
1.1 Laboratory Rules

Chemistry laboratories contain certain inherent dangers and hazards.As a chemistry student working in a laboratory,you must learn how to work safely with these hazards in order to prevent injury to yourself and others around you.You must make a constant effort to think about the potential hazards associated with what you are doing,and to think about how to work safely to prevent or minimize these hazards as much as possible.The following guidelines are here to help you.Please understand and follow these guidelines and act according to the principles behind them to help everybody as safe as possible. Ultimately,your own safety is your own responsibility.Please make sure you are familiar with the safety precautions,hazard warnings and procedures of the experiment you are performing on a given day before you start any work.If you are unsure of how to do something safely,please ask the teacher before proceeding.Experiments should not be performed without an instructor in attendance and must not be left unattended while in progress.No unauthorized experiments are allowed.No modification of the experiments is allowed.No work outside of regular hours is allowed,except under exceptional circumstances.

I.The general lab rules

(1)Make sure you are familiar with all the safety information given to you about each experiment before starting the experiment.This includes your manual,these safety guidelines,any posted information or any other information provided by your teacher.

(2)Always wear safety glasses (including during check-in and check-out),except when their removal has been specifically authorized by the teacher prior.Contact lenses are forbidden.You must also wear a face shield when requested by the teacher.

(3)You must wear a lab coat(and do it up)in all Chemistry labs.

(4)Footwear must completely cover the feet and heels(no sandals,baby dolls,ballet flats,mules,open-toed footwear,etc.).

(5)You must wear long pants(no shorts,capris,skirts or dresses).

(6)If you arrive at your Chemistry lab and do not have the required clothing,you will be directed to rent or purchase missing items(glasses,lab coats,disposable footcoverings and long pants)from Laboratory Center before you will be allowed to participate in the lab.

(7)Loose hair must be tied back so as to be out of the way.Dangling jewellery must be removed.

(8)Do not eat or drink in the lab.

(9)Visitors are not allowed to be in the lab.

(10)Please keep your work area and the common work areas tidy.Also,please make sure the aisles,safety showers,eyewash stations and doorways are unobstructed.

(11)Please leave all the glassware,equipment,tools,etc.as clean as or cleaner than you found them.

(12)Please clean up spills immediately.If the spill is large or is of a hazardous material,inform the teacher immediately.Use spill mix to absorb solvent or caustic liquids.

(13)Please dispose of waste properly andin a timely manner and according to the instructions provided in your lab manual.If you are not sure,please ask your teacher for the proper method of disposal.

(14)Wash your hands before you leave the lab.

(15)Do not remove chemicals or equipment from the lab except when required to do so for analysis.

(16)Please notify your teacher of any serious medical conditions.

(17)Do not wear earbuds or earphones while in the lab.

II.Handling reagents and standard procedures

The liquids,solids and solutions used in a laboratory are called reagents.You must become well acquainted with these reagents,their containers,and their proper use.The reagents are kept on a separate bench or hood away from your work area.Some reagents must be kept in the fume hood because they generate flammable or toxic fumes.The reagents are grouped according to experiment,when you need a reagent please follow these rules:

(1)Be sure to use the correct reagent.Before using the reagent,carefully check the chemical name,formula,concentration,and double check to be sure you have the right one.Note the hazard code and warnings and take necessary precautions.

(2)Do not take reagent containers to your work area,and take only what you need.

(3)Do not contaminate the reagents.Always use a clean spatula for solids and clean glassware for liquids.Never put a pipet or pipettor into a liquid reagent,instead pour what is needed into a clean,dry container and take it to your work area to pipetfrom there.

(4)Put the lids back on the reagent containers snugly and put themback in the correct locations.Clean up any reagents you spill with a wet sponge,rinse out the sponge at the sink,and then wash your hands.

(5)Never return unused reagents,liquid or solid,to the reagent bottles.Discard or share any excess.Label any container you use to store a reagent with the chemical name and hazard or hazard code.The concentration and chemical formula along with your name,section,and date would also be good information to add to the label.

(6)Use great care with corrosive chemicals(strongly acidic or basic solutions).Always wear safety goggles!Rinse your hands with tap water after using corrosive chemicals,especially if you feel a burning or slimy sensation on your skin.Wear the gloves provided in the laboratory if called for.Most strong acids and bases will be disposed of in the“Corrosive Liquids bucket”,as noted in experimental procedures unless the used chemical has other hazardous properties.

(7)Dispose of nonhazardous chemicals in the large sinks available in the lab.Be sure to follow the instructions in the experiments with regard to the disposal of chemicals.

(8)Pure water(PW)is made using activated carbon filtration,reverse osmosis(RO),and ion exchange or distillation followed by UV treatment to remove any salts or organic compounds and kill any microbes that could contaminate your solutions.All pure water taps will be labeled with PW.When washing glassware,often all that is needed is to rinse well with tap water 3 or 4 times followed by one rinse with PW inside and out.If the glassware is really dirty use detergent,then rinse tap water.Then,rinse all glassware with PW from a wash bottle or carboy filled with PW before use or storage.Fill your plastic wash bottle with PW for this purpose.You do not need to dry the inside of the glassware.Never store dirty glassware.

(9)At the end of every lab period you must clean your workstation bench space and any area you used by wiping it down with a clean,damp sponge.Rinse out and wring out the sponge when you are done.Your workstation drawer must be neat and complete with clean glassware and equipment for the next student.If you break glassware during lab,be sure to obtain a replacement from your teacher before you leave.Do not store your goggles,solutions,or unknowns in your workstation.Instead place them in your student storage bin. DzCidCYIEOknce698zHYT5V/6ge7SeP60Oss/015rPHS0JH1Ptwz/MIvXXW5zSdy
