but that didn’t make it so!”

第四步:这是最关键的一步,将刚才讨论的逻辑谬误与对方的整体辩论框架联系起来,指出该逻辑谬误对对方整体论证的影响。如:“This fallacious argument should be thrown out of the debate,which means the opposition has totally failed in this debate...”

Ⅲ.辩论中常见的逻辑谬误(Common logical fallacies in debate)



1.诉诸传统(argumentum ad antiquitatem/argument to antiquity or tradition)


2.人身攻击(argumentum ad hominem/argument directed at the person)

攻击提出观点的人的性格或动机,而不是攻击其观点本身。例如,反驳对方的极端观点:“对方辩手是法西斯。”抑或谈论某项政策时,以制定该政策的人有道德污点为由反对该政策。如当一方用尼克松总统在对华贸易上的立场和观点作为论据,另一方这样反驳:“We all know Nixon was a liar and a cheater,so why should we believe anything he said?”还表现为:以某一群体是政策受益方为理由反驳对方关于该群体支持这一政策的观点。如“因为富人会受益于减税政策,所以对方提出的减税政策的合理性站不住脚”。对己方而言,假如因失误出现了“人身攻击”的谬误,可以通过修正表达方式将话语补充完整,将攻击矛头从对人调整到对事上去,如“对方的观点过于激进,是法西斯式的观点”“尼克松的很多言论都被证实是夸大其词甚至是虚假的,那么他关于对华贸易的观点也无法确保真实可靠,所以对方提出的论据站不住脚”或“富人受益于减税政策,应该更多考虑该政策对非直接受益人群的影响,所以对方辩手关于合理性的论证不够客观”等。调整反驳的焦点,将其转移到对观点的攻击上,是在出现谬误时的有效补救。

3.诉诸无知(argumentum ad ignorantiam/argument to ignorance)

因为不能否定某一观点,则认定其为真,这种错误被称为“诉诸无知”。如:“没有人能证明鬼不存在,那么鬼肯定存在。”在辩论中常见的表达是:“对方未证明该政策的弊端,因此该政策是有利的。”实际上,该谬误出现的原因可以理解为谬误方举证责任(burden of proof)的缺位。大多数情况下,默认正方在辩论中为承担举证责任的一方,也就是说,假如正方未能证明己方观点的合理性或正确性,那么正方观点就是错误的,因此反方获胜。所以,一般情况下只有反方可以利用该谬误反驳正方,指出正方未能证明其观点的正确性,因此其观点错误。

4.诉诸怜悯(argumentum ad misericordiam/argument or appeal to pity)

通过唤起同情心来说服评委和观众。如“发达国家是否应对发展中国家提供经济援助”,支持一方的论述为:“Think of all the poor,starving Ethiopian children!How could we be so cruel as not to help them?”在提出政策的合理性时,可以通过诉诸怜悯的方法描绘出具体社会状况,辅助证明问题的严重性。但是如果仅仅是“卖惨”而缺乏对政策的合理性、有效性等其他方面的论证,则陷入逻辑谬误。

5.诉诸大众(argumentum ad populum/argument or appeal to the public)

以“大众都这样认为”进行论证。但是,很多人都相信的未必就是正确的。如“At least 70%of all Americans support restrictions on access to abortions.”问题是,辩手未能证明为什么限制堕胎的政策是正确的,因此即便是100%的支持率,也不能说明该政策的合理性。因此,辩手应该先关注政策本身的合理性,再罗列数据,证明其普遍性。

6.诉诸权威(argumentum ad verecundiam/argument or appeal to authority)


7.循环论证(circulus in demonstrando/circular argument)

使用试图证明的观点作为论据,产生循环论证。然而,在辩论中很多循环论证并是显而易见的。指出循环论证的最佳策略是辩手清楚地陈述出要论证的观点,并指出该观点在论证逻辑链中的位置。如“In other words,they are telling us that X is true because X is true.But they have yet to tell us why it’s true.”

8.相关性谬误(cum hoc ergo propter hoc/with this,therefore because of this)

因为两件事同时发生,所以两者必然有因果关系。事实上,两者同时存在并不代表两者就一定存在因果关系,可能两者有共同的起因,或者两者根本没有关系,它们的共存只是巧合。如:“过去几个世纪全球海平面升高,与此同时,全球海盗数量减少,由此可见,海盗数量的减少是海平面升高造成的。”辩论中往往表现为将一起事件的原因排他性地归为同时发生的另一起事件,从而达到论证目的。如论证经济政策的影响:“President Clinton has great economic policies;just look at how well the economy is doing while he’s in office...”把克林顿在位期间经济向好的原因简单地归结为他在位期间实施的经济政策,认为其是推动经济发展的唯一原因,而忽视了其他因素,如前一位总统的经济政策的延时性影响、科技的发展等。辩手可以通过加强二者的关联性进行弥补。如:“Some economic theories suggest that substantially reducing the federal budget deficit should cause the economy to do better,so the coincidence of deficit reductions under Clinton and the economy’s relative health could be taken as evidence in favor of those economic theories.”

9.后此谬误(post hoc ergo propter hoc/after this,therefore because of this)


后此谬误和“相关性谬误”一样,都是在寻找原因时犯下的逻辑错误。弥补该谬误的方法与“相关性谬误”一样,可以加强二者之间的关联性,如“My friend,who rode my bike to work,and came back with a broken chain should be responsible for the bike breaking.”这一论述中,增加这样的一个前提:“Usually,the person who rides the bike before it broke caused it to break.”则可强化“借车”和“车被损坏”二者之间的关联。

10.滑坡谬误(slippery slope)



11.复合问题(complex question)


12.稻草人谬误(straw man)


13.转移话题(red herring)



14.不当类比(weak analogy)


Activity 1 Identifying logical fallacies


Directions Read the following arguments with logical fallacies and identify the fallacyfrom the table below

________1.We have no evidence that the Illuminati ever existed.They must have destroyed all the evidence.

________2.If America doesn’t send weapons to the Syrian rebels,they won’t be able to defend themselves against their warring dictator.They’ll lose their civil war,and that dictator will oppress them,and their enemy will consequently carve out a sphere of influence that spreads across the entire Middle East.

________3.Children who received measles,mumps,and rubella(MMR)vaccines subsequently developed autism.It shows that the vaccination must have caused developmental disorder.

________4.Think of all the poor children in war!How could rich countries be so cruel as not to help them?It is an obligation for the USA to accept refugees in war.

________5.Many people say we need to exploit the outer space,a point which I believe is wrong,because there are so many poor people on Earth who hardly make ends meet.

________6.Incest must be immoral,because for many centuries people have seen it as immoral.

________7.There must be life on other planets,because many great scientists are looking for it,so they must think it is there.

________8.Violent video games cause teens to be violent,because violent teens play violent video games.

________9.Addiction to drugs or alcohol can completely ruin someone’s life.And similarly,if you play too many video games and get addicted,you’re going to ruin your life,too.

________10.This is a female issue.As a man,how can you have an opinion about this?

________11.—“Self-driving cars are the natural extension of active safety and obviously something we should advocate.”

—“Self-driving cars aren’t safe!Did you hear about the self-driving Uber SUV that killed a pedestrian in Arizona?”

________12.—“So instead of murdering your neighbor,did you go home and bake a pie which you donated to the Girl Scouts bake sale?”


—“So you admit you murdered your neighbor!”

________13.Compared with the past,there are more laws and regulations,and the crime rate has increased a lot.Therefore,in order to reduce crime,we must delete a lot of laws and regulations.

________14.Hundreds of millions of people have been Christians,devoutly following it and even dying for it.How could that be possible if Christianity weren’t true?

Activity 2 Refuting an argument with logical fallacies

Directions:Readthrough the following arguments against the motion China should ban smoking in public places .First find out the logical fallacy in each of the arguments,then refute these arguments using the suggested strategies mentioned above.

Argument 1

Tobacco industry is an important source of tax for its higher tax rate.The tobacco industry tax takes up about 7%of national fiscal revenue.The total tax paid by tobacco industry enterprises ranks first in the national taxation.If we ban smoking,tobacco industry would be affected greatly.So the revenue of tobacco would see a huge decrease,which is a great damage to the national fiscal revenue.With less revenue,the government will have difficulty in improving social welfare system and guaranteeing citizens’basic living need.Without a solid welfare system,social equality is hard to keep and thus the society will get caught in unrest in the end.

Logical fallacy: ___________________________________________________________

Refutation: ___________________________________________________________

Argument 2

It is a fact that smoking does harm to one’s health.However,it is not always the truth.Many people die of other diseases that are not related to smoking.Furthermore,many other people who smoke for years live in complete health.There are so many healthy,elderly people who started smoking in their youth but seldom got sick,not to mention suffering from lung cancer and other fatal diseases related to smoking.As we can see,the harm of smoking is not so serious,so it is ridiculous to deprive smokers’freedom of smoking in public places.

Logical fallacy: ___________________________________________________________

Refutation: ___________________________________________________________ 6ukhD54iefneEtGBMbNRagMXdG6wFvL/cHjrW/0YOIGno315gf9+HVF8b5keX76y
