
02 越来越多国家禁止英国航班


全文共 572 个词, By Philip Georgiadis,Alice Hancock

Airlines, travel companies and passengers faced a third day of disruption on Tuesday as a growing list of countries banned travel from the UK to prevent the spread of a virulent new strain of coronavirus.


At London’s Heathrow, the UK’s busiest airport, departure boards showed a swath of cancellations for many European and long-haul destinations. At least 37 countries in the EU and beyond have banned travel from the UK, amid global alarm over the new variant.

在英国最繁忙的伦敦希思罗机场(Heathrow),登机指示牌显示,大批欧洲和长途航班被取消。在全球对新冠病毒新变种感到恐慌的背景下,欧盟(EU)及世界其他地区的至少 37 个国家禁止来自英国的人员入境。

The airport grounded 80 flights on Monday, while another 30 were cancelled at Gatwick, although domestic flights and routes to countries that were still accepting passengers, including the US, were operating. Roughly 200 flights were cancelled across the UK. Numbers were not yet available for Tuesday.

周一,希思罗机场有 80 个航班被取消,而盖特威克机场(Gatwick)另有 30 个航班被取消,尽管英国国内航班和飞往美国等仍然允许英国人入境的国家的航班仍在运营。全英各地约有 200 个航班被取消。周二的数据尚未公布。

About half of the flights scheduled to depart Glasgow and Manchester airports before 1pm on Tuesday were, however, grounded.

然而,大约一半原定周二下午 1 点前飞离格拉斯哥和曼彻斯特机场的航班被取消。

Thousands of passengers across the country have been left scrambling to alter their plans. Some have been turning up at airports not knowing whether they can fly, and there is “real confusion over what is happening”,said Ruby McGregor-Smith, chair of the Airport Operators Association.

全英成千上万的旅客被迫仓促改变各自的计划。一些旅客在抵达机场时,不知道自己能不能旅行。英国机场运营商协会(AOA)主席露比·麦克格雷格-史密斯(Ruby McGregor-Smith)表示,“人们对目前的情况着实感到困惑”。

“Clearly, it is such a fast-moving situation... as the hours go on, with more and more bans coming, it is very difficult for airports and airlines to actually communicate effectively,” she said.


The chaos deals yet another blow to an industry that has been hammered by the collapse in international travel during the pandemic. The global aviation sector is expected to lose $118bn this year following a more than 60 per cent drop in passenger numbers, according to lobby group Iata.

这场混乱给一个本已因为疫情期间国际旅行崩溃而遭受重创的行业带来又一个打击。根据游说组织——国际航空运输协会(IATA)的数据,全球航空业今年预计将亏损 1180 亿美元,乘客数量下降逾60%。

Travel companies were also hit by a rash of cancellations by travellers who had been hoping to get away to the few destinations that are still open to UK holidaymakers for Christmas.


The Canary Islands, which has been open to British nationals who tested negative for the virus, had “tens of thousands” of bookings over the Christmas period, estimated Abta, the travel industry association, leaving many uncertain of their plans after Spain banned UK holidaymakers on Monday.

英国旅行社协会(ABTA)估计,一直对新冠检测呈阴性的英国国民开放的加那利群岛(Canary Islands),原本有圣诞节期间的“数万笔”预订。但在周一西班牙禁止英国度假者入境后,许多人无法确定他们的计划。

Abta added that Dubai was another destination that was still open to British tourists and usually had a significant number of travellers from the UK at this time of year.


Tom Jenkins, chief executive of the European Tourism Association, said the travel sector was now anticipating a recovery starting from July, once a vaccine had been more widely administered, but said companies had been hit by a lack of government aid.

欧洲旅游运营商协会(ETOA)首席执行官汤姆·詹金斯(Tom Jenkins)表示,一旦疫苗得到更广泛接种,旅游业预计将从 7 月开始复苏,但他表示,缺乏政府援助使企业受到打击。

“The local striptease pub has had more support than the travel industry. The whole industry of tourism export is in crisis and will continue to be until confidence returns,” he said.


On Monday, 2,274 flights took off or landed in the UK, just over a third of the total on the equivalent day last year, according to NATS, the UK’s air traffic control service, which collated movement of all passenger, freight and private aircraft.

负责整理所有客运、货运及私人飞机航班的英国航空管制机构NATS表示,周一,共有 2274 个航班在英国起降,略高于去年同一天航班总数的三分之一。

While the total number of flights has fallen, logistics companies have reported a rise in demand for moving cargo by air to leapfrog the blockages at the Channel ports, with airlines such as Lufthansa and KLM operating cargo-only flights back from the UK. The German flag carrier will add a special cargo-only flight carrying 80 tonnes of perishable food including fruit and vegetables from Frankfurt to Sheffield on Wednesday to help meet demand.

虽然航班总数下降了,但物流公司报告称,航空货运以避免英吉利海峡港口堵塞的需求上升了,汉莎航空(Lufthansa)和荷兰皇家航空(KLM)等航空公司运营从英国返航的专营货运业务的航班。这家德国航空公司将增设一架专门运货的航班,周三从法兰克福飞往谢菲尔德,运送蔬菜水果等 80 吨易腐食品以帮助满足需求。 aXG8LDylUdGF5QBzGuGVMgPWSVpxqB86F7ClDSDC9iedytb02xW/bRJE39pHvnUg
